Hipsters VS Scenesters

Sylphide said:
^haha yeah she is I found out, search Valentine, she has a thread (and she's quite lovely):innocent: I think it's strange the way people are referred to by their first name- particularly the cobrasnake and misshapes people, like they're some kind of uber-celebrities eg "Leigh" and "Cory"?? Who the $%^& are these people?!?!?

well leigh lezark is really gorgeous...she was on nymags most important people list or something so is getting a lot more attention now. and out of the trio behind misshapes, i think shes the coolest...i prefer her over people like ultragrrrl.
as is present in any discipline such as economics, politics, philosophy, religion, fashion...over time schools of thoughts blend and merge and fuse and annex and twist and twine and combine to eventually desribes the exact same thing.

in its origins maybe hipster was a reference to hippie but i think it came back with the whole indie rock revolution ( the strokes etc etc) where dressing like a huge slob and having shaggy hair became cool and utimatley hip and the term scene became poularized by the emo/hardcore/post hardcore revolution and myspace where everybody looked the same and was internet friends with each other and then both of those somehow mashed it up with electro kids who used to be gigantic ravers and now everyone is into dior homme and the soho dolls and nike dunks. so, yeah, at this point there are no real discerning points that stand out.........

i think its kind of pointless to argue any group tries to hard. especially on a fashion forum. lets face it, we all put forth an effort.
I went to a Regina Spektor gig last night and it was full of scenesters, you know those "truely vintage" types. There is a good site for this kind of thing. It shows what like scenesters look like.



^ i'd have to disagree with to when you are saying that hel-looks portrays scenesters.. more like an alternative style but they are not scenesters
adi said:
^ i'd have to disagree with to when you are saying that hel-looks portrays scenesters.. more like an alternative style but they are not scenesters

i think that they are scenesters because most of them are "different" in the exact same way. I mean, I do like some of the looks and stuff. I think that most of them are scenesters, some aren't obviously. People that class themselves as "indie" or "emo" or something like that, then they are scenesters, but also the "alternative" look isn't really alternative at all.
I do like both the scenesters and trendies looks though.

Sorry if my comments seem unfair.:blush: :flower:
no no it's not unfair, you have your own opinion :flower:
i see where you're coming. i do agree in the matter that some people there are some sort of scenesters, not all of course. i find it hard to explain my opinion now, so i hope at least something makes sence. i have always had this picture about scenesters that they are these wild club kids that just wanna be photographed, and then hipsters are the ones that follow trends and make it their own.. so by that i would say that hel-looks is more about hipsters than scenesters..
i hate these two terms :lol:
^ok, yep i completely see where you are coming from. but i mean if you seee, hel-looks is all about peole being photographed because of their "individual" looks. there is a fair mixture i guess on the site. i think i understand what you are saying.
if you say wild kids who want to be photographed, CHAVS would spring to mind for me, but then again, i live in slough *spine shiver*, hehe.
the obvious answer is that it doesnt god damn matter what youre wearing in the least but where you're wearing it.
oh god, I just typed out this big breakdown of hipster vs scenester as it pertains to their travel, fashion, interior decorating, education choices and by scene: electroclash, indie, psych-rock, hardcore and the internet ate my post. :(((
It's happened to the best of us. ;)
I'd be interested to read it if you feel like typing it out again one day :flower:
Honestly, dont give these people more than they deserve. They dont deserve an entire label for how they dress...its just a personal style that becomes monotonous and completely un-original! Borrrrrrrrrrringgggggg.
I am sort of hipster-ish, but I really do not like to say that I am anything, just "indie", if anything. I really hate scenesters with a passion, and my friends who are "indie" or hipster or whatever you want to call it feel the same. Scenesters are a class with no class, just like to party, and are mega attention seekers. Hipsters know where thier heads are at, have strong views, and are a bit artsy. They like to express their love for art and the music that they love. I beg to disagree that hipsters also are attention seekers. Maybe some that classify themselves that way are, but I know I am certainly not and my friends aren't either. In fact, what I usually wear is pretty plain. I usually just wear a white tee-shirt, jeans, and a brown sweater. I think they are two completely different groups, but I can see how people can mix them up.
i have to agree with some of the above ^^^

some scattered maybe incoherent thoughts:lol: :

to me, Hipsters don't seem to care whether they are seen or photographed ever..not so concerned with final effects, esp of clothing/physical beauty etc. more about ideas/passions/arts/obsessions... many would actually be mortified or at least amused to be plastered all over some fashion forum.

OTOH, many Scenesters seem to absolutely *live* for clubs, parties, certain neighborhoods where they might becomethe next It girl or boy, or fall in with the 'right' crowd. very much into designer looks, but giving an affluent-yet-slumming - 'high-low' or expensive artsy look.

hwvr for the young Sceneys there's the UO, american rag/salvation army contingent which overlaps some of the Hipster aesthetic. i think Hipsters dress more modestly/covered-up than Scensters(too many visible hipbones). In general, both groups are thin(compared to the majority) but Scenesters seem thinner, often to a cracky/scary degree. I've met & seen Hipsters from tiny to obese.
Unlike Scenesters, who appear to always travel in packs, many Hipsters are loners or have a tight-knit circle of friends...don't seem to care about being at the 'just about to happen' club or whatever. may be rich or any other class but not too concerned with seeming wealthy. most i've don't give a rat's about designer. hipsters do thrift and vintage too of course but i think they're pleasing themselves... not readying for their 15 minutes or to become tight with some trust fund kid.

i'm sure there's overlap with Fashionista Hipsters and maybe some Scenesters w/Reclusive Tendencies but most Scenesters almost cease to exist without adequate audience to marvel at their branche'/faux weird/often drug-fueled eccentricities.
a Hipster is fine at the no-name bars/cafes/diners alone or with friends. in their groups i've seen less antics and 'look-at me' gestures and public prancing/staggering/posing than the Scenie groups.

many Hipsters seem perfectly happy pursuing their projects often in obscurity. Scenesters sometime clown/stunt/try anything to be noticed and admired. Many also worship the luck of physical beauty(yes, we all do.. to different extents.. yes but for Scenies it gets cultic quickly) while Hipsters act more cool about someone being attractive.

not to pick at anyone but Hipsters seem a bit more stable and intelligent(okay maybe a bit dry) and Scenies seem quite flighty and uh..less intelligent(okay maybe fun in small doses)?

uh... date/sleep with a Scenester but marry a Hipster?:ninja: :lol:
lmelanie said:
although this is all subjective here is my 2 cents:

the first one is hipster

the second is scenester..


The myspace credit gives it all away -_-
cutxpaste said:
i'm also confused :lol:

honestly me too!!:blink: i'm just trying to tease out some possible distinctions... the term 'scenester' does hint at a key diff.

scene( as in being in/part of a scene, for the oldies "'diggin' the scene:..even older 'making the scene' :lol: :lol: )

The scenester and hipster may share some fashion/aesthetic/lifestyle overlap but hipsters don't require a 'scene'/audience/cult/crew/admirers/labels.

Hwvr many scenesters seem to live for it. i agree that their "'personal'" style may change more easily depending on response from others/trends.

otoh, a hipster may have a thing for, say, jungle camoflage prints and will wear it consistently(maybe for life) whether it's 'IN' or "Over"... whether ppl snicker and tease them for it etc.

yah, they may scowl when "Lindsay'/Brittney/Jessica etc. is photographed in it but they know it will cycle out of fashion soon and they'll be left to wallow in their camo-lust in peace.

the scenester is more likely to be frightened off?
maybe scenies are a subgroup of hipster?? so..

scenster = a style-obsessed, ultra self-conscious, attention-seeking hipster ??:unsure:
But how will I know if I can start a converstaion with you if, like, I'm wearing a pin to a really uncool band? And will he garrotte me in the night when I cease to be amused fifteen years from now? Matching band pins, what can I say, it was Kismet, fate...this campfire is getting really boring....
Ok I didnt know there was a difference... but Leigh is gorgeous. I want her job!! .... WAIT. What does that make me? :lol:

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