How do you take care of your back?

thanks for the tips--i have a bit of discolouration on my back too, so i'm going to give the neutrogena body scrub a try. any recommendations for applying it back there? should i apply it with a wash cloth? i'm concerned that using a loofah would be too rough
Great tips all but I just wanted to say that if you have pimples on your back, you should not exfoliate it as it will aggravate the pimples. Exfoliate after the pimples have subsided to get rid of the blemish / scar.
Adrina, I'm Asian too and I consume a lot of spicy foods as well. Drinking lots and lots of water and eating fresh fruits and vegetables help to counter the "heaty" effect of the spicy foods. It's also good to do a detox every now and then.
I had really bad back acne at one point and I had to use a 1% hydrocort cream but they mysteriously disappeared as fast as they appeared. I believe it had something to do with my thyroid condition.
Bluestar07 said:
Great tips all but I just wanted to say that if you have pimples on your back, you should not exfoliate it as it will aggravate the pimples. Exfoliate after the pimples have subsided to get rid of the blemish / scar.
Adrina, I'm Asian too and I consume a lot of spicy foods as well. Drinking lots and lots of water and eating fresh fruits and vegetables help to counter the "heaty" effect of the spicy foods. It's also good to do a detox every now and then.
I had really bad back acne at one point and I had to use a 1% hydrocort cream but they mysteriously disappeared as fast as they appeared. I believe it had something to do with my thyroid condition.

Hi Bluestar07, very nice to know you. Thank's for your advice. But I don't understand the reason with your thyroid? And the hydrocort cream? Do I have to ask the prescription from doctors? :unsure:
^ Adrina, my thyroid condition is basically my hormones going a bit haywire so it also affects my skin condition. I don't think you need a doctor's prescription for hydrocortisone ... you can check with your nearest chemist / pharmacy.
Thank's for your info. I heard about the thyroid prevention cause of irritations. You can visit your herbal/organic store. I know some green tea really help, or something about traditiional remedies like fresh ginger or ginger tablets.
splatooey said:
neutrogena body scrub

never tried it... i will... i don't havy bacne, but I get the occasional zit or spot from working out and not bathing immediately :innocent:

Does that Clinique stuff work?
just wondering... i dance and exercise a lot, so i get really sweaty but i do it for long periods of time so i cant wash my back off in between or anything. just in the past few months i have started to get back pimples... i have never gotten ANY before! i think its disgusting and i dont know what to do - also in a leotard they show all the time! it is sooo gross. i havent had to deal with this problem in the summer yet but i will feel sooo self conscious. what should i do??? thank you!
Since high school started this Sept. I've noticed that I have been breakingout on my back. But it is nothing too serious or recognizable.
How do you apply moisturizer to the back? My arms are able to reach part of my back, but not all of it. I know you can get someone to help you, but what if there's nobody around? Any Tips?
You girls are lucky you don't have to worry about having to wax your back like so many guys have to do.
is there any kind of prescription that could clear this up? im really self-conscious...
I haven't had this problem since my mid teens. I think exfoliation and a good lotion (ie not a blocking one) is the tricl

Thanks Hanne! This is interesting. I have been squirming in itchy agony lately and thought I was allergic to something but I have just been taking a lot of very hot showers because the heating at university is so erratic. That must be the cause because I have not introduced anything new to be allergic to all over my body.
i do have breakouts especially in the winter as its not getting any sun. I find that in the summer they clear up quite quickl and dont return all the time theyre subjected to sunlight. I used Neutrogena visibly clear shower gel or Clearasil medicated shower gel throughout the year. If there is a bad one then it gets bathed in tea tree treatment stick from Boots. Regular exfoliation and moisturizing is a given
I get breakouts on my back, upper arms and chest and they make you feel so disgusting and dirty. But since I've been using the Spinspa (it's a wand you use in the shower that spins. It cleanses and exfoilates with whatever soap you put into it) I rarely get breakouts. I can't wait till this summer because I can finally wear the tops I've always wanted to and not be worried that someone is looking at me when they really aren't.
I experience breakouts from certain foods, and so do a lot of people I know.

I brake out if I eat dairy mostly. I also break out from processed foods and heated oils. I cut all of these things out of my diet and my skin is pretty perfect now. A lot of my friends cut out dairy and noticed huge improvements with their breakouts. I believe dairy is the worst thing because of the hormones and antibiotics, which are in it. Organic yoghurt is the best form of dairy to consume. Milk and cheese are the worst.

I noticed that you said you eat a lot of spicy foods. Well, this can also aggravate acne.

Skin problems are a reflection of what’s going on inside your body.
i was having some problems with my back, but then i started using lush herbalsim cleanser and it cleared it right up. now im using angels on bare skin cleanser, also from lush, plus ten-0-six deep pore cleanser- the one that you use like a toner, and you can really see the cr*ap that comes out of your skin!
You know you're old when the topic "how do you take care of your back?" makes you think more of herniated discs, chiropractic adjustments, back supports, ergonomics, and physical therapy rather than pimples.
Luckily I haven't had problems like that, so I don't really know what you can do to make it stop. Have you tried not touching your back, when you have your breakouts? (In case you do touch, scratch or do something else to your back)
i have crusty bloaches all over my back. i recently started breaking out this past year. it must be all the stress from going back to school. but it is super annoying!! i am 25 years old, this is not supposed to be happening!! i have been scrubbing my back with zest soap, and that is really been working, b ut i still have the splotches from former breakouts!

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