How do you take care of your back?

I don't have a problem with breakouts on my back, but I do dry brush daily. I would love to be able to exfoliate my back and apply lotion...I do often neglect it. Did you know they sell these kind of sponge things on a long handle to help you apply lotion to your back.
mellowdrama said:
You know you're old when the topic "how do you take care of your back?" makes you think more of herniated discs, chiropractic adjustments, back supports, ergonomics, and physical therapy rather than pimples.
:lol::lol::lol: that's a good point mellow!
A make my boyfriend scrub my back when we shower. It really helps. I always get spots in the winter (meaning from September to June :D).

I've also noticed that when I don't use shampoo for a couple of weeks, my skin clears up. I'm not good at washing all the soap away :blush:
Elegance.Is.Refusal. said:
i cant wait to see if i grow out of these teenage spots they are so annoying!:angry: im not dirty!

i understand you completely!!!spots to me are like a sign that reads "i dont shower or groom myself"
During the middle of this school year my back started breaking out and I would always touch it and scratch it during class because I never ever had problems there and never looked to see what it was (never occured to me that it was acne) until there were scars:sick: . I have 2 or 3 pretty visible scars and then maybe a few small pimples as i have been using salycilic acid stuff on it every night. i also have like just a huge dark spot where i break out and its horrible! i used to be able to wear halters etc. and now i don't want to because i feel uncomfortable. i rub mederma on my scars every night(my mom had it from her surgery scars), but is there a good cheap scrub or something that will get rid of the scars too?
LUSH's Mask of Magnaminty works a treat as a back pack! Its a strongly minty clay mask with granules that exfoliate as you wash it off. The mint helps encourage circulation, which can be a little sluggish on the back :smile:
Thank you! i love lush! when i have the opportunity to go to their store ( about 2 hours away from me, but i go to LA often) i will for sure check it out!
acne in the back is quite embarassing.....

I never really take care of it because it's too complicated and now it's getting pretty bad and some significant amount of scaring as well.. :doh:

Is it OK to use some cheap facial cleanser for acne prone skin that wouldn't normally work on my face (cause most cleansers are too mild for my face and I depend on derm prescriptions for my face) would work on my back? :unsure:
oooohhh, i have found the best product! Its Clearasil Deep Pore Scrub, and its quite heavy duty (so dont use it if your skin is sensitive) but you can use it on the face and body and ive found it to be really effective in clearing up the skin on my shoulders!
I wash my back with my usual body wash and I find that it's not a problem. Sometimes back pimples are caused by the hair products you use, you put the product in your hair, it rubs on the back of your neck, tops of your shoulders and your back, and causes pimples, so it could be simple as that.

To put moisturiser on my back I put a line of it on the backs of my hands, and I find it's a much easier as there's less twisting involved. Another way it to sew a piece of velcro to a makeup sponge, stick the other piece to a ruler, then stick them together, put some moisturiser on the sponger and you've got plenty of reach with your ruler. And the reaon for the velcro is so you can take the sponge off and wash it. I know it sounds weird, but it does work. i do put the water a BIT to hot it's just that winter just started and IT'S REALLY COLD IN THE MORNING!!!!
haha, I know how you feel. My skin is constantly dry and itchy because of the super hot showers, but it's so cold here, and I have enough troubles just getting out of my warm bed in the first place....:P

Anyway, back on topic (no pun intended. :wink: ). I use a Neutrogena spot cream for individual spots. It's the same stuff I use for my face, so it's very gentle (I have super sensitive skin.) It will take a day or two to get rid of a spot, but it reduces size, redness, and inflammation overnight. The cost is a bit much for a tiny tube, but you don't need much.

Toothpaste works in a pinch, but it's VERY harsh for your skin.

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