How many magazines do you have?

Well I'm the same I buy magazins for the ads & eds and don't really read the articles..unless I find it intresting, but some are totally away from fashion subjects even though it's in a fashion magazines...I just feel bad sometimes for spending money on magazines..but on the other thing is 1 of the few things I buy...i don't buy either expensive clothes it's pointless saving money for months then trowing it for a designer handbag...considerig I get sick of my clothes & accesories quickly... so do you guys rip off your favorite editorials & put them in folders of just live them in the magazine, just wondering :) ?
^ For the most part I rip out the editorials and ads I like and put them away. Then toss the rest of the mag. That's one of the reasons why I don't have very many magazines :lol: :)
Now It's my time!

Vogue Brazil: I have all the issues since october 2004, so problably 36 magazines

Vogue US: 4

Vogue UK: just one... april 2007 with kate moss.

Vogue Portugal: 5

Vogue Spain: 1

Elle Brazil: Just 10 magazines

W Magazine: almost 10

Wallpaper* magazine: I subscripe it on 2003 and don't stop!!! 50 / 60 magazines

And about 100 for MTV Magazine, Amicca, Harpers Bazzar and specials vogue issues, like vogue collections, vogue kids, vogue jowels, Vogue runaway, Voguetravel and I can't remember the othes!

Total: 230 magazines!
(I don't have space anymore, please I need help! But I can't stop buy a new issue and, I can't send it to the recicable group!)

how many people are there have A-L-L the issues of vogue paris under carine?i'm jealous:blink:

Not only Carine's reign, but I also have all the issues from under the previous editor, Joan Juliet Buck.
Not only Carine's reign, but I also have all the issues from under the previous editor, Joan Juliet Buck.

still jealous:blink::lol:^_^it seems that you start collecting mags long long ago......
and,what do you think of vogue paris under carine?does she revamp this mag?
> and,what do you think of vogue paris under carine?does she revamp this mag?

Joan Juliet Buck's French Vogue was much more "bourgeois" than Carine's version. Buck's Vogue was all about dressing well and being tasteful, a boring sort of glamour which was nice, but which didn't really stimulate you. Her Vogue was safe and stylish, for people who go to the opera.

What I like about Carine is that she explores the erotic side of fashion - the fetish for fur, the feel of denim against bare skin. You can really sense these things from the images. Her Vogue is headstrong and sensual, for people who want to explore the idea of desire.

I do like Joan Juliet Buck, and I think it's a loss to Conde Nast that she isn't currently editing some sort of magazine for them, something intellectual which needs an experienced 'old school' hand to run it.
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^Great post, really insightful. Karma
Was BB the EIC from about 1989 to 2001, then? I dont think I have a single Paris Vogue from that time. And its not for lack of opportunity for good deals. They're just so incredibly boring the current American Vogue seems quite refreshing and daring in comparison. As I recall ;)
I don't have many, though I only really buy them if it is a good issue. I am missing an i-D issue here but it doesn't make much of a difference.
Oh god I have SO many, and most of them are Cosmo lol...I went through a huge Cosmo phase when I was like 16/17 and I still haven't cleaned them out of my closet.
I own about 100 + magazines I believe (I'm not too sure I can't be bothered to count them all :lol: . I own all (if not most) of the french & british & american vogues for the past two years, a year or two of W magazines, tons other vaious fashion magazines & tons of music magazines...
Still at this moment I have arround 3500 ( that is the last time i count them) magazines catalogs ;)))) I have a special room in my house full with magazines I LOVE THEM !!! ;)))
Not very many at all. Like Original Sin, I cut out my favourite ads/ed, place them in pocket protectors (which go in binders) and throw the rest out :lol:

It's actually quite a waste....
So I'm going to be downsizing next year and my realtor brought up the issue of my magazine "collection" ... :innocent: And I have to admit she has a point.

So I remember there's some little tool you can use to cut out coupons but I have no idea what it's called or if it even works ... those of you who cut up your magazines, how do you do it??

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