How to start the fashion thing - what are the basics?

I'm trying to evolve my personal style right now and it's just not happening. I seem to be leaving the casual, slightly boyish outfits of my late teens and leaning towards something more feminine. However I don't fit most of the feminine clothing in the shops at the moment. They're made for tall, slim girls. And I'm tallish with an hourglass figure.

Plus I have a bad back and can't wear heels, but I also have wide feet so a lot of dressy flats are out for me. I'll just have to wait until I go into the city or to the really big shopping centre near me, which will have more options.

For inspiration I like sites that have pictures of everyday people in their outfits, like It gives great examples of how to work things into everyday outfits that a person can realistically wear out.
This is a really interesting and helpful thread. I feel like I'm in the same boat. I'm sure that people who looked at me wouldn't believe that I read vogue and spend so much time on this site! I always play it safe, and due to an odd body type and being told constantly by my father to look 'grown up and sensible' I find it hard to think out of the box.
I definitely dont suit young, trendy styles and have figured out that classic block colours and simple lines suit me. However, where it gets tricky is what I want my style to say about me. Whilst I want to look good, I dont want to look too classy and simple. I love fashion and would love to occasionally be a head-turner! There is so much out there to play with, that I'd love to experiment with some kookier designs, but I still need it to suit me. I'm struggling to find a balance and not look like I'm trying to do 'the fashion' and pulling it off terribly.

The trouble I find with my lookbook (I have a physical and online one) is that I may love a look and it looks fab on the model, but I dont have a model's physique so it doesn't translate in the same way on me. It's very difficult to incorporate what you like and adjust it to look just as good on you.

Wow, fashion is a complex thing. Who said we're all airheads?!!! :D


Speaking as someone grown up & sensible, I can tell you that we don't typically take one bit of fashion advice from our fathers :lol: :flower: :heart:

It's true, it takes a bit of time to figure out what does & does not suit you. That's more something to do in a fitting room, with possibly a kind and knowledgeable friend or relative to advise you ...

However, I'm certain that what you want to do is achieveable :flower:
I would just add to not push yourself too much to try out new things but be open to them. Also, it sounds like you want to add some splash to your look. Shoes can easily upgrade an outfit, by color or print when the rest of the outfit is simply. Jackets and vest are also a nice way to do that. Perhaps a slimmer cut of tee-shirt or a non-tee shirt top to wear. Maybe trying to find a nice skirt or dress. Also figure out what cuts suit your body type and what colors look best on you, if you're a print person. Small jewelry or big jewelry also adds alot. Personally I used to never wear skirts or a dress to work but just started about two months ago. Now I love it. I used to be a little insecure because I don't look as good as I did two years ago, but now I think that a skirt can be more slimming then always covering up.
Im in such a style silema right now, but I think its probably beacause of my age(19), I feel like Im much more mature and somehow I feel the need change my style a bit!
Im working on a new lookbook and a look-board, and It has been really helpfull!
My advice is be true to your hearth and never ever try to be like someone else, we are all unique and will always leave with our own skin! so we must learn to love it and take care of it!

I think its great to be an open mind when it cames to fashion, it is a very creative away to develope a unique style, its all about mix and match!
is there some kind of 'project' you can start up to get more into fashion? apart from having a blog.
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I'm in the same boat too, what helped for me was to make a mood board and then you start to see exactly what you're style is, starting with basics and work you're up...just make sure you stick with things that suit your body type and you love.
i agree that you grow into it...i look back at last year and i'm like whoa ...what the hell was that? college life really was different from how i see myself now.. i think when you're view of yourself does your fashion is my 2 cents....

i think that the best way to learn it for yourself is to find some people who sort of look like you- body and hair type....etc...
and watch them for awhile...
imitation really is a sincere form of flattery...
and if you are unsure in the beginning..
just sort of follow the example of someone who really 'gets it'...

once you have a good idea and understanding of what works for you...
and when you have accumulated enough 'ingredients' for your wardrobe...
you can start to experiment with a more personal style that is specifically your own...
i'm not saying copy a look totally and exactly down to buying the exact same pieces as the person sitting next to you...
but look at magazines...look at movies...look at people on the street...
and get to develop your eye in terms of colours and shapes and silhouettes...

very much like when you are learning to cook...
first you follow the recipe exactly..
but once you understand how it's supposed to look and taste...
you can adjust the seasoning (or the accessories ..^_^...)
according to your own personal preferences...

* and i would say experiment a LOT once you are ready...
don't worry about making a mistake...
there isn't any real fashion police out there and the only way to learn is to make a mistake once in awhile...
the most stylish people are always the ones who take risks and no one gets is right ALL the time...

i agree that ripping out pictures from catalogs and magazines is a really good way of creating a visual reference for the looks you like and it really does help a person focus their eye...

stylists and editors do this constantly...
i've been doing it for more than 20 years ...
i sort of stopped doing it so much...because by now i am pretty focused...^_^....
but i still have to do it..
plus- it's really fun!...

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^ That was wonderful advice! I completely agree with you and couldn't have said it any better (and I :heart: the recipe analogy!). :flower:

Speaking as someone grown up & sensible, I can tell you that we don't typically take one bit of fashion advice from our fathers :lol: :flower: :heart:

hehe! I try not to listen to my father as much as possible :p Especially since I'm too grown up and sensible for my own good already!
Unfortunately, when you have one who you dont see much and therefore care an awful lot about what they think when they do see you, those little comments can get stuck in your brain. And then the little voices say 'dont buy that frilly little pink skirt' :D
Still, it's funny because I hated my dad for giving me advice (in all aspects of my life) but in the last few years I've realised that he's actually spot on in a lot of it. He's actually right in that I just dont have the right body type or personality to pull off trendy clothes (you know, leggings, babydoll dresses etc), and I was genuinely unhappy in them but didn't know what else to wear. I avoided classic pieces for fear of looking old. But I realise that he wasn't being stuffy, but offering good advice that 'grown-up' clothes actually suit me.

However, it's still hard to forget about what other people think and truly listen to your inner voice. And then learning to realise when your inner-voice is making good stylish decisions, or when it's just being plain silly! ^_^
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I bombard myself with fashion - blogs, lookbooks - you name it. And then look for a common thread or item!
good point! I know this is gonna sound lame but I have this book which I love called "Color Me beautiful" and it was published in the eighties so the style of dress and hair and make-up in the pictures is humorous it's so out-dated, but the info is still really useful.

Oh my god, my Mum bought me that book!!! It's so hilarious but if you disregard the advice about wearing shoulder pads to create a triangular silhouette it's so accurate with the colours, it pretty much taught me that I can't wear cool colours. Or white.
I think that between about 13 and 18 I went through so many different stages, and I started to find my sense of style. I look back at photos now and kind of shudder but I'm glad that I experimented with it because it was kind of like spraying bullets and hoping one hit. I figured out what I liked from a whole mess of stuff I didn't :)
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Creating your style...looking for advice

hi everyone,
i'm a 27 year old girl,and lately i've devoloped an interest in fashion,also due to the fact that i've lost a lot of weight,and moved from being a really overweight girl to a *quite normal* plus size,i'm in the process of losing more weight hopefully,and I really want to be able to 'create' a more flattering style for myself. what really pisses me is that people ALWAYS think that i'm 18,saying i look like a little girl :blush:
I've found out that usually dresses fit me better than a pair of jeans and a sweater and I usually wear long earrings that give a slender note to my chubby face,other than that is all work in progress for me,so I thought that you fashion people could offer some adivice for me :flower:

this is me in fairly recent pics,only my hair is blonder...PS Also,I might add I have very big hips...:doh:

yes,i've also checked them out,and also the plus side thread,i just thought that maybe putting pics up would have helped people to give some useful advice :)
^ Agreed. You're very pretty and congrats on losing weight! You look fabulous (though I am sure you did before as well). :flower: I am sure that you will have fun experimenting and dressing your new body and maybe wearing some things you might have been self-conscious to wear previously. Have fun, girl! You earned it! :)
First of all, you look fantastic - congrats! Anyways, one of the things I've done to develop my style is to create a collection of images of looks/styles I like. I'll go through fashion magazines and tear out my favorite ideas and save them all in a binder. Later, you can go through and see what styles you've selected and what the overal feel or tone of everything is.

Also, what are you aiming for? Do you want to look more sophisticated? Are there are any celebrities or style icons that you admire? Even if they don't have the same body type as you, you can still adapt their styles and take elements from their look and make it work for you.
You're adorable. You remind me of Patricia Arquette!

You want to look more mature, but that's so vague. What do you like? Who or what resonates with you? What sort of images (art, fashion, life, etc) give you the "love" feeling?

If you answer some of these, I can probably help you out. :flower:
first of all i wanna thank everyone of you for your precious words and advices,I'm sorry i haven't gotten back to you sooner,but i was going delirious with my finals

@ KKnardi Thanks for your words,you made my blush

@ cosmogrl5 Thanks, I guess fun for me is a key word,i truly wanna have fun trying things i've never tried on before,i still don't find lots of things in my size but i hope to lose some more weight and finally go crazy with the multiple choices

@ jazspin
Thanks for your advices, getting scrap of what i like is just a fantastic idea,i've never thought of that.
I guess,yes I want to look more sospisticated and mostly i don't wanna look like a 13 years old girl who's been playing with her mom's wardrobe. I also wanna able to keep my style chic and classy. I also love accessories like long earring,beautiful rings ( which i suppose fit my very long hands ) so I was thinking if i like accessories i should be able to keep my clothing 'basic' so to say,with monochromatic stuff and squared lines ( I mean no fluffy skirt ) which should help my fatty body

I love Kate Winslet's style,I should definitely steal something from her B)

@ WheresMyUmbrella Thanks for your help as well. Regarding to what I love, I love a classic style with some vintage stuff here and there. As i was saying before i like kate winselt because she can keep it modern and classy most of the times,I like dresses usually better than two pieces combined together, i also like a little bit of 50s style ( a touch of Ava Gardner maybe?)

Thanks again to you all,karma is on the way :flower:

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