I found out that yesterday at the 10corsocomo store the bag was goiing to be sold in exclusive for Italy, one bag for person, you've to put your name o a list wait and get the bag. I went there at 10 o'clock ( the store open at 10!) and I tought that there were no people there...wrong!! few italians...a lot of tourist were "fighitig" to put the name on a list ... I was one of the 350 "lucky" person to put the name of that list.....the store manager said that they have 700 bags, so 2 bags ( yeah 2 bags!!) for person so they could take only 350 names. ok fine...we start to waut for 3 hours when they come outside and scremed: the bags are sold out!!! WTF??? the list was on 200...so they've sold about 100 bags?!!...where are the 600 bags???!!!...I won't tell you al the madness...well the police went there and we find out that they've sold even 3-4 bags for person, that those person were selling they bags for €80/100 euro just on the street around the corner...so we called the "guardia di finaza" ( is the police dept that check the finantial abuse etc) and they start to check invoices recipt etc....total disgustig .. we ( italians..) are very famous to make all those kind of thing...I feel so ashamed about my country and for the other italians that are not like the ones that are famous only for cheating and stuf like this.
at the end of the day ..the police forced the store to find the bags at least for the 350 persons on that list...so we had to wait more to give them our details etc etc....well I think that we will never be called to get the bag! we even found out that about 200 bags were given to vip customers for free the day before...I don't know what to thinl but It was supposed to be a bag for a good cause and ( here in italy) is just another way to be "cool" and to make money......ahhh a girl told me that the stilyst was there....