Instantly Passé Trend

i think that one needs help when putting together their look for a season. whether it be a trend or a mood. i do see what he's saying. we're oversaturated with media worldwide. there's no time for something like uggs to become an actual trend. it goes from rare to overexposed in a matter of weeks. and you can't have a million little trends bc that's not really a trend. i think that what we have nowadays is fashion reaching for anything to call a trend bc people just aren't buying that much anymore. i remember reading an article saying that white button downs were the new fashion essentia -- like everyone hasn't been wearing those forever.
Originally posted by mikeijames@Aug 12 2004, 01:03 PM
we're oversaturated with media worldwide. there's no time for something like uggs to become an actual trend. it goes from rare to overexposed in a matter of weeks.

I agree. You go out and buy something, and before you've even worn it once, it's been copied. Then people all around the world have access to it because of the Internet. It makes dressing in one's own style more of a challege, but that may not be a bad thing. :stuart:

I think Graham is incorrect that the baby boomers are removing themselves from trend, although I think there was another article in Designers & Collections that said fashion was going to start being more directed towards them.
people need to start wearing their own unique crap..

i made a belt out of telephone cord once..
I think that trends are something surreal.....and i think that it also is not true that people need to find their look for a season....Dress how you want to, don't change because the season's change...change because your mood changes or because your own idea of pretty, stylish or perhaps "trendy" changes.....
I think trends are a necessary part of fashion, it keeps things new and exciting from season to season.......but the thousands of little trends that come from every direction are just rediculous. Fashion trend are good because they're general and offer many options which makes it easy to incorporate them into a normal person's wardrobe. But the very specific trends like the Birkin, or Uggs or Von Dutch hats are annoying and overwhelming. I mean, they come and go so fast that you don't even get the chance to get bored with them before another "it" item comes out and floods the masses. Trends: Good in high fashion, dangerous everywhere else.
I say wear whatever you want so long as it suits your personality and looks good.
I agree that, in general, people need assistance through trends. But, I'd love to see an enormous trend cut-back.

Although, now that I've really though about it, I don't think it's ever going to happen. It seems to me that the majority of people have absolutely no confidence whatsover in dressing themselves without following what has been set out for them. What if their outfit misses with their friends? :o It's the end of the world... :wacko:

Yep, definitely not gonna happen. :doh:
I think trends that are open-ended, if you know what I mean, like forties style and bright colors, will remain, that's what drives commercialized fashion forward.

I agree with spike and mikejames that the "small trends" like uggs and the like have to go, and I think they will. More and more companies are getting better at marketing their products and competition is fierce. It's constantly getting harder to really succeed with a new product.

I do like a bit of direction, and I think most people do, it keeps things fresh and interesting. But this overload of trends is getting really tired.
The rate of fashion trends coming and going is happening at an accelrated rate just like everything else is happening at an accelerated rate: music production, pop stars, movies, movie stars, commercials, food service, internet service, any kind of service...

The key to being modern is enjoying the challenge of keeping ahead of the fashion curve, because it will always be hot on your heels. You must love the chase or surrender to the masses like a good little zombie.
Yeah people should just wear whatever they want, whenever. I love seeing what people have to wear, even if it's tacky as hell. Experimentation with fashion is fun. Damn, even seeing a college girl wear a hairpin is enough to make me think "cool!", because I rarely see girls in my college (University of Connecticut in Storrs) wearing little girly things like that.
No, the fashion trend is alive and well.

It's just that the next big fashion trend is to wear anything that's not trendy.

I've coined a new term for it. Instead of "homogeneity," where everything is the same, it's "homodiversity." And if you're averse to the prefix, try this one, instead: "anticonformity."

yeah, i know "nonconformism" is already out there, but I didn't want to conform....

this article turns out to be phenomenonally true...

the death of the $200 t-shirt is near....
only teens follow trends...
the new way is minimalism...
trends can mean different things to different people...
no price resistance when things look like they are worth the money...

**and my favourite bit...the modern way to look at trends...
in a much more general way...and more about a 'mood' or 'style'

They've got to look past the trend to see the subtext, he advises. "Look past the specifics to see the fabrics, shapes and colours" that will help people feel comfortable and modern.

Appreciate the generalities, he says. Focus on fashion directions that allow for a variety of interpretations. The popular lady look does not have to be interpreted strictly as a prim Miss Manners style. It can simply mean that genuine glamour and refined femininity is replacing fashion vulgarity.

With class making a comeback, Wolfe recommends looking for old-fashioned colours, antique fabrics and nostalgic details.
ie-the 'new' gothic...
many of the elements that work in this 'trend'...also work in others...
there is a lot of trend overlap these days...
which is good means that people with different styles can all find something that works for them and that only increases sales...
which is the 'bottom line'...

Best fashion advice I ever got was to avoid trends. Being fashionable has nothing to do with the latest "look" and everything to do with being comfortable in your own skin and knowing what cut, colour and fit flatter you best.
I've never really been one to follow the most popular trends, or wut should be known as, "wuts in for a minute" Because I know they get old real quick and i never saw the point in bothering with em. Example: Uggs, ponchos....things like that. besides i didn;t like em anyway. Oh yea, I'm new here, well kinda new, i've been lookin around for about a month or so and decided i should post something.

I think he does make a point about the world being oversaturated with trends. However, trends are useful to set a tone each season and I don't think we as consumers are experiencing a trend backlash. Instead, we are becoming more savvy and INCORPORATING trends with out personalities and styles. We all have defined styles and trends are there to perhaps there to encourage our fashion sensibilities rather than dictate.
I really enjoyed this article! I think he is exactly right! it's ok to spend $20 on a trendy piece, but I know from my past experience, it doesnt pay off to buy expensive trendy clothes, bags, shoes.Been there done that, and was left with thousands of $$$ in bills, which kept me from buying the new trends. Like he said we don't mind spending a buck or 2, as long as it's worth it.
oh yeah, and amen to the $200 a cotton t-shirt trend being over with. That was just simply stupid!!!and redicilous, how much does a cottn t cost $5, so why throw out money away?

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