iOffer Bags,, etc. #10 (Posting Requires Reading Rules in Post #1)

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Yes soo manyy shops, it driving me crazy. I used the keyword search with the brand name. I'm trying a shop in taobao, I'll post pictures when I got the bag. For the agent this is also the first time I use it. I'll PM you the site. :D

lovelyE - how is buying through taobao? There's so much choice!

I managed to buy off taobao once, Alexander wang shoes & a marc jacobs tate tote. Great price and looked so real! Not the shoes tho. Lost my agents info :(

Please can you PM me the details of your agent :flower:

It would be much appreciated.
So this might sound really silly..
but what is an agent exactly? I thought I understood but i guess not after all :s
Any one heard from C? I checked her site again and it doesn't look good. :ninja:

can someone recommend where I can get a celine classic box? I want a light tan or beige or anything Springy. tnx
So this might sound really silly..
but what is an agent exactly? I thought I understood but i guess not after all :s

info for all girls who are interested in googling taobao!!! :woot:

i have used several agents the last 2 years..and that because i prefer EMS ship so i demand the 50% discount they offer...
type taobao agent in google and you will get several of ship only in china (or asia idk) so these agents buy the goods (1st shipment at their office) 2nd shipment your lovely house :) taobao is awesome (like ebay!) with zillion pictures....i use google chrome that translates the pages in any language very fast!

i know several taobao stores for handbags but i dont know if im allowed to give names...

i cant wait for my papyrus rggh to arrive grr:yuk:
are they sending out new rggh thimbles or do we have to send our bags in for them to fix them?
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T&d are charging 46 if you want to change your old rggh to the new more auth looking hardware.
Yup Yup. T&D stated that they will charge that fee. You do have to ship it yourself to them.
still wondering what the cheapest way to ship it to will be. maybe USPS international flat rate boxes and stuff the bag in there?

I believe the RGGH is shorter than the old regular GGH hardware.
They updated the SGH hardware too. It's shorter and they said more in line with the authentic one.
so we pay for the shipping to them, but is that $46 includes their shipping back to us?
hello ladies, anyone of you is waiting for a COQUELICOT BAG?? did T&D told you when they are gonna be ready?? Thanks :)

also the gold studs are updated also? they are gonna run any bag with the GGH??

I'm waiting for my coquelicot RH city :heart: Last time I emailed them, they told me around 2 weeks time

hello ladies, anyone of you is waiting for a COQUELICOT BAG?? did T&D told you when they are gonna be ready?? Thanks :)

also the gold studs are updated also? they are gonna run any bag with the GGH??

I'm waiting for my coquelicot RH city :heart: Last time I emailed them, they told me around 2 weeks time

We are unpatient to see it!!!!
I'm not sure about it, if to buy a city RH or a part time GSH. What would you suggest?
This is kinda off topic but I am worried....I bought a bag and a few accessories from C however the package is now in USSFOA customs...should I be worried? It's been there since yesterday morning. Has this happened to anyone? How long before it's released? Is there anything I can do? Thanks!
^^Yes, that is normal. It should be released soon, it normally takes a day or two.
Hmm if the boys make coquelicot with GGH, I think a coq part time with GGH will looks fabolous! I also made order for BL in GSH, & I already have a Black GSH, so I chose an RH city. And from the pictures I saw, a Coq RH city looks stunning.! :heart:

We are unpatient to see it!!!!
I'm not sure about it, if to buy a city RH or a part time GSH. What would you suggest?
Hmm if the boys make coquelicot with GGH, I think a coq part time with GGH will looks fabolous! I also made order for BL in GSH, & I already have a Black GSH, so I chose an RH city. And from the pictures I saw, a Coq RH city looks stunning.! :heart:

I think I'll go for a RH city too. Where did you see its pics? I'm so curious!
I can't wait for my papyrus part time with rggh I believe that city is toooo tiny I love big bags that distinct from ***! T&D said 2 weeks also for the papyrus
I was searching for j's new site last week and I came across another site that looks almost identical to j's site and carries the same items and brands, but just more of them. They also carry brands that j doesn't carry.

For example, j had the chloe marcie python bags in different colors then took them off his site. This site has the bags in all the sold out/discontinued colors and uses the same pics as jacky.

The prices are slightly higher and it is login/password protected when you click on the item for more pics.

Does anyone know if this site is legit?? There are items that are on there that I am interested in and have not found anywhere else (except j's site and this one).

The home page is also identical and when j adds new items so does this site.

I don't think it is a sister site because the email is different than j's.

Anyone have any experience with them? Thanks!!
who here has pics of the colquiette that the NBF did? would love to see them.

And yes... the $46 includes shipping back to us. they don't do zippers (i already asked them) because they will have to rip the leather apart.
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