Japanese Street Style #1

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My friend has a photoblog to show his pics during his time in Japan so I thought I'd post some of the pics which included people's streetstyle there! web.mac.com








^ how adorable is that one? :lol::blush:
:woot: B) I love the Mr Happy (from Mr Men) trainers the guy in the second pic is wearing. I wonder what brand they are?
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Heel-D said:
:woot: B) I love the Mr Happy (from Mr Men) trainers the guy in the second pic is wearing. I wonder what brand they are?
They are Adidas :)


I just looked them up from sneakerfreaker.com :flower:
To me they look like Vans slip-on's. But I have never seen a zebra print... so I am not exactly positive that they are Vans. :flower:
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Ah, nice pics. I've never seen those sites before. I think that 3rd girl of #2172 looks great (baggy lemon jumper over white shirt and jeans).

Also love this look which I found on hfweb.jp. Good thing about that site is you can see the staff looks over time and see their different outfits. Interesting stuff.
Maybe he took a marker or some paint to white Vans? ^_^

Inaya said:
To me they look like Vans slip-on's. But I have never seen a zebra print... so I am not exactly positive that they are Vans. :flower:
Here's what Harajuku looked like in January....

(Love the guy in the striped hoodie, and the guy in the fur collar coat:D )

Thanks for the photos mirrra!!

I love most of the Japanese style, but the really freaky ones scare the s***t outta me! They have like fake bloody eye patches and masks covering parts of their face...omg! scary! why would they wanna look like that if it isn't halloween?!:shock:
Why not? ^_^ Not my cup of tea personally but I like when people have a style which is out of the norm, it's fun.
Couture_Whore said:
I love most of the Japanese style, but the really freaky ones scare the s***t outta me! They have like fake bloody eye patches and masks covering parts of their face...omg! scary! why would they wanna look like that if it isn't halloween?!:shock:

I love it! It makes for a colourful city, it's what Harajuku's famous for. It's just so fantastic to be able to look around and see all these crazy-cool people B):heart:.
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