John Mayer fuc*s & tells

What is being black? It’s making the most of your life, not taking a single moment for granted. Taking something that’s seen as a struggle and making it work for you, or you’ll die inside. Not to say that my struggle is like the collective struggle of black America. But maybe my struggle is similar to one black dude’s."

This quote irked the hell out of me... does he really know what it is like to be black? Not everything is a complete struggle for black people as a whole I don't understand what would make him even think to say this.... it's absurd.

A non-black person uses the "n-word" is a huge no-no. Yet no one, least of all the black community, blinks an eye when one of their goes around dropping the n-word like there's no tomorrow.

Although this is partially true the reason for it is because they have taken such a hateful word and used it to their benefit as far making it "cool" when it's really's no excuse and I hate the word, but I know so many black people who don't use nor like to refer to their friends as the n-word. Trust.
A non-black person uses the "n-word" is a huge no-no. Yet no one, least of all the black community, blinks an eye when one of their goes around dropping the n-word like there's no tomorrow.
This is quite an ignorant thing to say, imo..
The Black community, despite being called a community, isn't a monolithic block. Plenty of Blacks are absolutely horrified by the way this hideous word is casually thrown around.
For the most part, only ignorant, uneducated Blacks use the word casually (most rappers didn't even finish high-school). And even then, it's mostly a way to re-appropriate the most potent symbol of racial hatred, a way to strip it of its power, which is why it doesn't raise as much outrage.

Racism isn't just in the words, it's in the intent. When a Black person use it, it's still an ugly word, but at least the intent isn't likely to be hateful. When a non-Black person does it, it's nearly always hateful (not in this interview though).
I find it highly hypocritical to accuse and condemn others of racism/hatred when you yourself are perpetuating it.
Yep, yep, some women proudly call themselves b*tches and sl**s, so of course, no woman could in any way expect respect.
I could go on all day with analogy of this type.

Frankly, that kind of reasoning disturbs me.
so now we are blaming the victims???
God forbid he is actually accountable for his actions.
and who exactly is 'Black people'? a monolith??? so if 1 black entertainer uses a racuial slur = all black people endorse it?????

Wow,my last post a lot of spelling/grammar mistakes.I hope some people got my point.Sorry about that.

so now we are blaming the victims???
God forbid he is actually accountable for his actions.
and who exactly is 'Black people'? a monolith??? so if 1 black entertainer uses a racuial slur = all black people endorse it?????

Nobody is blamming the black community.But if you don't endorse it then speak up.Don't continue to listen to the music,don't just sit there saying nothing.I'm not talking about you in particular.I'm talking about the people acting like they're offended when all they do is listenning to Lil wayne or Eminem all day.It just make me laugh when I see Ice-T tweeting like crazy and almost threatenning Mayer.Does he really think people are that stupid,to even take what someone like him has to say ? Being is L&A doesn't eraise his past.

Anyway here's an interresting article.Very long but it worth the read ....
The week's biggest pop story isn't the "We Are the World" remake or the new Erykah Badu single -- even if it should be -- but the fallout from John Mayer's recent interview with veteran music writer Rob Tannenbaum in Playboy.

The nearly 7,000-word piece surfaced online Wednesday and appears in the magazine's March issue; in it, Mayer bared his psyche in relation to many topics, including his ex-girlfriends Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Aniston, his Internet p*rn dependency and the way he communicates with his 82-year-old father. (He fixes Dad's electronics.)

But the firestorm that's overtaken Twitter and the rest of the Web, and caused Mayer to nearly weep during a seven-minute onstage apology in Nashville, resulted from the singer-songwriter-guitarist's comments about race and sexuality -- specifically, his use of the strongest racial epithet possible to describe his relationship to black culture, and his unfortunate use of the term “David Duke” to refer to his sexual organ, comparing his preference for Caucasian women to white supremacy.

The first thing that struck me about the Mayer interview, before I even read it, was the byline. I've know Rob Tannenbaum, now a contributing editor to Playboy, since our salad days as young music critics in 1990s New York. He was my editor in the early 2000s when I was a contributing writer at Blender magazine. He's an exceedingly thoughtful person and an excellent interviewer; I wasn't surprised that he got even more from Mayer, a notoriously reckless interview subject, than others who've probed his ego.

This afternoon, Tannenbaum agreed to an e-mail exchange about the interview and its aftermath. This is the first such interview he has granted. Our back-and-forth touched upon Mayer’s character, the changing reality of entertainment journalism in the Internet age, and the reasons why no white person can say at least one thing that Mayer said.

Ann Powers: John Mayer is, in some ways, an interviewer's dream. He's smart and totally reckless with his opinions and disclosures. You went deeper than most with Mayer by getting him to talk about his place within music culture in terms of race -- and what he said has caused a huge storm. When you brought up the subject, did it seem like he'd considered these matters before?

Rob Tannenbaum: If it's OK, first let me answer a related question you didn't ask: Mayer wasn't "drunk" during the interview, as many people have written and presumed. Toward the end of our first interview, at his home outside L.A., we each had a "British pour," maybe two ounces of Scotch. We met again a week later, for lunch in Brooklyn, and that's when he discussed the idea of a "hood pass." We weren't drinking at lunch. He was sober.
In most cases, I didn't have to bring up a sensitive topic because he beat me to it. He knows interviewers are going to ask these questions, so he brings them up voluntarily. It's a candid approach. He mentioned Jennifer Aniston before I did; he mentioned Jessica Simpson before I did; he used the word "douchebag" before I did. Since childhood, he's spent a lot of time inside his own head -- that was one of the themes of our interview -- and yes, it seemed as though he'd considered these matters before. Whatever I asked him, he seemed to have already asked himself. Ruth Shalit was very articulate about this when she profiled him: Ruth wrote, "Mayer takes self-awareness to new postmodern heights," like a football player who provides "color commentary on his own career."

A.P.: That's what impressed me about the interview. Mayer is so willing to "go there," confronting his internal processes and motivations in a way that few celebrities allow themselves to do, within interviews at least. Yet his comments about black women and his use of that taboo racial epithet now seem reckless. When I read them within the interview, I thought they were (to be kind) half-baked: Even a white man who's done comedy with Dave Chappelle can't get away with "dropping the N bomb" -- even if, as Mayer did, he's trying to make a point about the fact that white people CAN'T use that word. Mayer didn't have the finesse to totally pull off his argument. Now, though, after Twitter and the blogs have gotten hold of his quotes and wrestled them into some new shape, it seems like he was praising David Duke and flinging around epithets for fun. What happened?

R.T.: The article is long and it’s complicated. It’s 6,870 words total. Holly Robinson Peete, an actress Mayer mentioned in the interview, called it on her blog “quite possibly one of the longest interviews ever published.” Which isn’t a fact (Playboy publishes an interview of that length every month), but it is a feeling. Articles are much shorter now. So are sentences. Who has time to read 6,870 words?

Twenty years ago, Milan Kundera pointed to “Rewriting as the spirit of the times.” Now, it’s re-tweeting as the spirit of the times. A story gets shaved and shortened until it can fit into 140 characters or less. The 140c version of the interview was, “John Mayer used the N word.” And Mayer’s too smart to be surprised by this. When a white person uses that word, any words that precede it or follow it are going to be overshadowed. As for his David Duke comment, Mayer was pondering (I know it seems silly to apply that word to him) the discrepancy between the women he dates (all of them white) and the women he finds attractive (all women). He wasn’t embracing Duke, or racism; he was noticing a dating pattern that, among white guys, isn’t at all unusual.

A.P.: You point out that Playboy regularly publishes these long interviews. In fact, the Playboy interview is a kind of "sacred space" in cultural journalism. Historically, it's been a place where all kinds of powerful people -- Ayn Rand, Jimmy Carter, Malcom X, Dolly Parton -- opened themselves up in extensive, probing conversations. It's been said that Mayer might have been trying to rise to the "edgy" occasion of a Playboy interview. Do you think that's true?

R.T.: I don't think it's fair for me to speculate on his motivations. People often come to regret things they've said in interviews. It's a thrill to speak the truth, but there are also ramifications, and the ramifications remain after the thrill has faded. That's why celebrities routinely claim to have been "misquoted" or "taken out of context." And it's worth noting that Mayer didn't do that. He took full and sole responsibility for what he'd said.

I've done about a dozen Playboy Interviews, and I don't think I ever spent less than four hours talking to any of the subjects. (50 Cent sat, patiently, for one continuous six-hour interview.) In the world of entertainment journalism, this is like an eternity! Years ago, access was far less regulated. During one Rolling Stone feature on a band, I was invited to the keyboard player's wedding. Now, publicists want to keep all interviews as short as possible. It's not unusual to be offered one hour for a cover story.

A.P.: I keep thinking about the Kanye West debacle -- his interruption of Taylor Swift's acceptance speech on the MTV Video Music Awards to declare that Beyonce should have won an award instead of her. That was another case of a thirtysomething male artist at the top of his game committing "career suicide" by overstepping a boundary. It was another example of a mediated event that somehow spun out of the control of both the subject (West and Mayer) and those organizing it (MTV, you and Playboy). Both brought up touchy matters of race and gender. In both cases, the artists involved expressed great remorse almost immediately. West still remains in a kind of exile for his "terrible" deed. Will the same thing happen to Mayer? Or will this pass? And if it passes, is it partly because he's white?

R.T.: West and Mayer have worked together! Imagine being inside that recording studio? “Here’s my idea...” “No, here’s MY idea...” One difference: West was on live TV. There was video footage and audio, so people could watch it again and again, or create mash-ups out of it. It was an audio meme, a video meme and a print meme. Dimensionally, Mayer’s debacle is much more flat: It’s in print. The only relevant video that exists is of him on stage in Nashville on Wednesday night, apologizing for what he’d said.

I don’t think I’ve seen West on any awards show since September, when he interrupted Taylor Swift. It’s pretty clear the industry has banished him from industry celebrations. Whites and blacks are not treated equally for their transgressions, so Mayer might not be exiled. But if that’s the case, it’s not only because he’s white. Mayer’s mea culpa was immediate, articulate and unmitigated. You can’t be forgiven until you apologize, and I don’t think West did that as clearly as his friend did. Lastly, I think it may pass because many people who’ve read the full Playboy interview subsequently say they understand the point Mayer was attempting to make, even as they abhor his choice of words.

A.P.: I agree with that last point. I read the interview before the controversy erupted, and though I thought, oh, he's in trouble, when I read the N- word and "David Duke," what really struck me were his comments about how Internet p*rn has transformed men of his age into people who literally can't be satisfied by a single real partner. Now, in light of what's happened, I also wonder if the Internet has transformed the interview, making it something that can't be self-contained, that will inevitably explode into sound bytes that will be misinterpreted, respun and played out to the torment of those interview subjects. No wonder publicists limit access! Not that I approve of them doing so.
One last question: You're a veteran music writer who's very knowledgeable about the whole history of pop. How did Mayer's comments strike you as relating to issues of race and sexuality as they've played out within music circles over the past, oh I don't know, century? There have been many white players who've found their "cool" by associating with black culture. And the loudmouthed, arguably misogynist sex symbol -- that goes back all the way to the Stones, if not before.

R.T.: Wow. The last century of race, sexuality and rock 'n’ roll? I don’t even know where to start. Rock music couldn’t exist without black musicians, but it wouldn’t be as rich without white musicians. So you have love, dependency and resentment — on both sides. And it probably means that musicians traffic in the subtleties of race more than almost any other profession.
You mentioned the Stones, who were the most vulgar and adroit and enduring band of R&B freaks among their generation. In retrospect, it’s curious how little furor there was when Mick Jagger sang, in 1978, “Black girls just wanna get ... all night.” In the ‘70s, John Lennon and Patti Smith both used the N-word in song titles, and Elvis Costello sang it (still does) in “Oliver’s Army.” Of course, all three had pretty strong reputations as progressives, which John Mayer doesn’t.

Rock stars have freedoms the rest of us can only envy, including license to provoke and tread on taboos and determine the limits of their own vocabulary. I think Mayer feels a kinship to that tradition. (Much like Chris Martin of Coldplay, John is a lot more interesting than his music.) The first single off his album was “Who Says,” a disarmingly gentle song full of defiance. The sentiment is almost punk rock: “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do.” On top of that, he’s spent a lot of time among black musicians. He doesn’t feign being “street” -- he’s from Connecticut for crying out loud. (So am I, which entitles me to mock it.) But he has spent a lot of time in the company of blackness.

Take away his use of the “N-word,” and you have a white musician commenting on the privilege of race, and warning other whites that they can’t ever presume to know racial disadvantage. Harry Allen, an accomplished black writer, described this on Twitter as a "powerful, pointed statement." How many white rock stars understand that, never mind declare it? He found a stupid way to make valuable points. If he’d just left out one forbidden word and an ill-advised reference to a white supremacist (who I don’t want to promote by naming), Mayer might be up for an NAACP Image Award.

The dominant version of this story is the reductive one being passed on Twitter, which focuses on about five of the story’s 6,870 words. I am not exonerating what Mayer said. But in this country we are so uneasy discussing race that we prefer a summary, with an evident villain, to a consideration of the queries he raised, jokingly, about interracial romance, the fetishization of blackness. I hope the story will have a revisionist phase, where more people address the non-repulsive things he had to say. I think you and I agree there’s a lot in it to contemplate and discuss.

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how do you know *they* are not speaking up???? :blink:
I know alot of black and non black individuals, men, women, black feminist and womanist who contunously speak out about this.

And even if every single black person in the universe doesn't speak up, it still doesn't justify his actions.

One doesn't even need to be black to be offended by his actions.
If people were sincerely concerned about fould language attitudes, they would speak up period, not use the lame *but black people do it* excuse as a cop out when soemone is accused of racism/prejudice.

But i forgot that racism doesn't exist anymore and its *black people*, the monolith that always complain for nothing :rolleyes: (isn't that a gross generalisation anyway? NVM)
Oh my God,this exausting.Wow !

I'm black,I don't need to say that one hundred times but I'm speaking of experience here.I know that if I go now and ask every single one of my friends,if they think the word n*gger is acceptable when use by a black person.Their answer will be yes.And that is a huge problem for me.I'm speaking about my own experience.So of course it doesn't make it ok for JM to use it (duh ! where are we ? in elementary school ?).

Do you seriously think that half of the people that are posting video on youtube,posting comments at ONTD,or posting those US Weekly excepts on their gossip sites, are having the same reflection that we're all trying to have ? Ummm don't think so.And I'm mad at these people.The one who are jumping on the hate bandwagon like little sheeps.

I'm sorry,it's delusional to say that "no",black people don't get away with this type of stuff,because you know it's not true.And for the love of God,I'm not defending John Mayer.I thought it was clear.I was just trying to explain (and understand) why I thought that people in general are sometimes over-sensitive.And why when a black artist is as homophobic,racist,ect ... the media let it slide but when someone like Mayer is acting like a jerk.People want to burn him and send his dead body to another planet.I remember seeing anybody offended when Snoop Dog (at the time he was still relevent ) said that all women were wh*res except his wife :rolleyes:

But what's the point anyway if peole are only understanding what they want to understand.Or are not even reading what has been posted before them.Read carefully and think before you click that reply button and get down your high horses.Because nobody is perfect (and saying that doesn't make me a defender).Case closed for me anyway ....
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A non-black person uses the "n-word" is a huge no-no. Yet no one, least of all the black community, blinks an eye when one of their goes around dropping the n-word like there's no tomorrow.

It is severely ironic when a prominent gay activist and a gay person himself goes around calling others a "***" (ala Perez Hilton), or when African-American musicians such as Lil Wayne refers to black people as "f*cking n*gg*s" (in public venues no less). I agree that equality isn't equal-opportunity, blameless behavior, but you also have to agree its mighty hard to expect others to accord you respect when you can't even respect yourself and uphold some dignity. I find it highly hypocritical to accuse and condemn others of racism/hatred when you yourself are perpetuating it.

You are a trip.I shouldn't get angry at anonymous faces, but come on. Your post is void of any valid points when you are just as ignorant as the so called hypocrites.

I know alot of black and non black individuals, men, women, black feminist and womanist who contunously speak out about th
Just goes to show that ignorance and the lack of knowledge is all over. I know many people who speak out everyday and don't use the n word. I choose to expand my horizons and see that for every so called" ignorant uneducated black person" who uses the word. There are others who are educated and uneducated who know not to dare utter that word and speak out.

***I really hate talking about race in mixed company. Especially on TFS.
Oh my God,this exausting.Wow !

I'm black,I don't need to say that one hundred times but I'm speaking of experience here.I know that if I go now and ask every single one of my friends,if they think the word n*gger is acceptable when use by a black person.Their answer will be yes.And that is a huge problem for me.I'm speaking about my own experience.So of course it doesn't make it ok for JM to use it (duh ! where are we ? in elementary school ?).

Do you seriously think that half of the people that are posting video on youtube,posting comments at ONTD,or posting those US Weekly excepts on their gossip sites, are having the same reflection that we're all trying to have ? Ummm don't think so.And I'm mad at these people.The one who are jumping on the hate bandwagon like little sheeps.

I'm sorry,it's delusional to say that "no",black people don't get away with this type of stuff,because you know it's not true.And for the love of God,I'm not defending John Mayer.I thought it was clear.I was just trying to explain (and understand) why I thought that people in general are sometimes over-sensitive.And why when a black artist is as homophobic,racist,ect ... the media let it slide but when someone like Mayer is acting like a jerk.People want to burn him and send his dead body to another planet.I remember seeing anybody offended when Snoop Dog (at the time he was still relevent ) said that all women were wh*res except his wife :rolleyes:

But what's the point anyway if peole are only understanding what they want to understand.Or are not even reading what has been posted before them.Read carefully and think before you click that reply button and get down your high horses.Because nobody is perfect (and saying that doesn't make me a defender).Case closed for me anyway ....

so you are black and your friends finding this word Ok makes what he said less insulting/less offensive???? :rolleyes:

haha let me levae this thread now. tfs once again proves how prejudice/racist (yes i said it) it is. not surprising coming from a fashion forum .

I might be from another planet, cause it's crazy to see people defend this narcissits who :
-has made highly offensive sexist jokes about r*ping women
-talked of his ex like she was a c*mbucket
-made homophobic jokes
-used a racial slur, which is offensive in itself (yes I find it offensive, deal with),. that plus his racist comdey kits, but noooooooooo. all black people have to be pure and angelic , fault free for them to even dare complain.
i guess n*ggers don't have the basic human right to be offended when someone insults them :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Wow, wow, let's cool down! This thread has become very unpleasant to read.

Lady B, I will address two of your points, because while I agree with some of the facts you point out, I do not agree at all with your interpretation of those facts:

- Black artists get away with homophobia/misogyny: That's not true of every Black artists. Only a certain type of Black artist does: the commercial hip-hop artist. They thrive in a genre that used to be great but has sadly become infested with mediocrity and bigotry and has become a byword for vulgarity, materialism, misogyny, etc.
People now actually expect ignorance to come out of rappers' mouths. So while they 'get away with it' in a way, it simply reflects the fact that people have become so blase about it that rappers have gained a sort of 'artistic licence' to be crass and offensive. I would not call it an endorsement by any mean. God knows a huge amount of people (within and outside the Black community) loathes these people and what they represent.

As someone else already mentioned, Isiah Washington didn't get away with homophobia. Will Smith could not get away with calling women w****s, John Legend would greatly harm his career would he make a song about 'n***** and hoes' , etc.
Similarly, a suburban White boy who sing about 'your body is wonderland' can't get away with talking like Lil'Wayne.

- Some Black people think it's acceptable for Black people to use the n-word: true, but as I already say, you cannot equate a Black person using it with the use non-Blacks have made of the word throughout history. The intent is totally opposite.
Some (not all) Blacks probably think re-appropriating the world is in a twisted way 'empowering'. From a hurtful insult it becomes a colloquial form of address that only a privileged few can use without repercussion. Considering the history of the word, it's not hard to see how this would be appealing to some.
I am not defending that way of thinking. To me it's a vulgar and ugly word regardless of who is saying it, but you simply can't argue that it's the same thing when a Black and a non-Black person use it. You simply can't.
tfs once again proves how prejudice/racist (yes i said it) it is. not surprising coming from a fashion forum .
how? I pretty much agree with the points you and Harumi are trying to make. Please don't generalise, I don't see the thousands of members in this discussion so don't throw us all in the same bag. -_-

and no name-calling guys, such posts will be removed.. and we're all old enough to keep things classy.
are u guys SERIOUSLY having an argument b/c of STUPID john mayer and what he does and says?
he really isnt worth it? or do u need to be reminded that?

and retailqueen, im pretty sure lady B is not saying its okay to use racial slurs.
MulletProof is right, dont throw us all in this little bag u have of 'racist ppl on fashion forums' that was a HUGE generalization.

this is a forum, where u are entitled to your opinion, yes, but generalizing is not on b/c thats bound to get others heated up.
^ Oh well ..... -_-

I completely agree with you Harumi on that last post.But I still wanna see a black artist getting mediaticly murdered,the way John Mayer was/is.Because he used a racial,misogyn,homophobic slur.What John Mayer got was huge,and it's (in my opinion) not comparable.I mean all the CNN segments and all.I'm not sure Isiah got the same threatement (I know Kanye probably did but that's a bit of exception,no ?).Specially if we consider that he probably didn't want to hurt or offend anybody.Unlike some others ...

Anyway,I still consired him a talented guy and will still listen to the music.Because,I can do the difference between the douchy man and the artist (yes,I'm looking at you Chris Brown and Jay Z :innocent:)And I wish black people who are mad at him because he said,he's not interested in black women.Would understand that it's not because,he's playing "our" music that he has to be interested by "our" women.That's what I'm calling over -sensitivity as well.The guy used the wrong words clearly and that entire interview was a mess.And ....

this guy just needs to just shut the F up.
and let the music do the talking .... -_-
I wonder what Kerry Washington thought of all this though.And I'm not even sure what "white girl crazy" is supposed to mean.Is it an insult or something ? still don't get that part ...
I find John Mayer's attitude toward women so disturbing. He strikes me as someone who's very insecure - who used to not get so many women, who was unpopular growing up, and in fact, probably would never get a date if he wasn't in a band.
I used to always try and defend him in some way, because I think he is smart and self-aware and I think this guy just loves attention and press, good or bad. I just find him so unlikable though. I wish he would just stop and fade away from the public eye.
In the past he's said he "only sleeps with really stupid women" and now he won't have to weed out the intelligent ones because only a stupid woman would sleep with a man with as little respect for women as he seems to have.
^ amen to that. like i said, these women asked to be tabloidly traumatised (i know thats not a real word but..)
After reading the entire interview, I found the homophobic comments to be the most hateful/offensive/furthest beyond the pale.

All of us who've never dated him have a lot to be thankful for :lol: If my name had ever been linked with his, I don't know when I'd be able to stop cringing.

I also thought the interviewer's comments about were it not for the Duke and n-word references, Mayer would be up for an NAACP award were utterly laughable. If there's an award for narcissism, he's totally eligible for that.
"The world would be a better place if I stopped giving interviews" ...

Who I'd really like to hear an apology from is the therapist who told him there's nothing wrong with him. Somewhere in LA a license needs to be revoked ... :blink:
so you are black and your friends finding this word Ok makes what he said less insulting/less offensive???? :rolleyes:

haha let me levae this thread now. tfs once again proves how prejudice/racist (yes i said it) it is. not surprising coming from a fashion forum .

I might be from another planet, cause it's crazy to see people defend this narcissits who :
-has made highly offensive sexist jokes about r*ping women
-talked of his ex like she was a c*mbucket
-made homophobic jokes
-used a racial slur, which is offensive in itself (yes I find it offensive, deal with),. that plus his racist comdey kits, but noooooooooo. all black people have to be pure and angelic , fault free for them to even dare complain.
i guess n*ggers don't have the basic human right to be offended when someone insults them :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Well. If he was somewhat interesting or talented....this wouldn't be so bad. But this reeks of some pathetic attempt at being rebellious. Contrived and limp.

He is so horrible...his music is awful...his looks are overrated. He is just horrible, and these attention seeking comments only underline this sad state of affairs. Why is he even known to the public? Really beats me....
fashionista-ta said:
Who I'd really like to hear an apology from is the therapist who told him there's nothing wrong with him. Somewhere in LA a license needs to be revoked ... :blink:

Even though he managed to throw in an insult about how he's not cheap enough to be Jewish (I hate him so much, you guys, I'm not even kidding) he was apparently too cheap to pay for more than half an hour of therapy or whatever because hundreds of dollars really doesn't get you very far. Maybe he ran out of time before the therapist could get to the millions of things that are wrong with him. If only he hadn't been such a tightwad. *sadface* (He's also apparently too cheap to pay for his own music since one of his problems with Jennifer Aniston was that she didn't know how to use BitTorrent :ninja:).

Lady B, I apologize if I missed it somewhere, but I didn't see anyone say that John Mayer was responsible for all the racism in the world until you put those words in other peoples' mouths. When it comes to John Mayer, he is responsible for what comes out of his own mouth, which is what we're discussing in this thread: What came out of his mouth and how we feel about it and why he said it. Pointing to black rappers and trying to make the conversation about them while simultaneously engaging in victim-blaming is a textbook example of derailing a conversation. Maybe you genuinely wanted to have a conversation about race that focused on the black community (and that would be an awesome conversation to have), but that wasn't the end effect.

- Black artists get away with homophobia/misogyny: That's not true of every Black artists. Only a certain type of Black artist does: the commercial hip-hop artist. They thrive in a genre that used to be great but has sadly become infested with mediocrity and bigotry and has become a byword for vulgarity, materialism, misogyny, etc.
People now actually expect ignorance to come out of rappers' mouths. So while they 'get away with it' in a way, it simply reflects the fact that people have become so blase about it that rappers have gained a sort of 'artistic licence' to be crass and offensive. I would not call it an endorsement by any mean. God knows a huge amount of people (within and outside the Black community) loathes these people and what they represent.

And the fact that it's acceptable for hip-hop artists to express homophobia and misogyny is a further sign of how racist our society is. White people are okay with it in part because the image of black males as uncultured, uneducated, and wild is an acceptable one and feeds into centuries of racist rhetoric. White people also accept it because the subjects of misogyny in black hip-hop videos tend to be black females, and the portrayal and perception of black women as available sexual objects among whites is horribly pervasive. That was one of the worst parts of Mayer's comments, IMO, evidenced by the fact that he pulled poor Kerry Washington (whom he doesn't even know) into his disgusting little blowjob fantasy.

The misandry in his interview was pretty shocking, too. He seems to have never moved past high school; he hates the jocks, he hates the pretty cheerleaders, he's pretty much the smartest person around and everything would be fine if only the other, more accomplished people would stop and gaze upon his awesomeness. Yeah, no.

Anyway, he's a homophobe, a misogynist, and an all-around f*ckwit, the kind of guy who thinks women should be falling at his feet. Apparently, he once gave Jessica Simpson a thesaurus for her birthday and made her open it in front of his friends. I'm no fan of Jessica Simpson, but I do think she (and Aniston and Love Hewitt) are out of his league. Given that he's apparently a narcissist and has a face that looks like potato, he should be thanking his starts that they ever gave him the time of day. So, yeah, I'd hate him even if he weren't a racist.
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