^^^Agree. Also, slightly OT, but I hate the way Elle Fanning is sexualized in nearly every commercial, short, etc. she does. Yes, she's blonde and cute, but let's remember this kid is 13/14 please. Stop projecting this Lolita crap on her. Is that really the only way people can invent to showcase this kid, who's a beautiful actress btws. Whatever.
That said, Keira's was probably the strangest and most confusing, which is a feat. She was also, IMO, probably the least natural. Others like Kerry Washington, Elle of course, little Quvenzhane Wallis (love that little girl!) and Jennifer Lawrence each had their own weird/over-the-top situations to overcome but still managed to do it somewhat believably. But I've never been a fan of Keira's acting skills in general. She looked great in the dress they had her in though.