Kim Kardashian (please put all Kim news here)

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A thin red line between Kim's ridiculous ways and lifestyle and her biological father's job. I think there is no need mentioning it, as it has nothing to do with Kim's marriage and OJ Simpson's case already has divided America.

Kim's behavior is triggered by her rise to "prominence" in TV shows. She will do anything for money and attention. Kim and her family are a bunch of immensely sad people. This is not life they are living. It is purposeful reality show.
Kim's behavior is triggered by her rise to "prominence" in TV shows. She will do anything for money and attention. Kim and her family are a bunch of immensely sad people. This is not life they are living. It is purposeful reality show.
That could be said for all entertainers that go on talk shows and tours to pimp whatever they want an audience to buy...but since Kim and her clan are devils incarnate...

ETA--Incredibly sad people who are laughing all the way to the bank.
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...ETA--Her late father was defending a good friend whom he thought was innocent, how is that Kim's fault?
Actually, 1) Mr. Kardashian was on the defense team so he could not be compelled to testify in the criminal trial about, 2) the garment bag RK removed from Simpson's house that police believe contained the bloody clothes/murder weapon (which all 'disappeared'), and 3) RK later stated that he doubted Simpson's "innocence" after they parted ways & Simpson sued RK over a television miniseries.
Heaps of celebs have a-holes for parents but they turn out fine. Would you judge Keanu Reeves or Woody Harrelson because their dads are in jail.

The Kardashians maybe shallow etc but they aren't mean.

Im usually on the opposing side but i agree with you 100%
^ I agree too. I dont respect kim or the mother.. they r money hungry..
Actually I looked at Kris Humphries chart and Kim is telling the truth-- he is a jerk. He has the Mars Chiron aspect which according to the Magi Society is pretty bad-- Hitler and Stalin had it. Effects range anywhere from jerk who has hostility issues to someone who has the power to kill. The Mars Chiron theory is from a book the Magi wrote in the late 90s which is out of print. It's not conventional astrology.

This pdf link explains it on page 86-88:

Here is the chart:

Chiron is the little key looking symbol. It is in an aspect with Venus, Mars and Pluto.

The Mars/Chiron aspect also can mean professional (Chiron) athlete (Mars). Lance Armstrong has it. Lance is a jerk also, everyone knows this. Brad Pitt has the aspect also.................. Bill O'Reilly, Howard Stern...... you get the idea.

Kim is sheltered and naive in some ways, she's used to having her mom help her with so many things. I think Kris hid this hateful side of himself from her till the deal was sealed.

I should have predicted the whole thing, it was an easy prediction to make-- all the details are there.
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It's mean to laugh at someone who is contributing to the discussion simply because you're not familiar with that they're saying. Maybe better not to type anything at all..
I just read that Kris Humphries is trying to get an annulment based on fraud. Here we go...
My sister just told me that on new episode of show at the beginning they go on about the divorce and have all clips etc? its like it was done on purpose to get more views.
If it was fraud, I'm certain Kris was more than happy to play along from the get.
My sister just told me that on new episode of show at the beginning they go on about the divorce and have all clips etc? its like it was done on purpose to get more views.

Yes it was a bit lame and then at the end of it up on screen says ''Eight weeks later'' and goes to them before they arrived in NYC which sorry but wouldn't it make more sense to say ''Eight weeks ago''.

She was still portrayed as a whiner but he's still a moron in the first ep. The ''This season on Kourtney Kim'' at the end showed him partying up and turning into even more of a douche and her crying. It's going to be glorious.

These magazines are a joke! First Kim is pregnant with his baby, then he's gay. they don't even try anymore, they just invent stories from the dust
Yes it was a bit lame and then at the end of it up on screen says ''Eight weeks later'' and goes to them before they arrived in NYC which sorry but wouldn't it make more sense to say ''Eight weeks ago''.

Whoops I was wrong. It actually said ''Eight Weeks Earlier''. I really should pay more attention when watching as the is of course very important.
How credible is the show though, given that her mother is one of the executive producers? I'm sure he was a douche but they are going to edit it to make her look like the victim.
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