While working security at a Halloween shop, a friend witnessed this happening:
A teenaged African-American male came into the store riding a razor scooter, and with a stick in his hand, proceeded to scoot down the aisles while knocking merchandise off the shelves with a stick. When told repeatedly by security that the behavior was unacceptable, with no effect, security then called the police. Upon arriving on the scene, the youth asked the police officers, Ali G like, "Is it because I am black?" and there on proceeded with the 400 years of genocide and slavery, yadda yadda yadda.
What do you say, "Yeah, we let all the white kids ride down the aisles on a scooter, knocking stuff off the shelves with a stick" ? It gets to be absurd after awhile. Some guy I don't even know drives up beside me and wants my phone number as I'm walking down the street--Oh, I'm racist b*tch if I don't give my phone number to weird guys driving up to me on the street? Please!
Acting like an *** in public doesn't mean someone should be called racist names, or treated poorly--but don't pull the race card to defend bad behavior. Richards screwed up, big time, and showed the power of The Word in all it's horrible glory. And Chris Rock tells the joke like I can't, and you know it's true. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.