She's so beautiful. I'm addicted and obsessed with Smallville. I was completely unaware of it until they had the adds for the replays on ABC Family. My dad saw the preview, and made some comment about how pretty she was, and I said something about how hot Tom Welling was. I didn't know anything about the show, but of course, my parents knew it was about Superman, so we started watching it. Now we're (read me, and my parents watch with me) are hooked. I always tease my dad that he only watches it because he has a crush on Kristin, and I have a crush on Tom. That's not true (I'm the only one with the crush, and that's not the only reason I watch it
), but I still love teasing him.
I've been told I look like her, but like an Americanized version. Like how Kristin would look if she was just classic beauty instead of exotic. Eh, I like that compliment, but I certainly don't think I'm that beautiful.
Kristin seems really cool, sweet, and down to earth. She's my favorite "celebrity." Maybe because she isn't too much of one.