Lee Radziwill

its actually hard to find her photographs, unless she is with her sister of course.

You've got that right! It's sad the way Lee has been forgotten given just how big she was on the jet-set scene in the 1960s-1970s (but the same fate has been consigned to Babe Paley, who reigned alongside Lee as a tastemaker/fashionista in that era).
^ How fantastic! Thank you so much for all of those, i have never seen some, and Lee in Courrèges? Love it!







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By Warhol sarahlawrencegirls. tumblr
Love the Warhol picture so much! Thanks for finding anniehall, as always, you're the best!
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You've got that right! It's sad the way Lee has been forgotten given just how big she was on the jet-set scene in the 1960s-1970s (but the same fate has been consigned to Babe Paley, who reigned alongside Lee as a tastemaker/fashionista in that era).

now,say that again!(thanks God,things are easier with my other style icon obsession-the Duchess of Windsor-!)...and just look what people are missing!the pics of Radziwill from the LV Resort 12' show are of timeless elegance!a much younger woman could have worn these and she'd have looked just as good!i think women should have LADIES like Lee as "examples,not starlets like Blake Lively or,oh god...even worse Kim K:sick:

I read the book "In Her Sister's Shadow" which has been brought up in this thread a few times. It never gave too many specifics on why Lee and Jackie didn't get along, but something must've happened for Lee to be entirely cut out of Jackie's will:

“I have made no provision in this my Will for my sister, Lee B. Radziwill, for whom I have great affection, because I have already done so during my lifetime. I do wish, however, to remember her children and … set aside the amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars for each child surviving me of my sister.”

It sounds like perhaps Jackie gave Lee quite a lot of money during her lifetime? The book did make it seem as if Lee was never able to keep her spending under control.

But I'm happy to see that this elegant woman is still in good health and as well dressed as ever.
I thought you all may like to see some images of Lee's houses. It's always nice to put a lady in context.

Turville, a 17th century country house in Oxfordshire.


Besides the London house, Lee and Stas shared a country home, Turville, a 17th century Queen Anne in Oxfordshire. Here is a picture of the cobblestone courtyard around which all the buildings faced, creating its own picturesque village. The buildings seen are actually guest houses - the main house is not really visible here. At the center of the courtyard was a large beech tree with a bench around it for mounting horses. Off to the side of the courtyard was a tennis court and there was both a kitchen and rose garden that was hidden behind peach walls. The walkways were lined with espaliered pear trees that were heavenly when they bloomed in the spring. There was another building, an indoor pool house which was built to resemble the underside of a boat. The story of this house fascinates me and I wish there was a book that documented it, all the changes and additions, and all the outbuildings. But, alas, there wasn’t a market for such stories back in the 60s. The designer John Stefanidis lived in a country house, **** Crow, that looked very similar to this – outbuildings that connected around a main house and a courtyard. Thankfully, he DID document the creation of his country house in the book Living Through Design, which remains one of my all time favorite design books. An interesting factoid, both Radziwill’s and Stefanidis’ country houses had a ha-ha. I’m not entirely sure what a ha-ha is – some kind of landscaping boundary, but whatever a “ha-ha” is they both share it!!!


Renzo Mongiardino was the designer for Turville and the dining room is considered the most spectacular room in the house. In the New York Times, Radziwill describes the room: ''On the walls, Mongiardino applied Sicilian scarves printed with flowers on a background of blue. Then, over the scarves, his friend Lila de Nobili painted more flowers and, in oval shapes, portraits of Christina and her favorite animals, which included a lot of birds, and for Anthony's portrait there were dogs and horses. It sounds cute, but it wasn't. It had lots of atmosphere. I don't like dining rooms. I think they have too much structure and are too formal. I thought this was magical. Lila de Nobili thought the room had a very Turgenev feeling.''



Above is the entry hall.


The room between the living room and library was another floral filled space that housed birds and parrots.


Another view of the bird room with a wonderful set of botanicals that moved with Radziwill throughout the years. What an arrangement of flowers! I wonder if they always had flowers like this in the house or were they brought in just for the photographer?


The interior designer Mark Hampton created this water color of Lee’s Mongiardino-designed bedroom at Turville. The accuracy is almost like a photograph. Notice the painted floor – this pattern shows up again in different houses of Radziwill.


Above is Lee's NYC Apartment.


NYC living room.



Dining room

Continued below...

All quoted text and images from here, Cote de Texas.
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Master bedroom


The NYC apartment Lee moved into after her marriage to Prince Radizwell ended.



The small Paris flat which she has now.





Her current NYC apartment







All quoted text and images from here, Cote de Texas.
Thanks for sharing. Of the pics I've seen of Jackie's apartments (granted, they are VERY few) vs. Lee's, I think I prefer Lee's. For all her sophistication, Lee manages to incorporate a whimsical, cozy element into her apartments.

I wish someone would be publish a book on her style! Or at least make more pictures available online. It kills me to read descriptions of how impeccable her style was during the 1960s-1970s, and then never be able to find pics of it.
(flickr artemis.niarchos)


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