Blake Lively and Penn Badgley split

I just gave the example of Kristen in relation with a big-bucks movie like Twilight not because I wanted to compare her 100% with Lively which is impossible due to their night-and-day differences lookwise, stylewise, marketing-wise...I Was referring to what would have happened if the big-break-out that KRisten had thanks to Twilight would have happened if it was Weinstein's company who produced it - and for that matter it would not have made any importance if she worked a lot before as a child or not imo

but if comparing both - both have been around or in the business for years nontheless as Blake herself is from a family who is in the business (halfsisters, father etc...) and Kristen's dad is working in the industry and she started out young...actually almost all actors/actresses started out rather young (Scarlett Johansson, Kate Bosworth, Jodie Foster, Kristen Stewart...etc. and guys as well like Shia LaBoeuf for example)

I think Leighton and Blake actually also started out rather young at least the 2 of them dipped into acting quite some time's another thing that they only became famous with Gossip Girl but still it's not that bad having such a hype - now it's up to them what they will do with it.
Both girls might have the biggest potential of the whole cast not being forgotten after the cancellation of GG imo thanks to their looks mainly - as neither would be an Oscar candidate at the moment but if you guys remember Hilary Swank started out on Beverly Hills 90210 and today is a double-Oscar-winner, so you never know :innocent: :flower:

Blake and Penn were a cute couple - don't know why they broke up but they looked great together and I do hope that even in Hollywood you do have relationships for more than a couple of months that are because you honestly love somebody and not because it would be a good career move - I believe short term relationships might be PR but if a 2- or 3-year-long relationship was only for PR even if they weren't even famous all the time I would honestly think that everyone in the movie business was crazy and schizophrenic otherwise it would be unmanageable to live and spend working and private life together imo
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I don't know how this girl is making all the right moves. Her acting resume is growing. The fact that she against actresses like scarlet for roles and staring in action movie is crazy. She is doing what Mischa couldn't do. Not be known as the CW girl.
could it be that they broke up because they are both young and they grew out of the relationship, not because she is screwing HW or half of Hollywood in order to "get ahead"?

i also find the rumors about HW to be a bit exaggerated and just that - rumors. as far as acting goes, no, blake isn't the best BUT she is young and is yet to hone her craft. i think she definitely has room to grow and having seen The Town the possibility is definitely there. let us not forget that GG is not the pinnacle for thespians.

as for the kstew comparisons - i know quite a few people that would rank the majority of her acting ability with blake's current acting ability - wooden and one-note.
I just gave the example of Kristen in relation with a big-bucks movie like Twilight not because I wanted to compare her 100% with Lively which is impossible due to their night-and-day differences lookwise, stylewise, marketing-wise...I Was referring to what would have happened if the big-break-out that KRisten had thanks to Twilight would have happened if it was Weinstein's company who produced it - and for that matter it would not have made any importance if she worked a lot before as a child or not imo

but if comparing both - both have been around or in the business for years nontheless as Blake herself is from a family who is in the business (halfsisters, father etc...) and Kristen's dad is working in the industry and she started out young...actually almost all actors/actresses started out rather young (Scarlett Johansson, Kate Bosworth, Jodie Foster, Kristen Stewart...etc. and guys as well like Shia LaBoeuf for example)

I think Leighton and Blake actually also started out rather young at least the 2 of them dipped into acting quite some time's another thing that they only became famous with Gossip Girl but still it's not that bad having such a hype - now it's up to them what they will do with it.
Both girls might have the biggest potential of the whole cast not being forgotten after the cancellation of GG imo thanks to their looks mainly - as neither would be an Oscar candidate at the moment but if you guys remember Hilary Swank started out on Beverly Hills 90210 and today is a double-Oscar-winner, so you never know :innocent: :flower:

Blake and Penn were a cute couple - don't know why they broke up but they looked great together and I do hope that even in Hollywood you do have relationships for more than a couple of months that are because you honestly love somebody and not because it would be a good career move - I believe short term relationships might be PR but if a 2- or 3-year-long relationship was only for PR even if they weren't even famous all the time I would honestly think that everyone in the movie business was crazy and schizophrenic otherwise it would be unmanageable to live and spend working and private life together imo

oh no i agree that we should not underestimate Kristen's connections, it's just that she's done movies all of her life which didn't make boxoffice go wild, but that kind of movies she's done are the ones you make strong, strong connections through and Twilight (and her being only one running up for the role of Bella from the start) is the result of it.

agree about Leigh and Blake totally, tho i'd go for Leigh more based on her acting and Blake for the strategy as examples. it's clear they're more than capable, but will the talent be on the same level is yet to be seen. :flower:

also, as for the PRing of the relationship - i was more going for the breakup thing than for the whole relationship which indeed looked sincere, it's just that the end of it is giving me PR tingles, nothing more.

^^Ah, well, I don't want to get into whether the rumour's true or not either. To be fair my posts were more a general response to some posts in the thread rather than yours specifically :). I can't really get my head around what's real or not in Hollywood. It's all so engineered lol. I do think whoever is helping Lively strategize her career is better than Leighton Meester's. (That music thing was a bad bad bad idea.)

:flower: it's just that i like to observe all the biz stuff from tehnical side of it and indeed sometimes it's mindboggling as to is something real or fake or both at the same time. :lol: i think Leighton's doing movies on much smaller level, but their on the same level when it comes to time they spend working, Blake's team is def working overtime, and since Leigh got praised from the start with her portrayal of Blair i think it's only natural people are starting to wonder what's wrong/good with her strategy opposed to Blake's.
Blake Lively & Leonardo DiCaprio Go To Dinner Together


But it wasn't like that. If Leonardo DiCaprio wanted a fresh new piece, he'd simply open up a Sports Illustrated and point to what he wanted. So it's not like he's trying to make his peen the king of Blake's vaaaaaginah. No, both Lainey Gossip says Blake and Leo were at The Lion in NYC with a big group. And UsWeekly says that group included Baz Luhrmann and his team. Baz is directing a remake of The Great Gatsby and has already signed up Leonardo to play Jay Gatsby. Yeah, you know exactly where this is headed and I'll get off at the next stop with your as*.

A source tells UsWeekly that Blake is at the top of the list to play Daisy Buchanan and that's why she was having dinner with Leo and Baz. Business shi*. The source says Blake and Leo left the restaurant separately.

Why is Hollywood still trying to make Blake Lively happen! Eh. I guess this mess could work if in Baz's version Daisy suffered a tragic dental accident, which is why she talks like she's got narcolepsy in the jaw.
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^I'm literally nauseous. Why is she being linked to all my celeb crushes? First Ryan Gosling and now my precious Leo. :(
^maybe because she is a candidate for the All-American-Way-Of-Life-Sweetheart-Beauty-Contest! Though she is the total opposite lookwise to Julia Roberts I get the same type of hype buzzing around with's like Julia Roberts after Pretty Woman or something....

Blake is tall, she is blonde, she is gorgeous - has a big smile, could be a fashion-doll so the fashion industry is also interested in her and though a 'typical blonde' she has a unique look thanks to her eyes I believe - because she does not have a standard face and it's a bit different with those rather longish eyes, different chin etc.

she has a 100%-recognition-identification-factor which is absolutely important in HW and to be good for marketing...she won't get confused with any other actress..
and she is 'new' so directors might be intersted because of that as well

we'll see what she makes out of that as other members mentioned I neither regard her a as a good actress so far...she does not strike me as a very talented one - but hey, maybe she'll improve...
TBH, I don't get all this hype about Blake. To some extent, I can understand why Wintour digs her - neck down she's gorgeous - but I don't see why Hollywood seems so interested in her. Talent clearly isn't her claim to fame, and I dunno if it's just me, but I just don't find her beautiful either. The same face on a 5'4 frame would look plain and forgettable. There's something off about the planes of her face and her features which veers her miles away from the bracket of beauty. Coupled with that her horrible dialogue delivery. I really REALLY don't see what appeal lies in her and would be staggered if she ends up being the next big thing.
I actually saw Blake Lively in the movie 'Elvis & Anabelle" and I actually thought she was amazing in that. Before that, I thought she was a bit one-note in Gossip Girl, but I think it's more to do with the actual character of Serena who doesn't really have any bite. The Blair character has so much more you can do with it - Leighton is really great in it.

It's the whole Rachel Bilson v Mischa Barton thing. Mischa Barton was a really great child actress, it's just Marissa as a character was so blah, whereas Summer was more interesting - it wasn't that Rachel Bilson was necessarily a better actress. Not that it matters now, because both of their film careers have gone to nowheresville.
I'd be surprised if Blake was a casting couch success...she seems really square, if you don't count how brazen she is showing her body off.
Ok, I'm late but I just found out about their split!
I'm not going to comment on why they might have split but I thought they were such a cute couple. I always loved pics of them together. And I kinda liked the fact that Blake - rising star - was together with Penn - someone obviously less famous than her -.
So, I'm sad :(. They were so adorable together.
"update" from Lainey:
Also re: her love life – she’s supposedly done with Penn Badgley but he’s been seen quite often lately in and out of her building (thanks AG!). Her break up with him barely mattered the way she wanted it to. What now?
Question: Why do people on here constantly quote Lainey Gossip? She's a female Perez Hilton. I mean seriously!

Anyways, pictures or it didn't happen.

End of.
IMO, she tends to get "info" (which in most cases tends to be right), while Perez is only commenting about stuff (long time ago he had exclusives). also, this is rumor has it podforum, so i think it's fine to post rumors, no? :)
The thing that makes people wonder if Blake does the casting couch is because she went from CW-actress to being considered for roles amongst very established actresses (Rachel Weisz, Carey Mulligan, Anne Hathaway, Natalie Portman) in huge films like Batman 3, Gravity, and Gatsby while not really having anything in her resume that proves she can carry/sell a film or has solid acting skills. Every time her name is mentioned as considered for one of those roles, everyone does a big 'WTF' because she just doesn't fit alongside all the other actresses.

So the assumption is 1. casting couch; 2. she's not really being considered but her PR agency is paying people to include her in those rumors to build up her acting rep; 3. connections that are pulling strings to get her auditions (Weinstein/family).

Her split with Penn was probably the same thing as Megan Fox's split with Brian Austin Green. PR-orchestrated to get her name in the press.
TBH, I don't get all this hype about Blake. To some extent, I can understand why Wintour digs her - neck down she's gorgeous - but I don't see why Hollywood seems so interested in her. Talent clearly isn't her claim to fame, and I dunno if it's just me, but I just don't find her beautiful either. The same face on a 5'4 frame would look plain and forgettable. There's something off about the planes of her face and her features which veers her miles away from the bracket of beauty. Coupled with that her horrible dialogue delivery. I really REALLY don't see what appeal lies in her and would be staggered if she ends up being the next big thing.

Completely agree
The thing that makes people wonder if Blake does

2. she's not really being considered but her PR agency is paying people to include her in those rumors to build up her acting rep;

That's actually a big part of it. She uses a super agressive PR firm, and they were super smart in building up a profile for her through fashion and linking her to high profile stuff, even when it wasn't the case.
People also underrestimate her luck and how smart her career choices have been so far - her first movie was a hit, her TV show is talked about by the right people, which is more important than ratings in itself in a lot of ways, working on that indie with Rebecca Miller gave her help with getting The Town, and that movie's success (and her being praised in it) has gotten her a few auditions.

She actually hasn't accomplished anything that incredible, but her PR firm does a great job in keeping her name out there, so a lot of people get confused and assume she's more successful than she actually is.

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