Leonor Varela is gorgeous, but I still wish we could see more succesful movies. Her new upcoming movie list was posted a page ago, so I guess we just have to wait.
Yes I know what you mean. We just have to keep waiting. It gets discouraging at times. But the DVD of the J.Lo produced telanovela series COMO AMA UNA MUJER (How A Woman Loves) in which she just starred (and did I fine job in - I watched it - although the plot is silly - like all telanovelas) has just come out here in the USA & Canada (Region 1) and is availabe at Amazon, here:http://www.amazon.com/Jennifer-Lope..._bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1198118687&sr=1-1
DVD cover from Amazon (click to enlarge)
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