Liv Tyler

Her style is so simple, yet so chic and stylist, even when pregnant:blush:
I love it!

The actress and Belstaff ambassador shares her day of 100+ pictures, 4 typewriters, and 2 hours of hot-tubbing.


7:00 A.M. There's me in New York, me when I'm filming, and me in London. Which me do you want?! In New York, I wake up and read all my messages from my fiancé [British sports agent David Gardner]. We're moving to London in September, but right now I'm in New York and he's there, so we text all night long. I wake my dog, Neal, and carry him down the stairs to pick up my one-year-old, Sailor, and get my older son, Milo, who's 11, up for school.

7:10 A.M. Sailor crawls around and tries to break into the fridge while I make breakfast. I have a cup of coffee and nibble on whatever Milo's having, eggs or French toast. Normally I'm much stricter with my diet, but since I'm pregnant now, I'm allowed to eat what I want, which is really fun. It's crazy—I've been pregnant for two years straight. I feel more balanced when I'm pregnant, strangely, and less pressured. It's like a nine-month vacation when I can prioritize being home. 8:15 A.M. I walk Milo to school. In the morning, it's all about the kids, so I don't have time to think about what to wear, which is hard because sometimes there are paparazzi outside. I usually end up in my workout clothes all day. Maybe I'll put on some red lipstick.

9:00 A.M. Some days I stop at Buvette on Grove Street for a breakfast meeting. Or I'll go home and hang out with Sailor until he takes a nap, which is when I shower, catch up on e-mails, and get changed for the day, which takes no more than 20 minutes. I usually have a bag I'm obsessed with for a minute. At the moment, it's a little black Valentino with studs. I had a beautiful leather Givenchy overnight bag, but David stole it. I stuff it with a script and a book I'm reading—currently Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert. I take my makeup with me everywhere and put it on in the car because I'm always rushing, and I carry a little collection of jewelry I love with me, in case I need diamonds.

10:00 A.M. In New York, I work out with my trainer, David Kirsch, either in the morning or later on. Since I'm pregnant again, we do light weights and the medicine ball, but I take it easy.

10:30 A.M. At least one week per month I'm in London [working as a Belstaff brand ambassador and creative contributor]. It's the same morning ritual, but with David's son Gray, who's eight. David takes Gray to school on his way to work, and I go to Belstaff, which is so fun because it's my first time working in an office. In the car, my amazing assistant, Kate, and I plot and plan. I'm a bit of a dreamer, so I need someone to keep me on track. We first worked together when I was 17 and made a movie in London, and she has traveled all over the world with me. She was Alexander McQueen's assistant until he passed away, so she's great at helping me understand the fashion side of things.

11:00 A.M. In my new role at Belstaff, I have a hand in so many projects. We made a short film, in which I play Amelia Earhart, and we're creating a capsule collection. Every day we'll see directors and stylists, plan events, or I might have a four-hour design meeting with Delphine [Ninous, vice president of women's design]. The design process is hard because you have to make huge decisions really quickly. I've often been the girl someone is pinning something on, but I never actually got to take the pins and say, "Can we move the pockets?," and "What if we put this on the collar?"

1:00 P.M. We eat lunch as a team in the office. In New York, I have this incredible cook and superwoman, Claudia, so I'll eat at home and run errands while Sailor naps. I love redecorating my house, which is full of collections: books, '50s chandeliers, old hair flowers I never use, Chanel necklaces, and typewriters—my favorite is bubblegum pink. I try to find 20-minute chunks of time to focus on e-mails rather than checking constantly, but I text David all day. I prefer to communicate with pictures and songs than words. I take hundreds of photos every day and send David tons of videos of Sailor doing something crazy, like right now he's whirling a pot around. I also love to FaceTime with my grandmother. She is so sweet with her correspondence. She calls me "Baby Girl," which became "BG," and signs her texts "With devotion."

6:00 P.M. In London, when David and I get home from work, we put our phones away. David gives Sailor a bath while the boys do their homework and play video games, or we'll all watch a movie together. Sailor falls asleep in my arms at 7 P.M. on the dot.

7:00 P.M. Sometimes we eat at home as a family or at China Tang at the Dorchester; sometimes David and I slip out for a movie at the Electric, this beautiful theater with cozy chairs. One of my favorite things to do as a family in New York is visit Pioneer Works, my best friend Dustin [Yellin]'s artists center in Brooklyn.

8:00 P.M. I'm a major bath person. It's a full-on couple-hour process every night, while the boys watch football or after they go to sleep. I add salts and Kneipp oil to the water, put a face mask on, and exfoliate my skin with gloves. I wash my hair with Pantene every other day unless I have gorgeous hair left over from an event. Now that I'm pregnant, I try to put oil and cream on my belly. I adore Rudolph body oil from Denmark, which Helena Christensen gave me. But I'm so tired and lazy that I don't take as good care of myself as I should. I can read a script in one bath, and sometimes I'll pull up a stool and watch a movie on my computer while I soak. It's the best.

9:30 P.M. Milo reads for 30 minutes every night, and sometimes I lie with him. If I have time to relax, I'll practice Transcendental Meditation for 20 minutes (which you're supposed to do twice a day, but I never do). My favorite thing is to get my nails done or get a facial. Nobody can find you for an hour. This amazing woman Gina comes to the house and does my nails while the kids are asleep, and we sit on the couch and drink wine.

11:00 P.M. In London, David and I talk or watch a movie as we fall asleep. In New York, I've been in bed by 10 because I'm so pooped. And, yes, I wake up many times throughout the night.
The outfit with the dungarees looks so cool! I usually do not like dungarees, but she makes them look elegant.
'Steven Tyler...Out on a Limb' Show to Benefit Janie's Fund in Collaboration with Youth Villages on May 2, 2016 in New York

Liv Tyler spotted walking around the West Village, New York - June 1, 2016

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