Thank you! I am just using some beads I got cheap. I tend to buy bags of random beads, then sort out the colors I want for a given project. It tends to be cheaper that way, plus you get a wild variety. I love the "lucky dip" aspect of it.
Michael's Craft has these wonderful little plastic tubs with like 2lb of beads in them, all mixed up, for like $4. Plus I sometimes get bags of assorted beads in a given colorway--greens, reds, rusts, yellows...different shapes, tones, and styles, all mixed up. Those are like $1.80 for 50g. The earthtone necklace had some of the Michael's mixed beads, and some from a packet of earthtone beads, plus a lampwork bead I had around, and the blue one is entirely out of Michael's assorted beads.