Lula #4 : Claudia Merikula by Damon Heath

I'm home now...but not at the parentals place where they have a scanner so no scans until weekend me thinks.... I'll be honest and say the Lula party was a bit dull and boring really....... lots of ppl milling around chatting...nothing exciting...very quaint...
I left after about 10 minutes and went to the Kane party for a bit....
^thats awesome that you get to go to all the parties! i can't wait to see the eds!!!
Does anyone know how to become Lula's myspace friend? I know their page is private, but I'm wondering if anyone on here has managed to view it.
NickiLee said:
Does anyone know how to become Lula's myspace friend? I know their page is private, but I'm wondering if anyone on here has managed to view it.

have you not gotten a reply to your friend request? i'm lula's (and leith's) friend on myspace. i just asked, but i had previous contact with her through the flickr community. there's some dreamy pics of leith on her myspace site, and the lula site is supercute, since her friends are always leaving lovely little comments, pics, and videos. there's also a lula "group" on myspace which features some discussion or comments from time to time. it was there that jenny, the photo editor, put out the request for folks to send in pics of themselves in tap shoes. so it's a good way to stay in touch with updates, and i believe anyone can join.

lula's site plays scout niblett's "kidnapped by neptune," in case anyone wondered what the lula soundtrack might sound like. :heart:
Ack.... you guys are going to hate me but I :ninja: left my copy in Starbucks..... and never went back to get it.... so I'm without my one copy which I picked up at the party and as far as I know isn't out yet in UK bookstores.... doh!
^ Aww that sucks! I bet someone out there is enjoying it. :lol: I guess we'll just have to wait a little while for some scans...
Is this out yet, here in the US?

-does anyone have the link to their myspace page?
bigger pic of cover

Finally!!! This time I'll persuade my London friends to buy one and send over, or else I'll have to wait for like two more months before it's out here...
i,m so excited, i have no idea where i can buy tis in dublin i have tried so many times 2 get it, but no joy, thats y its great when u guys scan in the contents:-)
The myspace is set to private, does anyone know when the magazine will be released in Australia? How much longer do we have to wait over here, or anywhere is in the world for that matter?
I'm going to call up the distributer for melb and ask when it will be released! That's great that you can get it in borders in melb (replying to your post in the other thread haha) which borders did you see it at?

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