Male Model Scans

:heart: :heart:

oh bloody hell this is outrageous: I will never find my bearings again--lost in lust forever--Beetlejuice, I expect to be institutionalized by the end of the evening:ninja: :ninja: Marios is so adorable:heart:
MODELMADMAN... I don't want to worry you but I think it's too late for institutionalized help in your case... :lol:

And to make it even worse for you - hot Jake van Zyl :evil:

beetlejuice said:

I might be a bad girl... but I still think about you! :D

OK Beetlejucie: time to reveal the real ModelMadMan: these reflect my taste in spades--the muscle-boy models are not really my favs (leave them to p*ssy)! so these are my all time favourites.:heart: :heart: :flower: :flower: :heart: :heart: oh i have to give up this is not going to work there are simply too many and sorry since this is a retrospective :innocent:
beetlejuice said:
MODELMADMAN... I don't want to worry you but I think it's too late for institutionalized help in your case... :lol:

And to make it even worse for you - hot Jake van Zyl :evil:


How cruel -- u know how i feel about vanzyle -- god i am so over the edge tonight-- have to go eat something before i pass out:ninja: love u beetle :heart: :flower: :heart:
beetlejuice said:

well... I was undecided - I was also thinking about this one for my new avatar :D

I love this smile! :evil:
And I like his hair styleB)
beetlejuice said:

Thank you, Beetle, for the Lucas Mascarini! I must confess...he's a doll. Red headed doll. Very pretty. And...he's a Galliano Boy :brows: :evil: We loves our Galliano Boys....
Jeremy Dufour :wub:and Henry Barnacle:wub:

are they??....Hope I didn't make a mistake:ninja:

afacanys said:
Jeremy Dufour :wub:and Henry Barnacle:wub:

are they??....Hope I didn't make a mistake:ninja:
Oh Afacanys! These are simply lovely! I think you are right...I don't know Jeremy's face as well as I know Henry's :wub: but I think it's him... I love this! Thanks!!!!
AimeeOR said:
Oh Afacanys! These are simply lovely! I think you are right...I don't know Jeremy's face as well as I know Henry's :wub: but I think it's him... I love this! Thanks!!!!
Glad you like them:flower:
I can't id Jeremy's face well either:ninja: because I just start loving him recently:lol:
butterfly said:
is that a guy in the last picture? wow, she, i mean he looks like a female. HOW AMAZING:blink:

Yes Karl is all man!:flower: :flower:

and the first two pics of Christian Santamaria keep reappearing -- we all must love him to death.:heart: :heart:
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modelmadman.. you posted pictures on the last page.. can you ID who the guy is on top of Shawn dewet's picture??

I love your picture btw :flower:
butterfly said:
is that a guy in the last picture? wow, she, i mean he looks like a female. HOW AMAZING:blink:

yes, it's a part of his charm;)

Aimee, i've had that pic of shaun for a long time and i never noticed his fly was open!! LOL. great attention to detail, girl.
CharlottefromCA said:
modelmadman.. you posted pictures on the last page.. can you ID who the guy is on top of Shawn dewet's picture??

I love your picture btw :flower:

The first one is Adam Senn and the second one (head shot) is Oliver Bork. Of course if I am wrong BlueMan will correct me!;)
I_Want_That_One said:
yes, it's a part of his charm;)

Aimee, i've had that pic of shaun for a long time and i never noticed his fly was open!! LOL. great attention to detail, girl.

now, now, don't u think everyone knew that his fly was undone -- be assured the boys certainly did!:p
Here's a little something for PussyLee and ModelMadman. Recognize the first guy? Isn't it the one that PussyLee was flipping out over a few days ago?

I scanned this from my Details Sept04 mag. I don't know, Robin Sinclair and Jay (warner?). I'm trying to find the first and confirm Jay but I want to enjoy a bath first :p brb...

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Stan Jouk, Details May 2005 Clean Lines Editorial

And. Much to my surprise, I find that I am inexplicably drawn to the very, very, VERY adorable Stan Jouk. I've never been so drawn to him :blink: I find him so, so cute :heart: You can find more out about this cutie at Acid's site, theones2watch

The second pic...makes my mind stutter :shock: I think that may be why he had such an instant fan in me. I love that pic. And I love his profile.

I was so drawn that I immediately started scanning this when I received my new May 2005 Details mag. First thing. That is what I call "taken with someone" :woot:

Thanks, Gogo, for helping me ID him!
beetlejuice said:
David for Missoni :D
Forgot to make a mention that David Smith is like a little bit of heaven on earth. Can't believe that boy is real. Perfection. Serious perfection. I can't get over the fact that he was discovered sleeping on the L in Chicago. Man. What would I have done if he's sat down next to me on that thing?
Fainted...dead away, I tell you...:ninja:

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