Model's Age - How Young Is Too Young?

It sets a very bad examples. Also pedophilia comes into play. Who wants to see a 12 year old (looking) girl in sexy clothes?
JonBenet proved how dangerous it is to dress children like that and put them on the stage. I dont think anyone under 17 belongs on a runway. Period.
Women can much rather intentify with models that look their age or are in their 20's than 12 year old girls wearing clothes for grown ups. Who is gonna buy that ? Stefanie was completely right - its girls our age that buy clothes, not girls under 16.
If it were up to me I wouldn't hire a girl under 18. This industry is too harsh.
People are saying it's better to be young because of measurements etc but that's exactly why it's a bad idea. It will imprint the idea in her head that what size she is at that age is ideal. A truly great model becomes more beautiful as she approaches mid 20s-30.
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As one hair stylist said to me... 18 and over is a good age.

He said,"I was testing this 15 year old girl.. she was smoking.. talking about her partying the previous weekend... and I was just thinking... you´re still a baby.:cry:"
Paulbpc said:
If it were up to me I wouldn't hire a girl under 18. This industry is too harsh.

Since you say you are a casting director it seems to me is up to you.
Then why would you post you would like to "book" a 14 year old in the Chanel Inman thread? :unsure:
cole said:
the pic again...

Pic from Post #46
^ That is Claudia Merikula, who nearing or is sixteen years old. She does look ten there though, same. But I have to admit she is one of my favourite models. :unsure:

A few points:

Even 'older' model who 19-21 such as Gemma and Cintia are praised for their 'baby faces' (the former) and their Lolita appeal (the latter). For those who don't what a Lolita is, it's taken from the book Lolita by Nabakov and the character is the object of a much older mans lust and 'love' for a twelve year old girl. And is now a term for underage beauties.

Lily Cole, Caroline Trentini, Heather Mark, Lisa Cant are also examples of models popular beacuse of their 'innocent' and childlike appearance.

I have to admit myself that my favourite models are the innocent, baby faced ones, so popular in high fashion, such as Cintia and Claudia M.

But any model that is under eighteen or even seventeen should have some sort of restriction on what type of modelling they do and how much modelling they do. Young girls are definitley easier to manipulate, so are in much more vunerable positions than an older model.

I remember watching an interview with a twenty something Kate Moss and she said something along the lines of when she first started, she didn't want to take her top off for the camera, she was crying and someone said to her "I won't book you for ELLE if you don't take your top off!" and so she took her clothes off. Whoever said that it's only the fashion industry that can get away with that (in the name of 'high fashion') and not be called on for child explotation, is right.
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Eighteen. What they are modeling are clothes for women, not preteens. They should represent that. The body of a 14 year old girl is a ridiculous ideal. And I see some people here saying 13 for even runway? Can you imagine the kind of lifestyle these little girls are exposed to?? Take that into consideration! They'd be traveling and spending lots of time alone, as well. haha, I'm 15 and I'm saying this!
Completely agree on the remarks about pedophilia in here. Also it's representative of men just wanting women to remain in a state in which they pose no threat or to them, or intimidate them. Hence why they prefer little girls...

Fashion's perspective of the female ideal is beyond warped...I love fashion with all my being but really!! It can be so sick!
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Jane Loves Marc said:
Eighteen. What they are modeling are clothes for women, not preteens. They should represent that. The body of a 14 year old girl is a ridiculous ideal. And I see some people here saying 13 for even runway? Can you imagine the kind of lifestyle these little girls are exposed to?? Take that into consideration! They'd be traveling and spending lots of time alone, as well. haha, I'm 15 and I'm saying this!
Completely agree on the remarks about pedophilia in here. Also it's representative of men just wanting women to remain in a state in which they pose no threat or to them, or intimidate them. Hence why they prefer little girls...

Fashion's perspective of the female ideal is beyond warped...I love fashion with all my being but really!! It can be so sick!

I agree! I think that 16 or 17 and up is a good place to start. Many teens start working at 16, so I don't think that's too young. I do think that 14 and under is ridiculous.
To be an international model, I agree the minimum age should be 18, however, if it's only locally and you're still living with your parents and hanging out with friends, I dont really mind if they're younger..13 being the limit.. I have friends who used to model when we were in junior high [even in elementary school!], it was a good experience for them, they never took it seriously but for those who are taking seriously, it seems like a good training until you reach a reasonable age to go overseas or move out all by yourself.

either way, I never thought 14 was that young. :ninja:
Paulbpc said:
People are saying it's better to be young because of measurements etc but that's exactly why it's a bad idea. It will imprint the idea in her head that what size she is at that age is ideal. A truly great model becomes more beautiful as she approaches mid 20s-30.

I agree. Linda, Kate, Naomi, Cindy, ect. all look great because they are women, women who are comfortable in their skin. A lot of the younger girls look like insecure adolescents.

Karolina Kurkova said in Vogue magazine a few months ago that she wouldn't be suprised if the runway just becomes the center for the sad looking teenagers, and the ads and editorials start going back to the supers, and I think she may be right.
I think 16 should be the bare minimum, though I admit I'm a fan of girls that are younger and/or started younger. I just think it's far, far too young, both for the girls themselves and the target market that are actually buying the clothes. 13 and 14? Good lord, let the poor girls have a childhood! It's bad enough that a lot of them don't get to finish high school, let alone even START it. Frankly, it strikes me as kind of sick.
I can't imagine being thrown in to the modeling world at age 14. I don't even think I could handle it, right now, at age 16, and I am a very mature, independent girl. I think 18 is an appropriate age. One cannot even become a cashier at a department store unless he/she is 18, and most jobs unless it's, oh, Waffle house, have a minimum age of 14-16.
^ I think the typical starting age is 16 in the US due to child labor laws. Don't some European countries have even stricter labor laws than the U.S.? Hmm, I dunno, but where I live, you are able to get your work permit at 16.
I think 18 should be the starting age. Starting younger (unless you have a member of your family there to help you out) is dangerous. You're too young if you're under 18 to be in this industry in my opinion. If you're good enough to model when you're 16 I think you should be able to wait 2 years and then model.
xmodel citizen said:
^ I think the typical starting age is 16 in the US due to child labor laws. Don't some European countries have even stricter labor laws than the U.S.? Hmm, I dunno, but where I live, you are able to get your work permit at 16.

Well, there are child models and teen models who do junior clothes who are under 16. A girl who won the Seventeen magazine cover model search some 12 years ago was 13. Do you mean foreigners?
I'm not referring to models, actors or anything like that. I'm talking about how old you have to be to get a "real" job like working in a clothing store or a fast food restaurant.
i really think that it is not good for the girls to start at an age under 16. And even then they are so young, I'd prefer sth like 17+. The hype about staying young forever is sick in our society and that young, pretty - but not yet grown up and mature - girls are used is really alarming... And I don't feel comfortable when I'm looking at them. they seem to be pressed into a role they cannot handle yet.
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