sorry dude to give you a reality check on your lofty idealism re: what you wrote. in fact, many of these so-called 'made in italy' labels are in actual fact 'made very much in china' and shipped back for final finishing touches and wah-la. what they do is: the fabric and hardware (which makes much of a difference) are shipped to china for cutting/sewing/putting together and then shipped back to italy to sell. i've seen full-blown, main label dolce & gabbana cashmere coat done this way and i assure you it's the exact same one they were selling in the stores. i suppose it make bernard arnault 'hypocrite' of the year after he 'announced' that NO ONE but france is capable of making luxury goods at the luxury conference held in hong kong last year when a portion of Louis Vuitton's shoes are actually made in china... burberry as well; prada of course, the list goes on.
i agree that 'made in china' does not necessarily mean inferior quality. the quality really comes from the brand and what the managment of the brand asks for in the quality. therefore you can find a sh-- quality martin margiela t-shirt made in italy and a great dries van noten t-shirt made in turkey, let's say...