Most Overpriced Designer?

See, that annoys me, I don't find it rediculous to charge a few hundred, or even a few thousands of dollars for clothing when it's luxurious......expensive fabrics, complex design, intracte detail.........but stuff like that, that's really expensive just because of a logo, come on!!!!!!! Things like a beautifully cut suit, a fur coat and above all, Haute Couture, I'm willing to pay the price because it's worth it, but I'm not dropping $200 for plastic ponytail holders.......or things along that line.
I will have to say Dior.

Both their womens AND their mens. I just see some ludicrous prices. There is some sh*t in the latest Dior Homme collectio that I swear you could find for a tin tiny fraction of the price ($400 for a striped t shirt!!!).

Galliano after that, INSANE prices.
Originally posted by MJCouture@Jun 25th, 2004 - 8:35 pm
I may have overstated when I said it has turned into a casual line, but in my opinion a whole bunch of the stuff's only claim to anything is the fact that it has the word "Dior" written on it in some tacky way.
I absolutely 100% agree with you there.
i am getting sick and tired of that! :angry:
Originally posted by Nader@Jun 25th, 2004 - 2:22 pm
the moschino cheap and chic line is pretty expensive for what you get... same with marc by marc... the quality of both lines is verrrry questionable :wacko:

overpriced but worth it: I would have to say Canali suits (they fit great :)) and from what I've experienced, Valentino is great quality too.
I always found it ironic that Moschino Cheap and Chic was called "Cheap" isn't cheap, by any means. :: laughs ::
If you start counting, then youll see that its a really good bussiness, isnt it? I mean so really, these top basically costs 2 dollars and dior sells it for 200 or more... ok, I can agree that clothes with pearls and diamonds really shoul cost a lot ,but for example, look here . Why would I pay 175 dollars for this ?

In common, they are all overpriced. :innocent:
Originally posted by Asdiklon@Jun 26th, 2004 - 11:50 am

In common, they are all overpriced. :innocent:
*edited to say: I agree, with Asdiklon.

Still boutiques are much responsible for the high prices, retail price = wholesale price plus :shock: 150 to 250%

x-factory price can occasionaly end multiplied almost three by the time it reaches the end customer... with taxes, advertisment & shipment included :wacko:
meaning the Dior t-shirt starts retailing at around 53$ and reaches 175$ retail ..

c'est tres compliquè :ninja:
i know chanel is SUPER expensive......but it is probhably the best quality avalible. i mean......nobody else can work with chiffon that well apart from ungaro. i think part of the reason for chanel's high prices is actually to keep their loyal clients who dont want to see jim and bob having the same as them.

also, at least with chanel clothes, you're paying to look chic and feminine, some people will pay the same prices to look totally trashy ;)
Oh, Lord- Marc Jacobs comes to mind. I don't own any designer pieces, but I have seen MJ stuff up close, and it didn't seem worth the insane prices. Moschino Cheap and Chic is definitely not cheap - I saw a coat on Saks yesterday that cost over $2000, although it looked pretty well-made. Chanel is ridiculously over-priced as well. A lot (not all) Balenciage stuff is laughably expensive.
Yes, Balenciaga is very pricey. Some of the stuff is understandibly expensive.....but other stuff is just like WOAH!!!!!!!!!! :o
Originally posted by impossibleprincess@Jun 26th, 2004 - 1:16 pm
It's not totally high end but Juicy is way overpriced, especially for the quality, which is crap :innocent:
i agree.

i think the same of heatherette as well...

Originally posted by brian@Jun 26th, 2004 - 6:02 pm

i think the same of heatherette as well...

I like to think of Heatherette as Crack wh*re Couture. They charge you thousands of dollars, but you wind up looking like you rolled out of a dumpster with a syringe and crack pipe in your purse. It's 80's prom queens hit by an 18 wheeler, dragged a few miles, thrown into CBGB for an hour, and retiring for the evening in the nearest crack house........just a personal opinion :innocent:
Yohji Yamamoto is very expensive. I saw a pair of men's leather sandals for $1200.

Chanel is overpriced. Personally I don't think a plastic ring is worth $250. One could actually get a sterling ring at Gucci for less.

Dior Homme as well. Some of their denim costs upwards of a $1,000. At Saks they had a leather jacket on sale for $4,500. But I must say the styling is exquisite.
Dior Homme is def. overpriced. The same goes for Rochas and Prada.
I love Prada and as far as designers go I don't think Miuccia is crazy. I mean I wouldn't pay anything for the crap sportline but her actually collection. I think a lot of work can go into some of those pieces.

I was thinking about this topic today at work and thought that someone who is suprisingly affordable is Anna Sui. You can buy one of her ready to wear dresses from the runway for a couple hundred and though oddly haven't seen any up close wouldn't doubt their quality.
Originally posted by impossibleprincess@Jun 26th, 2004 - 9:16 pm
It's not totally high end but Juicy is way overpriced, especially for the quality, which is crap :innocent:
I agree with this.

But to see it from other angle, chanel, dior, ect. overprice their clothes just for the people they want to sell them to. I mean that some people have so much money that buying a coat for 2000 dollars doesnt seem like something extraordinary to them. Its a sort of prestige thing to dress expensivelly. :innocent:

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