Naomi wanted at war crime court

sorry but deeming something an "inconvenience" for her is not what i call taking something seriously. just like all the crap she tried to pull to keep from having to testify in the first place.

Agreed. It blows my mind that in an INTERNATIONAL COURT she's still riding on her high horse and showing disdain for the proceedings.
I actually agree.. while I don't believe Naomi 100%, I don't quite believe Mia's account as well and I definitely can't trust what Carole White has to say. And plus, she gave the diamonds to charity, that is undisputable right? So its not like she turned the diamonds into a 1,000,000 VS bra or anything.. its time to move on..

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats too funny Charlotte I'm falling out in laughter but right though!
The Prosecution probably had a better chance of prosecuting Charles had they not started this 3 ring circus of a Celebrity dual with Naomi vs Mia :wacko::judge:
If she is being forced to give evidence (even is it is inconveniencing her :rolleyes:) then just tell the bloody truth....simple as. It is clear she is lying through her back teeth IMO, and it isn't the first time either. Very selective memory this woman has.....if it will help HER cause, she can remember stuff from wayyy back. I doubt she really feels threatened's always about how she feels about a situation, is interpreted, or how her family feels or will suffer.

Carol White clearly has reason to implicate Naomi, but Mia Farrow doesn't, and why the hell would she lie.

As a model I have lots of admiration for her and always will, she will be remembered as one of the finest......unfortunately the way she conducts her private life is another matter and I think she is totally spoilt, delusional and so far removed from reality it is unreal. Get with it stupid woman...this is a serious matter, not some frivolous rubbish she is used to, like deciding which dress to wear today. Oh it's a tough life.:innocent:
^What exactly do you think she is lying about and more importantly how are her lies impacting the case against Charles Taylor?
^ IMO she is lying about how she was given the diamond.
Reading the witness evidence of Carol White & Mia Farrow, they are clearly in conflict to the evidence Naomi gave.
I don't believe I said that her lies were impacting on the case against Taylor, but she has been called to give evidence so just tell the's not that hard.
^ Well in that case Mia's story is conflicting to the evidence that was given...Big Fat Diamond vs A pouch of dirty pebbles...:innocent::innocent:

Even Mia said she cant recall much about the event b/c she dont remember except that she was SURE Naomi told her the next day that Charles had given her a BIG FAT Diamond...Well MIA it wasnt a big fat diamond...So obviously she dont remember anything about the event too well.....
Mia might not have specific agenda like Carole but she's definetly not a creditable witness either.....And if you're going to bring all this up and get all these people involved at least have a solid truthful story....not something you vaguely remember.....And Naomi's the one with Selective Memory:lol::lol::lol:
Yes, I agree with the last posts about Naomi's involvement she didn't knowingly accept "blood diamonds" to be given to her. And as one poster said didn't order them to be dug up by anyone and sold to fight a bloody civil war.
Someone mentioned earlier that she's a role model because she paved the way for future black models and spoke up about the injustice against black models in the industry.

She could be even more of a role model and tell the entire truth about this whole thing if it'll help put a person like Charles behind bars. I understand that she's scared etc. but if she has a chance to contribute in any way to help Liberia rid of a horrid person like Charles, then she should try and tell the truth! You recieved diamonds, nobody is going to hold her totally against it since it was a long time ago, but if she's acting shady about it, then it's NOT cool.

I empathise with her worries of being in danger, but im more concerned about the countless people who were killed/tortured under this man's regime and the people in Liberia who are probably terrified of this guy. She should not think about herself in this case
well either way charles taylor is going to rot in jail. the whole blood diamond era destroy alot of families including mines. i feel sorry for naomi cause she always seems to be in the middle of these drama.
The fact that this thing became incredibly big is because it's Naomi; no one made fuzzes with Mia and Carole's testimony, but just Naomi's. I actually don't understand how Naomi stating the truth that she received some diamonds will have any big effects towards the event, no matter what, Charles Taylor will be persecuted, she wasn't forced to see those kids searching out for diamonds and was forced to received them either. And how can we be so sure that either Mia and Carole did not receive anything? The press is just zooming in because it's Naomi, that's probably the case, and I am actually expecting to see Nelson Mandela to be called in as well, since he was the host of the event.
I actually agree.. while I don't believe Naomi 100%, I don't quite believe Mia's account as well and I definitely can't trust what Carole White has to say. And plus, she gave the diamonds to charity, that is undisputable right? So its not like she turned the diamonds into a 1,000,000 VS bra or anything.. its time to move on..
Just caught up with this case and I agree with you completely, Charlotte. I don't believe 100% in any of the three but Carole White is the one that's given the impression to be in some sort of special mission.. she sounds hurt, very far from truthful.

Silly question but when she says texting, she meant beeper texting right?. I was too young to know gadgets but texting in Pretoria 13 years ago sounds way too technology savvy even for heads of state and supermodels... someone please clear this up for me here. :lol:

I also find it hard to think Mia would remember about a gift given to someone else at a party, I know it's not any gift at any party but still, it's been more than 13 years to remember an exchange that must not have taken more than a couple of minutes.
Another thing is that perhaps Naomi lied in front of Mia out of pride/fear, sounds naive I know, but suspecting the origin just by the diamonds' appearance, I don't think anyone would've said so casually 'I was giving a pouch of dirty-looking stones' to someone they're not really that close with.

Finally, I couldn't care less for Naomi Campbell and I'm no expert on this case or this woman's behavior, but she didn't look on a 'high horse' to me, she looked as nervous as anyone would be having to face an international court and having to talk on detail about an event that (providing she's saying the truth) didn't seem to hold much weight in her life until now, when she said 'inconvenience', you can see she's trying to get back on diplomatic vocabulary after breaking out a nervous smile seconds before... and I think it's perfectly normal to be concerned or inconvenienced about a potential backlash for having to testify against a man that had no problem in doing the horrible things he did to thousands of people, it takes a hero complex or maybe just uninformed confidence on the system to think your testimony can only be positively consequential and nonthreatening for you or those around you, so I think she just found a perhaps insensitive replacement for the word she wanted say, which is dangerous.. and obviously, saying that would've caused a bigger uproar because.. 'what's so dangerous about saying the truth' is the observer-friendly argument people like to tell themselves to ditch the logical, admittedly more sympathetic one, what's so dangerous about testifying against a dangerous man.
That lawyer, Courtenay Griffiths, is the most annoying person I've ever seen in a court room. Talk about loving the attention.

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