Old Navy getting revamped?

everyone thinks the gap is too expensive. at least out here. that's one of the main problems. back in the day when it's more popular consumers didn't have much of choice and as you've said a lot of other stores have come in and taken that market share. old navy needs to the find balance of properly distributing items. they'll send 10 units in something hot and 1,000 units in a complete dog. that leads to customers saying they'll wait until the item goes on sale vs. h and m that has no upstock or anything like that, you better buy it right then and there or never see that item again in life. banana republic is cool especially if you actually have to dress up for business.
^ so true. stores receive a bunch of units in what's not selling, and a limited amount of units in what is selling. the same happens at the gap, but not so much banana republic. their shipments are actually very good.
I haven't seen the commercials. I've been at Old Navy and have been impressed with some of the dresses and jackets.

I bought a wonderful cropped pea jacket on clearance for $12.99. I'm not sure if it's appropriate to post a photo of me wearing it... but I really love it. :) Had to wear it righta way!

I've also loved their graphic tees lately. I actually have photos of me wearing that, as well... goodness... I just pull the tags off and wear promptly. :)
Their new stuff is REALLY trendy..... Cheap and effective, definitely major mass appeal.... :innocent: Not really my thing, but great turn nonetheless.

Their new arrivals: (from oldnavy.com) (all reasonably priced under 25$, of course, quality follows the price tag!!!)


Hm I don't know how I feel about the new stuff I would have to check it out in stores, but I can always depend on old navy for a cheap pair of jeans. I love how their petite size fits.
I'm excited about the new denim styles for men! The current jean styles they are phasing out now are really old. Who wears painter's fit for crying out loud!?!?!?!
I've been trying to find that cream colored sequined top for awhile now! I haven't seen it in stores yet :(
i saw that top today in the store...
looks cheap and ugly imo...:ermm:


when are we going to start seeing todd oldham's influence, that's what i want to know?!?!...

he was appointed creative director awhile ago..
but I haven't really heard the company promoting it...
i think the stuff he worked on will start to hit stores in june or july...

anyone have any news?
The sequin stuff did look kinda cheap irl.
they're not going to promote it. we already should be seeing it. his first "collection" rolled out in feburary or so i thought...
let's hope they're getting revamped.
my mom loves old navy.
my mom.
Their new arrivals: (from oldnavy.com) (all reasonably priced under 25$, of course, quality follows the price tag!!!)

Save for the striped top, these pieces don't look very Old Navy to me. I feel like they're trying too hard to fit in with what's popular right now.
when are we going to start seeing todd oldham's influence, that's what i want to know?!?!...

he was appointed creative director awhile ago..
but I haven't really heard the company promoting it...
i think the stuff he worked on will start to hit stores in june or july...

anyone have any news?

i heard september...which would sort of tie into when patrick robinson's collection for the gap will hit stores...

here's the blurb from wwd:
Oldham's influence on the collections will begin to be noticed in June-July, and fully felt by the August-September period, officials said.

so i guess this is the first monthly collection with his stamp...

i'm disappointed you said it's cheap soft...
i haven't liked any of the monthly collections since the first one (in feb)...
this one had some potential...
let's hope they're getting revamped.
my mom loves old navy.
my mom.
mom's need clothes too!...
you guys already have target and h&m and forever 21...the list goes on and on...
let the grown ups have SOME things, ok...

thanks kim...
that is what i thought...
not that i am expecting much...
i think todd oldham is a very nice person...
but i have always hated all his designs...:ermm:...
both fashion and for home...

the old navy models are wearing what looks to be prada heels in the promo images on the website of the last "collection". i think its false advertising!:o
everyone does this lucy..
even h&m...

and it's pretty accurate imo...
LOTS of girls wear really expensive designer shoes and bags with cheap little tops and dresses from h&m and american apparel...

seems pretty standard imo...


but which 'collection' are you referring to?
old navy is doing some impressive platforms themselves lately..
^ That isn't too shabby, imo..
A bit trendy, but cute, nonetheless..
That black dress looks adorable...
Old Navy's shoes have been RLY good lately...
Can't speak about comfort much, however...
thanks for posting that lucy..

yeah- i like the ruffled bottom dress myself...
it also comes in a slate grey...
saw it on the site today

but it wasn't in the store on friday when i went...
going back tomorrow, so maybe it will be there then..


*the shoes are def not old navy lucy...:p
you're right!~
but i think that's part of why the whole thing looks so good...
it's one of the rules of fashion..
*always spend money on a good pair of shoes!..


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