Olivier Theyskens vs. Rochas

that would be exactly the point of valentino..boring and commercial.
as much as i hated those floral satins..i saw they sold VERY WELL..
..much like armani..valentino is just a good seller..but nothing new fashion-wise.

that's why i wrote in "rochas to close", that theyskens for valentino would be even more tragic than this whole ordeal.
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can you think of one gown-based designer besides rochas who isn't commerical, boring, and tacky?

i detest valentino, but if valentino himself retired and olivier took over, the line has potential to change. many people that i know think olivier should take over chloe, but the problem with taking over a brand where he might actually belong (like chloe) is that he would no longer be able to make his gowns, which is his specialty. at least with valentino he could focus on his specialty.
and as much as i hate pretty much every single dress valentino produces, their suits are not that bad... and olivier does make very good suits too
MissMagAddict said:
A few days before the news spread about Rochas, Theyskens was drinking jasmine tea on the patio of the Ritz Hotel in Paris. He was studying a photomontage of the clothes he designed under his own name in August 1997. The file, along with a collection of articles, had been prepared by the Rochas press office. “I was 20,” he said, looking at the pictures. “It’s very far away.” Theyskens, who was wearing a nondescript gray short-sleeve T-shirt and faded black jeans, pointed to a particular dress. It was, as many of his early dresses were, a kind of Goth extravaganza. Hooks and eyes, which Theyskens once called “jewelry for the dress,” connected the fabric of the bodice in a cross.

i think from this we can deduce that if olivier revives his own line, it will be more like the rochas line and less like how his own was
Valentino would be great for his development because he would actually have an opportunity to get a taste at what real couture is, soak up that environment and then really focus on daywear and accessories, which Valentino has a great reputation for. In the same breath, that's also why he might not be a good fit for Valentino, he'd been so slow to develop those other aspects of the business at Rochas. McQueen having had access to couture at Givenchy was seen as a bit of a saving grace as well and yet it wasn't a good fit. O'livy seems to be very much of an idealised artistic temperment and his clothes evoke mood over flash and cash, him at Valentino seems a little too apples and oranges.
^ I'd have to disagree

It would be absolutely dreadful if Olivier became more like Valentino. If anything, I'd want Olivier to change Valentino, not the other way around. I do wish he'd make more day wear though...
I think we're reaching a similar conclusion, Baroque as far as the man and the company not being a good fit.

Personally, i wouldn't want O'livy to change Valentino, there's more than enough room in fashion for varied approaches to design, that's what makes it so great, seeing how designers influenced by the world we live in and trying to reach the modern woman respond to her needs in such different and contradicting ways. Younger designers should not be afraid of the struggles involved in going it alone and trying to build a house from scratch in order to really establish a legacy they can then leave behind that is their own, not an interpretation of another design legacy.
Lars Nilsson is leaving Nina Ricci and Rumor has it Olivier Theyskens might replace him. Nina Ricci is like the opposite of Olivier's Olivier Theyskens brand...
BaroqueRockstar said:
Lars Nilsson is leaving Nina Ricci and Rumor has it Olivier Theyskens might replace him. Nina Ricci is like the opposite of Olivier's Olivier Theyskens brand...

Well ... I don't know about opposite ... Tom Ford's Gucci is probably opposite :D ;)

Ricci is feminine as well ... it strikes me as a very intriguing and probably appropriate match ... and ... Ricci has been nice, but a breath of fresh air wouldn't hurt in the least. This might give us all a new option ... ^_^
he shud design in his own name. i loved the Rochas stuff on the catwalk. so pretty. but how much of that can a real life girl of 25 wear?
His own line on the other hand was dark and gothy... and very wearable.

why ISNT he desining in his own name? is money/financial backers the problem?
he lost his backer, who was a lawyer i think
this i totally don't understand, if i had the money i would totally back him
Didn't Olivier Theyskens design a couple of the black Goth-like gowns that Madonna wore to award ceremonies during her Ray of Light days?

Anyway, I really liked Olivier's work for Rochas. But please don't touch my Valentino. The Valentino look is one of a kind. I wouldn't want it to be "changed" in any way.
BaroqueRockstar said:
he lost his backer, who was a lawyer i think
this i totally don't understand, if i had the money i would totally back him
:cry: :cry: . how can someone not back the Intl. designer of the Year?.. totally beyond me:angry:
Does Olivier himself have the money to revive his own label?
i think you should consider changing your name to "MarryMeOlivier":p
personally , i would suggest him to give up design and become a model... he would profit more.
Pastry said:
i think you should consider changing your name to "MarryMeOlivier":p
In fact, i DID make that request when i switched side from Tomland to Theyskens:p
can i ? :flower:
esquire said:
personally , i would suggest him to give up design and become a model... he would profit more.
:woot: :lol: sounds nice!
btw, what is his height?
whoever gave him the idea of growing his hair and beard was a genius...totally transformed his look from a girl/boy to a MAN:heart:
^ i know!
i love his new look, although i also loved his beard-less look and his short-hair look he ad a while ago. actually, i love how he looks no matter.
he couldn't model, though, he'd make all the other models (male and female) look like nothing
MarryMeTomFord said:
In fact, i DID make that request when i switched side from Tomland to Theyskens:p
can i ? :flower:

actually, you can. if you haven't changed your name before, you can pm one of the team leaders, and they'll do it for you.
BaroqueRockstar said:
he lost his backer, who was a lawyer i think
this i totally don't understand, if i had the money i would totally back him

Read that NY times article in the previous page again and really think about it.

He's a bad investment, at least at the moment. From his beginnings where he refused to sell to barneys (arguably creating some good buzz) to him talking about wanting to stop global vulgarity, drawing headless figures and designs and not even showing up to his showroom sessions, in my opinion he has no customer in mind and seems to not care about the business aspect of it. He, to me, designs purely for himself.

Every great designer has always had a good business manager supporting him, Oliver seems to be missing that and is off in his little fantasy world where he can create a 100 look collection where a couple of the garments require 200 hours of sewing, miles of rooster feather and aren't meant to be sold, no pants and no accesories. No target customer.

He has talent, I'm not denying that, but I can totally understand why his former investor dumped him. He's risky. But now he can take advantage of this situation and I feel that he is.

He seems in recent pictures sad. The "tortured" artist vs a big company in articles like this (where it states that fashion is now about business, but when was it not?) might allow him to bag a couple investors who think that proctor and gamble, a traditionally conservative company that produces home products, had no business owning a fashion company to begin with.

So someone with an interest in fashion and knows that Olivier is talented and adored by the fashion community will take the chance that Olivier has learned his lesson.
^i read the article, i know he's a bad investment, but sometimes don't you think that it's worth it for the sake of true creativity and talent rather than profit?

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