Not a great day in Paris. I went into the agency to talk to my booker,Florence. She handed me a list of 12 castings. I just looked at her and my mom told her that we were done with castings and wanted to know when we could get Ali's ticket to go home. Another agent ,Sybil came in to tell us that I had an option with Vogue France and to please stay till the photographer could meet with us. My mom thinks it's just a way to get us to stay longer so she's not to happy when we start out the door. As we are going out another lady is coming in and she stops us to ask how our day is going. My mom's in no mood for chitchat and she says,"About as bad as you can get". The lady replies she's really sorry to hear that and then extends her hand and says,"Hi, I'm Katie Ford." She wanted us to come back and talk to her about coming to New York in January. We went back in and my agent tells her that I have an option for Vogue France. Mrs. Ford told us what an important thing it was for a model to be considered for that magazine. The photographer shows up takes some polaroids and says he will call back and let my agent know if I'm booked for the job.