Overrated Actors

I think Kristen is a terrible actress, but I like Rob, I think he's a good actor.
I think Kristen is a terrible actress, but I like Rob, I think he's a good actor.

:lol: I think the opposite, Kristen's good but painfully uncharismatic while Rob is terrible but interesting to watch.

Honestly, I love Johnny Depp, but lately he's been off his game. He always tends to choose offbeat roles, but used to have some personal connection (like Angelina Jolie), which made them 3-dimensional and relatable. Now they seem to be 2-D charicatures (weird or not). He still has charisma, and lots of it, but I don't see why people make him out to be the Marlon Brando's acting-heir instead of someone like Daniel Day-Lewis, albeit less charismatic-but still there, but much more consistent (similar to Cate Blanchett and Angelina-both are talented and charismatic, but Cate's the better actress; Angelina's more interesting, although Angelina is not taken as seriously as JD and Cate's more known and less picky with scripts). Honestly, I think a lot of his success comes from his looks, if he looked like John C. Reilly I don't think he'd be praised as much :ninja:
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Nicole Kidman (I think she's terrible)
Scarlett Johansson
Reese Witherspoon
Jennifer Hudson (she was good in one film)
Jennifer Aniston
Kristen Stewart (disturbingly bad)
Amy Adams (Plays the same role ALL the time)
Rachel Weisz
Winona Ryder

Nicolas Cage
Harrison Ford (?)
Russell Crowe (good only in The Gladiator)
Adam Sandler
Kevin Costner (he's okay, but totally overrated)
Gerard Butler (only good in 300)
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Also, Anyone from twilight. I would list them all, but I don't know their names. :blink:
Kirsten Stewart
Tom Cruise (god he's just awful)
Mel Gibson (ugh... terrible actor, terrible person)
January Jones. I always thought she was good in Mad Men but only cause I hadn´t seen her in other movies. Now that I have, she really can´t act! she has only one expression, it works for Betty Draper but that´s it!
^Agree about January.

LOL. I'm looking at my previous list of overrated actors and I think I was a bit harsh.
I'd probably take Reese Witherspoon, Amy Adams (after seeing The Fighter), Harrison Ford, Russell Crowe, Kevin Costner, and Rachel Weisz off the list. I must have been PMS-ing or something. :lol:

Another overrated actress would have to be Olivia Wilde.
I don't understand why she gets cast in so many films.
ITA about January Jones. She's a robot. A friend of mine knows her and says the whole "star" thing has gone to her head, which was already full of itself and self-centered. Ugh.

When I first saw her in Mad Men, I thought she played the part well. But as the seasons passed, I realized she was a one-trick-pony. X-Men just magnifies this truth, IMHO.
I think January Jones & Olivia Wilde will run their course, they're flavour of the month now but totally replaceable when another hyped up star comes along. It happened with Kate Bosworth. I totally agree about Tom Cruise and Kristen Stewart too. Actually most of the Twilight cast are very much over hyped, including Robert Pattinson, don't even get me started on Taylor Lautner, these guys give trees Oscar hopes!
This is a subject that really frustrates me. I spend day in day out around actors. Some are very successful, well known and deservedly so, naming no names, there are a few young British actresses atm who are just turning out storming performance after performance and getting all the credit they deserve. But there are others who are so hugely talented and pass by unnoticed for such a long time when lesser talented but more hyped actresses are taking role from under their noses. Sadly this is how the business works but it's annoyingly unfair! Ok rant over!
^I believe you. I'm a big fan of British television and there are so many gorgeous, talented British actresses and actors that always have me asking, "WHY is he/she not more famous? Why?"
This business is definitely unfair. I don't understand how it works TBH.
I guess it all has to do with who you know and what you're willing to do for them.
I just came here to comment on January Jones, her body language is just as flat as her facial expression. I love MM and Betty Draper but take the cigarette away of her and she's nothing.
James Franco. I think people let him get away with his "acting skills" because of his good looks.
I don't particularly think James Franco is a bad actor. I think he turned in great performances in 127 Hours and Howl. What I do think though is that he spreads himself too thinly, this, being a modern Renaissance man thing is getting a bit old. I think in that aspect he's hugely over-rated.
Speaking of James Franco, sometimes I think Anne Hathaway is overrated.
She can act, but whenever I watch her...I don't really feel any real emotion behind her performances.
She just seems very 1 dimensional sometimes (not all the time), but that's just how I feel when I watch her.
I don't think Anne Hathaway isn't a bad actress. As you said she can act, but she's lazy. All too often she's done projects where the can just phone in the performance. When she did Rachael Getting Married or Brokeback Mountain she proved she can act but she keeps picking projects like Bride Wars!

I have to say in terms of epic hype out performing an actress Julia Roberts wins hands down. I'm utterly bemused as to how she's had the career she's had. And Gwyneth Paltrow. She seems completely insincere with everything she's ever done. she acts like she's acting.
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I actually like Gwyneth Paltrow, but I understand what you mean.
Her performances are rarely "natural."
Julia Roberts is also good, but I think she's very charismatic, which is why her career has been so great.
I think she's often been miscast, because of all her excellent connections.

And I just watched the film, The Witness, for the first time and it reminded me why I initially had Harrison Ford on my list.
I just don't think he's that great of an actor.
I think when you talk about someone like Julia Roberts you have to factor in "star quality": that mysterious "je ne sais quoi" that makes one person compelling to watch whereas another equallly talented person isn't. Julia Roberts is a perfect example: decent actress, pretty looks, but when she's onscreen there's a magnetic quality. A lot of celebs have that quality. A lot of lesser know actors may be equally talented (or more talented), just as good (or better) looking, but for whatever reason don't command the screen in the same way.

Of course, as people here have said, that "star quality" only goes so far. People want that magnistism in their movie, but without the skills to back it up with a good performance it can fall flat in the wrong role. Some celebs do have the chops to back it up, or even to turn it off if it serves the role. Some don't.
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Robert De Niro built his career with great performances but the last movie in which I thought he was good was Casino back in 1995, ever since he´s become an overrated actor for me...
Daniel Radcliffe is probably the most overrated actor there is. I think people overlook it since they love Harry Potter and you can't really replace the main character.

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