Perfume buys that were just WRONG?

I haven't bought this one,but I've used some of a tester of Narcisso Rodrigues for her and yuck...I'm going to have to shower AND wash these clothes,and I just did before using it:lol: .

I hate musky perfumes!
sanrio said:
Dolce & Gabbana LIGHT BLUE :doh:
:yuk: it smells like air freshener. i'm not fond of chloe narcisse either, too strong for me. prada's new perfume gave me a rash, most likely it has a high alcohol content.
Curious said:
I don't buy perfume, which is probably just WRONG!! However, my mom wears a brand called "Paris" and I have always thought it smelled like piss, so don't get that one!! :lol: :lol:

She also wears Halston, which I don't believe they make anymore, but that smells wonderful!!!

OMG, that made me laugh out loud so much,LMAO
I once bought Elizabeth Arden Arden Beauty, which I thought smelled nice at first, but it's horrible!

I've decided just to give up on perfume forever. Every single one I buy I always end up hating anyway, and I feel soooo self-conscious when I'm wearing it too, like everyone's thinking to themselves how strong I smell!
-Roots makes me suffocate. Good thing it was smelled nice on someone but it was just horrible on me. the spray doens't work propery either!:angry:

-Burberry Tender touch...TOO flowery. It wasn't stinky...I just don't like it..but I got a 100ml bottle for $30 (cos the wrong shimpent was sent) and so I bought it because it was too good of a deal and didn't smell that bad.
It's more of a 'mom' now it sits on my mom's dresser.

My mom received gifts of Dior pure poison and Chanel No.5. I hate them both..especially Chanel!. Why do they make such awful scents? I can't beleive it's a classic:sick: Thank goodness she doesn't use either.​
i utterly hate d&gt light blue and vivienne westwood anglomania. my mother wears the vw and's just too strong.

also, got a free sample of alien today and it's horrible. way too strong!

my two favourite perfumes are coco mademoiselle and ysl babydoll.
Calvin Klein - Eternity.

I bought it a year ago on a whim. I really didn't wear perfume then so I didn't know much about choosing them. I wore it for a while then and liked it. But I cannot stand it now though. It is nauseating. :sick:
-d&g light blue (my bf bought this one for me for new years. I liked it on my friend. But I don't know, I don't like it anymore, or on me. I can't tell him that).
-Dior Addict (too strong, at first it was ok. But now, I think it's more older woman.)

-There are a bunch. Like Poison. Poem. All those strong straight up your nose strong scents makes me dizzy. And I've noticed a lot of older (50+) ladies wear those.

+Sheer Stella (this one is nice. But only wear it when I go out in the evening. It's more evening scent.)

+Sui Love (this one is just spring and summer smell. Nice)

I guess I'm more of a flower person. Oh I like vanilla scents, well depends. Not too strong. And perfume oils are nice. Ok I think I'm off topic now....
-Dunhill fresh
-Dunhill (released in 1934)

i bought those looking for a "Dunhill" scent i love but the persson that used to wear it near me never new its real name, finally it was Dunhill "d", after years looking for it i finally found it, but at the same time i found it was discontinued :(.
Perfume is one of my passions, so when I really really like a type of perfume and can't wait to wear it and finally do and it smells horrible on me - it makes me feel so disappointed :(

Oh and I think the vilest scent in the world is Poison by Dior. My nose can pick up it's scent a mile away and it makes my eyes water and my stomach turn. Ugghh.

But each to their own I guess :)
MissWednesday said:
Oh and I think the vilest scent in the world is Poison by Dior. My nose can pick up it's scent a mile away and it makes my eyes water and my stomach turn. Ugghh.

so poison really have a poisoness effect on you ^_^, me on the other hand adore it!!, it makes me feel amazing when i smell it, the perfumes i can´t stand are gourmands ones, like angel by thierry mugler or le male by gaultier.
Calvin Klein truth, I always feel like I am going to die if somebody sprays it near me.:yuk:
QuirkyCool said:
I don't know if this has been asked;don't find it in a search anyway,but have you ever bought a perfume thinking it smelt good in the store,only to HATE it once you got it home/couldn't get it out of your clothes/etc?And then subsequently never used it?

I had a very bad perfume period at the beginning of last year and the evidence is STIL on my bathroom shelf...I bought,then rejected:

1)Sicily by Dolce and Gabbana (initially fresh but later way too sharp and cloying,got into all my wool clothes and took many washes to erase all traces).

2) Hugo Boss Deep Red ...just too strong a fragrance,no and odour,for me..

3) Gucci Eau de Parfum II In itself a lovely fragrance,but nothing really special.I got bored a third of the way through the 50ml bottle,and the rest is still standing on the bathroom shelf.Will start using it to gym when my Ralph Lauren Blue finishes though:)

4) Anna Sui Dolly Girl....nothing wrong with the fragrance;fresh and floral/fruity and green...but stopped using it after the summer and haven't gone back.Also half a bottle left,also in line for gym use :lol:

5) Bulgari...I forget which one by's the small,squarish clear bottle..also a LOT sweeter once I'd brought it home,than I thought it was the day I tried it on.

Anyway,these days I contain my need for instant gratification,get a tester tube first,wear it for a couple of days and then decide!!

I LOVE Marc Jacobs,the eponymous one and Marc Jacons Blush right now...but there IS a thread for this already:)


Hmmmm I love Marc Jacobs too. My regret purchases are Victoria's Secret #33 a few years back. This just reminds me too much of smelling like cotton candy. Also Cool Water for women. I get sick at just the smell alone nowadays.
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j´adore dior said:
so poison really have a poisoness effect on you ^_^, me on the other hand adore it!!, it makes me feel amazing when i smell it, the perfumes i can´t stand are gourmands ones, like angel by thierry mugler or le male by gaultier.

Yea I get a reaction to Poison myself (rash and itching). I tested it a few times at the department store counter. The first time I had tried on two different perfumes and wasn't sure which one was causing my reaction. But once I went back and tried only Poison on the second time I realized that was the culprit. I admit the topnotes are VERY strong but I really love the drydown.
WhiteLinen said:
Is it "wrong" not to wear perfume?
no :p i dont wear it either...

the bad thing is though, is that i still buy it :ninja:

i want gaultier fragrance so bad! i actually like it, but i never get up in the morning and think "perfume" im always to busy for it...and i dont know...(and all these strange bottles where you end up spraying them in your eye)
Burberry London.

I think i've worn it once. Gotta try to get myself to like it, feels like such a waste of money (even though i only paid like $25 for it.)

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