Perfume buys that were just WRONG?

I never bought these but the JPG cologne with the sailor smelt disgusting at the store, same with whatever fragrance it was that versace makes :sick:
My father bought me the Tommy Jeans (Tommy Hilfiger), which is a great perfume, but on me, smells like egg(at least not rotten!LOL).
Too bad...
Dolly Girl by Anna Sui... really only bought it for the pretty bottle.
Calvin Klein's Obsession. I actually still love this scent, as long as it's not on me. When I wear it I smell like I haven't showered in weeks:sick:. I just can't wear anything really musky.
Blonde by Versace, gave me such a headache.
Amarige by givenchy, its so sharp I get a splitting headache.
Safari by Ralph Lauren. Someone bought me a bottle many years back, I thought it was quite cute as at the time I was going on safari,(not the animal type in the game parks) so came the big night on my safari, all dressed up to go to dinner and one sniff at 'Safari' and couldn't get the smell off my whole sytem and didn't have time for another shower. I later 'forgot' it in my hotel room when checking out.
My best friend in high school wore Cabotine by Grès. I though it smelled evenly so went out and tried it at the store... Had to roll the windows of our car all the way down on our way back home because it smelled so BAD !! Kind of those awfull bathroom freshner (sp?)

Most recent encounter : Chanel no. 5 :sick: I try and I try to wear Chanel, but it always ends up smelling like vomit on me :angry: :sick: Damn you body chemistry!!
I just bought Versace Crystal Noir today. I usually am not a big fan of Versace but I loved the scent on. It does not smell similar to anything out or that I have. I had to go to 2 different Sephora locations to find it.
Luna said:
Anyone have Stella's perfume? I rubbed it on my wrist from a magazine.. and it smelled nice.. but i'm scared once I buy a bottle of it, I'll hate it!

Was it a foil thing, or a paper thing? I would believe the foil, but not the paper ... I just love the way Prada smells in magazines & catalogs, but when I went & tried it on, the patchouli was overwhelming on my skin (which is very warm) & just about knocked me out!! I have always disliked patchouli since I was a little kid ... so disappointing.

I have only one mistake to report. I was in a strange mood when I bought it ... never go shopping for clothes or perfume in an odd mood :ninja: It was LouLou de Cacharel. Horribly obnoxious on me just as soon as the mood wore off. Oh, and I once bought two large bottles of Fracas at a discount perfume place back when it was harder to find. I think I was partway thru the second bottle when I decided it just wasn't that special, and got rid of it.
meme527 said:
always try on a perfume in the store and walk away from it for a hour or so - go shopping for something else and come back later. that will give your nose time to adjust, give the perfume time to settle so you can smell the deeper layers of the scent, and let your own chemistry react with it so you don't get any surprises.

unfortunately, "coco" by chanel turns awful on me in hot weather. i love it in normal circumstances, but in this desert climate as it vaporizes it smells like cheap perfume, and god knows chanel ain't cheap, so...

I would say give it 24 hours so you can see how all the notes develop, how it fades or lasts, whether it gets on your nerves after a day of wearing it ... an hour's not really enough.

That said ... when Poison first came out, I really liked the way it smelled in magazines. Then I smelled it on someone else and headed straight to the store & bought the biggest bottle they had. I was absolutely positive it was the fragrance for me. Still wear it today.
QuirkyCool said:
^^^ I'm intrigued... LOL!!

The stinkiest women's perfume in the world is Poison by Dior,closely followed by Tendre Poison. I have never bought either,though.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You know what they say ... One woman's signature fragrance ... :lol: B)
QuirkyCool said:
How can I forget? My very first perfume was Estee Lauder's beautiful:doh: Granted,it gave me many happy hours of wear when I was 14,but when I smell it now....:sick:
Me too! LOL I was totally obsessed with Beautiful! Now I just wear Costume Nationale perfume. I heard there is a wait list for it. Very subtle and for men or women. It's not so in your face, but if people get close for a kiss they smell it.
I bought this perfume from Anna Sui,in the gorgeous butterfly bottle. The scent isn't too good,I never wear it. The bottle is gorgeous though.
sterlinger said:
has anyone tried or bought perfume by Cacharel?
i have amor amor and it's one of my favourites,I love it. But the summer version wasn't as good.
QuirkyCool said:
How can I forget? My very first perfume was Estee Lauder's beautiful:doh: Granted,it gave me many happy hours of wear when I was 14,but when I smell it now....:sick:

Yes! The ad is so gorge and the whole idea of the fragrance is nice, but the scent is TERRIBLE!

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