Personal style re-evaluation.

Dec 3, 2004
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I think I've come to the conclusion, that perhaps, fashion, is not for me. I walked into my closet about an hour ago, and saw things...things I might wear once...maybe...for an hour or two, before reverting back to my usual jeans and a t-shirt. I think I may have boring style, I may even have a uniform
My uniform goes as such:(from head to toe)
Hair parted to the side swept over my forehead...sometimes hanging in my eyes. Usually in a messy pony-tail with parts sticking out (because clean pony-tails are so not my thing)

On my face I generally have a clean black-lined eye (no mascara eyelashes are already long and black...any mascara of quality makes me look kinda tammy faye-ish) with some sort of lip gloss...generally clear, nude, or barely there pink. (this is slowly changing...I've incorporated some brown and taupe into my eye look ocasionally...I think the taupe gives them depth and brown makes the color pop)

One sparkly stud in my left ear cartilage (I had my lobes pierced, but didn't like it)

Hoop through my nose (or stud if I have to work)

Sparkly labret stud...or perhaps a hoop if I'm not going to be kissing anyone or eating anything complicated.

A snug fitting t-shirt or chest measurement is 33NA...a bra is REALLY not necessary on a normal fact...the only purpose my undergarments serve are decoration and nipple camo. (if it's a fairly thick t-shirt...I may just finish up my top half with this :o )

Some sort of t-shirt with a design or slogan...generally a band t-shirt, 80's vintage, perhaps a local business slogan/logo...maybe plain and snug if I'm opting for a cami that day.

I prefer hooded sweatshirts over jackets any day. They're just far more comfortable to me. If I do wear a jacket, it will be waist length and have a stand collar generally. As for my coats, I have a MA1 military flight jacket I wear for most types of cold weather, and various other assorted...including a black rabbit fur jacket that I actually wear quite often...with just about anything.

A belt...always plain, moderate width...never wide or skinny, either hot pink, light pink or white. (i'm thinking about perhaps investing in a gold or silver...perhaps both...maybe some metallic colors? I like belts....this is one area I'd really like to expand on and could do so comfortably)

Jeans. I own one pair of slacks and two skirts (not counting my work clothes...which don't count) I've worn them maybe 10 times combined. I live in jeans. Most of my jeans are blue jeans, but I think I'm going to start wearing only black jeans...just because...I can do that.

On my feet I only wear Hanes white socks and as for colored socks...I generally don't buy any of these on my I'll wear whatever my mom buys.

As for footwear...I will wear boots year round with just about any outfit. I used to only wear black boots, but I'm really digging the colorful slouch boots. I already have a pair that has become a wardrobe staple, and I'm hopefully going to be investing in another pair off of ebay. In the summer I'll wear flip-flops. Generally I'll have a few pairs of colorful flat ones, but I usually buy a pair of black 3/4 platform ones that I wear all summer.

I really don't mind dressing up once in awhile, but I really don't know if that can be considered my "style". However i LOVE reading about and commenting on fashion/style. Is it so wrong? I mean, I just realized I may have no style. I could possibly be the anti-style-christ-whatever.
It may sound really generic, but oddly...I don't see a lot...actually any people who really dress like me, and I'm not really out there too much, so I don't really get to catch up with the trends and see what other people are wearing much.
It's not that I don't want to put effort into the way I look. I really do take pride in my appearance. I just LIKE the way *I* dress. Sometimes I'll crack out some of my more "stylish" pieces and try to incorporate them into my outfit.only to keep on looking in the mirror and being like "blech, this is cute, but this isn't me...this is just a farce" so I have to go change.

Is there anyone else here who may face the same dilema as I do?

I like the style you have described, it is similar to mine in being minimal and basic. I find that look attractive.

So, what's the problem? :lol:
tangerine said:
I like the style you have described, it is similar to mine in being minimal and basic. I find that look attractive.

So, what's the problem? :lol:

You're right, I suppose there isn't one. I guess I was sort of thinking out loud in cyber-space. ^_^

I had to revise my personal style somewhat when I cut all my hair off and dyed it auburn a few years ago. My face looked different than it did when the hair was long and brown, and some of my more "bohemian" pieces just looked out of place with a more contemporary hairdo.

I've backslid considerably, however, after deciding my haircut sucked and growing it back out to mid-back length.
As You Like It said:
I had to revise my personal style somewhat when I cut all my hair off and dyed it auburn a few years ago. My face looked different than it did when the hair was long and brown, and some of my more "bohemian" pieces just looked out of place with a more contemporary hairdo.

I've backslid considerably, however, after deciding my haircut sucked and growing it back out to mid-back length.

I actually just dyed my hair black not too long ago, and I'm quite pleased that I didn't have to change any colors in my wardrobe. In fact...everything looks better with the black...cleaner I think. I am very fair skinned with pink undertones and light eyes, so I think the black hair really gives me a fresher faced look.

tangerine said:
I like the style you have described, it is similar to mine in being minimal and basic. I find that look attractive.

So, what's the problem? :lol:

I agree, your style sounds nice and minimal yet completely you. and as long as you like it, then it shouldn't be a problem. ^_^
but I do know what you mean, as I've been feeling a bit misplaced in the fashion thing, especially since I went to uni. for me though, it's really more because I'm pretty shy...because I love clothes and have a pretty extensive wardrobe of oddities and vintage one-offs, yet only a very small number of things I wear on a regular basis. I have my own style, yes, but the idea of dressing to attract attention every single day just isn' I too take pride in my appearance and the way I dress, but I am perfectly happy to be quiet and unassuming (yet quirky and individual) in my style, because it's mine. :P
If your style is in touch with your everyday life as in: profession, music taste, friends, image etc, then it's yours and if you're happy with it: hooray! However, since you describe you want a change you may want to try something else for a day... it's not like you have to go from this to a Paris Hilton look (please don't!) just a subtle change every once and while? Fashion is great to play with, it should be fun and not too serious :smile:.
ive slowly started to revamp my wardrobe these past few months. mostly because i finally had the opportunity to work in an environment where i have to dress up and not be so casual all the time(although i am when i get home). and i have the chance to work with very stylish girls around my age(22), and i get idea's as to what to do and see what i like, mix them all together and just make the changes necessary.

so far so good, everyday is working progess. im sure a year from now...i wouldnt even look at what i where casually now...
Perhaps fashion isn't for everyone. Style is for everyone. One must simply discover what it is. If you like what you see in the mirror, your confidence will radiate your style. If you don't like what you see, keep changing your look until you do. I think it's a lifelong work-in-progress because life brings changes. The journey of discovery is worth it, IMHO. Enjoy it!!
tealady said:
Perhaps fashion isn't for everyone. Style is for everyone. One must simply discover what it is. If you like what you see in the mirror, your confidence will radiate your style. If you don't like what you see, keep changing your look until you do. I think it's a lifelong work-in-progress because life brings changes. The journey of discovery is worth it, IMHO. Enjoy it!!

very well said indeed, tealady. ^_^
Actually...having any sort of wardrobe is a huge change for me. For about a year and a half after high school ended I wore nothing but pajamas and sweats. Seeing me in jeans was rare. Actually, this MB has opened my eyes up to a lot of really great handbags, boots, other accessories. I used to be all about the absolute minimal, basic. Now, I've found that by wearing a funky pair of boots...or carrying a cool looking bag I can add a little something to my style without having to compromise what I really like. Oddly enough...what I add in to make something my own is often considered a mistake by others like my moonboots. I must post a picture of a typical me outfit sometime.

I don't really know what the policy about digging up dead buried and sealed threads like this but I had to comment on this one since it's soo me.

I live for fashion and hardly do anything else but read stuff and look at shows thinking about everything I want or just admiring all the variety you can find out there. Getting into fashion must be as much curse as bless seeing that you have to much to discover and so little to be anoyed over :wink:

Maybee an addiction to fashion is more and more raising the bar of what is acceptable in your head, and crossmixing everything you want sometimes end up an catastrophy only to make you revert back to something very plain to "play safe". Not minimalistic but just plain and kinda boring.

I have in the past year revised my wardrobe 3 times and thats very expensive and tideous work..
I tend to find some "great stuff" whenever I go shopping but when i return home i realise I have yet again ended up with a big compromise and just gotten more lost down the road of what is fashion.
Living in a small city like Stockholm really doesn't do much for you when it comes to finding what you want or making you realise what you really want.
I mean come on.. The only place that even carries a few items from DH have personel that have no clue about what they are selling. (Logos=good seams to be the official guideline).

Dressing hasn't really became easier with this sudden outrage from every male with an keyboard demanding that everyone has a "super unique style".

Just the other day I read an comment on a swedish fashion blog where somehow the editor thought that linking to my stylediary would be a good idea to tell the other readers of the blog to sign up and share their looks with the rest.

The first reply was something like "Why even bother posting pics on the internet if you dress like everyone else or worse" then a few comments later he went into an rage calling all the girl-buying-lipstick-posting-daily-outfit-blogs utter crap and almost demanding that theyd all be taken off the internet.

Some other guy wanted to see "more pioneers of style" but not like Peter Siepen (fashion clown/inovator in sweden kinda :P). And I have heard alot of other people asking the same question.

This raises the big question (the reason for this post) for me.

How the hell do you dress "good" and what is really "style"?
Welcome to tFS, Pluff :flower: Here are a couple of threads that you may find interesting and relate to your question:

For me, dressing well means that you know your shape and dress for it (i.e. you know what looks good on you) and style means that your clothes reflect who you are internally. If the words someone uses to describe my style are also the words that describe me as a person, then I feel I've done a good job ^_^

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