Rich Girls

Originally posted by firenze13@Mar 15th, 2004 - 6:45 am
I know that Ally is Hilfiger's daughter, but why is Jamie "famous"?Or lets say;who are her parents?
Jaime's dad is the owner of a billion dollar company called Innovative Luggage or something. They have a website too so plug it into a search engine because I'm not 100% sure. Yeah, she's just rich. I only know that her dad was the owner of this company because everytime there was something on Rich Girls, there's always this thing where they say, "Who the hell is Jaime anyways?"
Originally posted by nycgirl84@Dec 31st, 2003 - 11:09 am
I thought it was odd that Tommy Hilfigger is so insanely jealous and petty regarding Ralph Lauren. He constantly berated him and his clothes. I'll take Ralph over Tommy any day, thank you.
Obviously, you are not the only one and Tommy feels insecure or something. I think that Jamie needs to grow up a bit. I have started to watch that show more than once and turned it off because of Jamie's drama over nothing. Why is she so depressed all of the time, she seems to have a very nice life.

Ally is cute though, I like her more. The first time Tommy brought her into help him with the line I thought that the other designers looked very annoyed to have her there. I didn't think that they seemed warm at all. I felt kind of bad for her.

I don't really like the show. I like Tommy though.
I LOVE THE SHOW!!! The girls are serious when they need to be, dramatic at times, and intelligent when they need to be. The only thing that bothers me was the last episode when Allie worked at Tommy Hilfiger for the junior line. It seems like she had no idea what she was talking about. I believe her job should be filled with someone who actually has talent in the fashion industry, but that will never happen.
I liked the show while it lasted... i'm glad jamie went to college cuz she needs it- esp. after her lightbulb and benjamin franklin comment... that was a good laugh i must say
I didnt like Jaime too much, Ally was cute but she seemed to be a little too into the whole Tommy Hilfiger is my Dad thing- I think these Rich Girl reality shows are obnoxious (i.e the simple life) they really show how shallow these girls can be- I think they need a reality check- HELLO!
I looove Rich Girls i recorded every episode! They have such awsome tast... well I love allys i should say! I think we should e-mail MTV and get a second season!! :innocent:
I heard they werent even talking. they stopped hanging out when the show finished. Ally has a boyfriend in Miami & I don't know whats up with Jaime. I heard this a while ago so not so sure about whats going on NOW...
I could not stand Jamie. She did my head in. She always had a problem-i know it made good tv, but in the end she was just annoying. And desperate. I didn't get why she couldn't understand why that (incredibly ugly) guy michael just was not interested in her. i mean, i remember one of the last episodes where she met him for dinner, and she paid...then the episode where he was almost crying because he had to go on a coach..he seemed to be taking advantage of her all the time. Her mum was annoying too.
i dislike jamie.she's ugly and she looks so much older then her real age.
Ahhhhhh! I love that show so much. Think the reason we all love it is cos even though they have so much money they are still thick as hell but they are cute!

Loved the whole "lets adopt babies from different countries and we can have themed dinners" and also "f*ck buying a pair of shoes, I wanna save a life"

I prefer Ally to Jamie, she was cool. I prefered her style as well. They certainly lived the life, jetting off to London and LA, ugh. Some of us can only dream..........
i miss rich girls !

Didn't ally do a stint in rehab after the show? But no one has any detalis about it.
I saw Ally and her friends here in Newport, RI a few weeks ago for the Film Festival. Jamie wasn't with them.

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