RIP Alexander McQueen CBE 1969 - 2010

Poor Alexander, he will be sorely missed by so many people!... :doh::heart:
I am in absolute shock right now.

Fashion lost one of its few true innovators today. Already it feels like there is a large void within the industry.
Agreed, wholeheartedly.

I mentioned this in the other thread, but I wish that they had gone ahead and shown his collection today at New York Fashion Week. I think he would have wanted the show to go on.
McQueen's secondary line, McQ, was to be presented TODAY as part of New York Fashion Week. KCD, the PR company handling the show, says the presentation is canceled.

The invitation:

source: huffingtonpost
Such a loss.
I never knew him, but he touched so many through his gestures and his spirit.I knew he had troubles and why didn't people take the hints? I'll always remember the hologram of Kate at that show.How quickly life can dissolve into thin air.So many tears over here.
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this totally blew my mind, i was so happy for the start of fashion week only to hear that the more influential person in fashion and the one of the greatest designer of all times has ended his beyond devastation, i feel for his family and close friends and im in apprehensive about what happens next(his Brand)

I am in total shock. This is truly so sad. He was a true visionary talent and it's heartbreaking that he felt he didn't have anything left to live for. :(
i can't believe it. i just can't he was such an amazing designer. he was in my top 3 favorits of all time. the fashion world lost a huge artist. there is no one that comes close to his creativity

rip Alexander McQueen
I'm so choked. I really don't know what to say other than I'm absolutely devastated. He was my hero.

OMG! i just read on the first page that McQueen's friend Isabella Blow killed herself too. i thought she died from cancer. i am being hit with a lot of sad news today

is there a thread on her here of her death.
Horrible, horrible news.

I wore McQueen to work coincidentally, I said on Twitter how much I love his stuff, then a few hours later I learned he was dead. Heartbroken.

It's horrible for his family, his friends and for the fashion world.

Fashion reaches out to so many people, it's character and personality - moments like this remind me of this, you almost feel that you've met designers sometimes through the intimacy of their designs.

I loved the style of McQueen's clothes. You could never accuse his designs of being soulless, his shoes will be hard to fill.
this is really shoking
so talanted, creative and successful...

but we can never undestand what is inside the person's soul :(
My heartfelt condolences go out to his family, associates and friends, the entire fashion industry for a GREAT loss and fans of this iconic genius.
He is the king of fashion. LONG LIVE THE KING! :heart:
I hope that everyone on this board and everyone who loved Alexander can find a friend or someone who understands, and that everyone will be able to cry on someone's shoulder and will be able to get a hug.
That is beautifully said, you totally get it, and its so true! When i heard about this, i had to come to TFS to let my friend Brie know about it, because although my sister likes fashion she really had no idea who he was.

Such a horrible day!

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