RIP Alexander McQueen CBE 1969 - 2010

I just can not see anyone who can fill McQueen's shoes for his labels:(To me, no one can replace him!
it's too sad...
like a good frend in my heart passed away
all my college age,
watched him shocked the runway again and again
he's a real talent, an artist

rest in peace, McQueen
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i am still getting goosebumps whenever someone mentions his name... i miss him, cannot think of his family, what they must be going through, with all the loses in such a short time!!!
Alexander McQueen's Last Interview: I'm Happiest When I'm At Home With My Dogs

McQueen's Last Interview: I'm Happiest At Home With My Dogs

Matches Boutique sat down with Alexander McQueen six days before he died to talk about London and fashion. Grazia Daily posted some excerpts from the conversation and the full version will appear in Matches' Spring/Summer 2010 magazine.

If he had an hour of free time in London: "I'd head to the Natural History Museum!"

On when he is happiest: "When I'm just at home with my dogs."

On showing in Paris instead of London: "I love the heritage of the design houses and the fact that not just anyone can put on a show."

On growing up in fashion: "There has to be a balance between your mental satisfaction and the financial needs of your company. [But] I always remember that it's the fantasy, the artistic side, that makes customers want to buy the straightforward black pants."
:( as strange as it may sound, I miss him.
^I wish more people would have the insight he showed in the last sentence.
...and if you click 'Play Tribute' on, videos of his ineffable collections from 2002 through 2010 are posted. I wonder how long it will take for art to crash into fashion again.

I'm watching this video almost once a day since it has been published. The death of a person that I did not know in person never toched me more than McQueen's death.

Thinking a lot about his work lately.

Planning to shoot a big tribute project the next months.
Harper's Bazaar Australia April 2010

Ordinarily I wouldn't scan exclusives from a mag so soon after it comes out - mainly to encourage people to actually go out and by it - BUT I think that so many people outside of Australia will want to read the McQueen interview asap.

Here it is:

Scanned by Me
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the daily mail disrespectfully published photos of the funeral today, even if the family openly asked the press not to.... i didn't even want to look at them, but they came up while looking something on mcqueen but totally unrelated to his funeral:(
^oh my god that makes me so angry. There need to be legislation to limit what the press can do, seriously they just do whatever they want. And what do those pictures even achieve??
I felt so saddened by his death, I just wanted to make this tribute ...
It still shocks me ... It shouldn't have happened.. not like this...
RIP McQueen, you were a true genius
Judging from his appearance from the last half year, I would guess he's had severe problems. I don't want to go into details that could be perceived as disrespectful...and I know nothing really. But he does seem - unwell.

Does anyone have a good clip from a few years ago?
No Photos to Be Allowed at McQueen Presentation —The Alexander McQueen show was cancelled and replaced with a presentation/memorial on March 9 and 10 instead. Now, word comes that seeing the final collection McQueen worked on just got a little more difficult: photos have been banned from the presentation. via

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