BURBERRY refused to confirm or deny this morning whether Robert Pattison has been approached to be the face of the brand. Newspaper reports this weekend suggested that the actor was asked to follow in the footsteps of his
Harry Potter co-star
Emma Watson to be the label's new campaign star, but he turned the job down to focus on his acting career.
A source told this weekend's Mirror that the Twilight actor had declined a £1million deal to be the British brand's latest model, asserting: "I'm an actor, not a model".
The source added: "As far as
Robert sees things he's an actor by trade and that's his art. He doesn't want to start becoming a brand or anything.
Burberry really hoped Robert would do it. They know he wears Burberry occasionally and he's met Christopher [Bailey - the chief creative officer] and the team before. They only wanted him. Robert's look would have been perfect so they're back to square one."