S/S 2011 Ad Campaigns #1 (please read post #1 before posting)

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Models.com seems to have a preview for Just Cavalli S/S 11 with Ragnhild Jevne and Sebastian Sauve. I'm not sure if it's the campaign but I wouldn't be surprised given that Ragnhild has had a campaign for Cavalli Class.
Interesting for H&M they have like Daria, Anja and now Natasha and Gisele!!!!
Tati Cotliar....for Prada? For real??? :ninja::blink: I'm not sure what to think about that. But I guess it's pretty obvious that it's her. I'm only excited to see Arizona Muse and MCB in the campaign. ^_^

miu miu seems to be going for older models this time..

Oh God, I hope this is true. Tired of seeing Lindsey Wixson on the campaign.

Penelope for Missoni? As long as it'll be shot by M&M, that'd be just fine with me. :)
Tati Cotilar just ruined all my hopes for Prada, I just can't stand this girl.
But Zuzanna ?!? OH MY!!!!!! :woot: :woot:
I think Miu Miu going for older models is quite logical. The collection was more woman-ish, compared to the two previous one.
For anyone wondering about Melodie Monrose, she said in her recent interview that she hasn't got any campaign so far.
Martha Streck, Anne Vyalitsyna & Freja Beha Erichsen shooting a TV ad in London.
-On set today with Freja and @annevyalitsyna ! Lovely girls!
about 2 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

-Bom dia London e followers! Straight from the airport to fittings. Shooting a big tv ad tomorrow! Excited! Xx
9:33 AM Nov 16th via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Martha Streck | twitter | via capt.charly
Ugh Tati for Prada? I hoped her momentum would die off this season, never understood her appeal. :shock: Zuzanna B. is interesting though.
Tatiana Cotliar for Prada was not surprising at all with the spanish undertone of the entire collection and her popularity. Not my first choice as I would have much rather gotten that latin feeling from Daiane Conterato or Marina Perez but Prada doesn't really give campaigns to established girl in the industry unless you have the caliber of Mariacarla B or the influence of Angela Lindvall and Miranda Kerr. At least lately.
Exactly -_- Marina in a Prada campaign.... god, could there be something more perfect? I also think Luca Gadjus would've made an amazing comeback for them with their collection this season. But well - there's still hope for Miu Miu, as I quite like the idea of the "older models" (and Querelle leaves me excited anyway)
No, please, no Tati for Prada :ninja: I would have nothing against to see her in Miu Miu's ads, but there are plenty of other models, who can fit Prada's aesthetics better than she.
Prada Menswear M: ?; Ph: Willy Wanderperre; Info: twitter/GB65 (Giovanni Bianco)
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