Sandra Bullock (Please put all Sandra news here)

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"The vast majority of the allegations reported are untrue and unfounded. Beyond that, I will not dignify these private matters with any further public comment".
I take this bit above as he didn't cheat and that the things Michelle is saying are false. So I would assume if he didn't cheat which he hasn't admitted to, then the next step would be for him to sue InTouch and Michelle.

Unfortunately for Sandra and the kids this story is not going to go away any time soon.
Um, did he really cheat on his pregnant wife with Sandra? I don't understand why she would marry him if that's the case... if your significant other cheated WITH you, what's to say s/he wouldn't do the same to you?
Um, did he really cheat on his pregnant wife with Sandra? I don't understand why she would marry him if that's the case... if your significant other cheated WITH you, what's to say s/he wouldn't do the same to you?
nah, i think he already left his then pregnant wife when he hooked with Sandra, hence him ignoring the kid for the first couple of months if not a whole year.

why is he apologizing, LB, if he didn't do nothing? plus, he still hasn't press any charges against the magazines. ;)

LUXXX - so she really find about it just few days ago? poor woman.
I take this bit above as he didn't cheat and that the things Michelle is saying are false. So I would assume if he didn't cheat which he hasn't admitted to, then the next step would be for him to sue InTouch and Michelle.

Unfortunately for Sandra and the kids this story is not going to go away any time soon.

I would be more inclined to read this as he DID cheat, but maybe not to the extent that she is alleging.. you know, maybe not for months, or maybe he did actually wear condoms, that sort of stuff. If he didn't cheat, he wouldn't have released a statement.
Vanilla Gorilla Is Sorry


Jesse James has broken the awkward silence in the room by releasing an open apology to his wife Sandra Bullock and his three chirruns. Jesse doesn't come out and say that he boned that Bombshell trick, but I'm sure he's not apologizing for leaving a log in the toilet without flushing. Or maybe he is, because that would be pretty embarrassing and uncalled for. Here's Jesse's statement to People:

"The vast majority of the allegations reported are untrue and unfounded. Beyond that, I will not dignify these private matters with any further public comment.

There is only one person to blame for this whole situation, and that is me. It's because of my poor judgment that I deserve everything bad that is coming my way.

"This has caused my wife and kids pain and embarrassment beyond comprehension and I am extremely saddened to have brought this on them. I am truly very sorry for the grief I have caused them. I hope one day they can find it in their hearts to forgive me."

Hmm. That's all nice and everything, but where's Jesse's direct apology to CinnaBun?!!!


CinnaBun probably wouldn't accept Jesse's apology anyway since TMZ reports that she is missing again. This is the second time this year! Poor CinnaBun. She's probably at the dollar theater watching The Blind Side over and over again.
Jesse James Needs A Lobotomy


If Jesse James stuck his unprotected dick in a pile of crack wh*re shi* while getting done in the as* by a grenade held by a gorilla with carpal-tunnel, it would've been a better decision than fuc*ing on this gutter skank pig. Not only is Bombshell McGee going to be known as Jesse James' biggest mistake, but her nickname is going to replace the word trash. And let's all take out the Bombshell to the nearest dumpster. Jesse, pack your shi*, because you're coming to.

TMZ got their hands on these charming pictures of Bombshell McGee posing as some kind of morning-shift Nazi prostitute. Mel Gibson just downloaded the entire set to his cell phone.

If this picture doesn't make you want to exchange your tainted eyeballs for a pair of fresh new ones, the rest of this piece of trash's story will. Radar obtained court documents from Bombshell's divorce and custody battle with her ex-husband Ronald Shane Modica. Yes, Bombshell is a mother to two children. Suddenly OctoMom's horns have magically turned into a gold halo.

Ronald alleges in the documents that Bombshi* is a white supremacist who has a magnet on her refrigerator that spells out "white power." And I don't think she's referring to the international treasure that is Betty White.

The documents also state that Bombskank regularly makes the Nazi salute and has a swastika tattooed on her stomach. One of her sons, Elijah, is Jewish and she thinks it's a barrel of fuc*ing laughs when she makes the Nazi salute. Bombwhore also strips under the name "Avery," which is her other son's name. Ronald adds in his declaration, “I believe that Michelle is mentally ill and should be in the care of a therapist which the court ordered her to see, but she refuses to do so. She is supposed to take medication for bi polar disorder but she doesn’t.”

Suddenly, we now know why Cinnabun keeps quitting Jesse James. Could you look at someone who humped on this landfill?

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^ I wouldn't be able to tolerate being near someone like that, let alone have an affair with them :sick: that woman is disgusting :shock:
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Disgusting. I feel sick just looking at that, well, we all know what proper term to use for this Michelle person.
Leading up to the Oscars, there were so many stories about Sandra, as if she and her people felt she was entitled to an Oscar and were desperate to turn an average (as in "normal") gal into this perfect A-list actress. She wanted press and she got it.

It's pretty ironic how things have turned around so quickly. She was naive to forget that they build you up to burn you down. used to be all about Sandy's Oscar race, and now their top 5 stories are all about Sandy's filthy husband. I feel sorry for her, but knowing her husband's past, you don't attract media attention on yourself knowing that dirt will get dug up anytime soon. Last week she was the Oscar-winner and now she's the naive country girl who got married to the p*rn-loving pig.
^^Despite being humiliated, Sandra is more popular than ever, no one is going to attack her and she'll probably be one of the few Oscar winning females to walk away without any backlash because of this drama. Typically there is a "tear them down" period...but this certainly isn't it. Not for her anyway, more for her husband.

I don't think she should be faulted for wanting to win an Oscar, Jeff Bridges was working it just as hard in the media...but he's not a glamorous actress, so there's the difference.
Tiger Woods is somewhere happy that this week the tabs are talking about someone else.
Thats a shame but didn't she start a relationship with James when he was married so she can't really say much without being a hypocrite.
Thanks For Clarifying


Bombshell McGee's "WP" tattoo does not stand for "White Power" as has been previously reported. Jesse James' jump-off tells her latest pimp InTouch Weekly that the "WP" actually stands for "Wet puss*." Boobshi* went on to say, "Jesse and I had a conversation about it and he says a lot of his friends have the tattoo."

See, that's the beauty of having initial tattoos! You can pretty much queef out any random meaning depending on who is asking. WP also stands for: wh*re Pie, Wife Puncher, Wayward Poon, Whacked-out Possum (tribute to Kate Gosselin), Winnie Pooper, Wolf Piss, Wench Pleasesitdown....etc...etc...

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I heard she watched Sandra's speech at the Oscar's and felt "horrible" for having sleeping with her husband.
^ if she felt so horrible why is she releasing their text messages and giving interviews? :lol::rolleyes:
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