Paris Hilton (Please put all Paris news here)

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"That's Hot" Belongs To Wonky


The next time one of Parasite Hilton's victims puts his tongue one of her crotch craters and screams "That's HOT!", she can slip a lawsuit in between his as* cheeks because she owns that phrase.

In 2007, Wonky and her team of lawyers sued Hallmark for using her trademark phrase and likeness on the stupid card above. Hallmark argued that the card is parody so it's protected by fair-use laws. The case went all the way Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals who ruled in favor of Wonks. They then sent the case back to a lower court and a trial was supposed to start in December. But that's not going to happen, because E! News reports that Hallmark has settled with Wonks for an undisclosed amount of cash.

More money for coke gum! Or for fluffy purse dogs who will eventually be banished to the basement closet to feed on wall mold and paint chips. :(

Wonks and "fair use" go together like vodka and my froat, but Hallmark is still in the wrong for using that nasty wh*re's face to make money without permission. It really hurts to admit that. I already have hate for Hallmark for mating with Satan to birth the minions of pure evil known as hoops&yoyo. But now I really hate HATE hate Hallmark for making me side with Wonky. No amount of talking cat birthday cards can cure that pain.
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Wonky Almost Brutally Murdered A Pap!

Dust a cell off in death row and fire up the electric chair, because Parasite Hilton took part in a vicious pap smear in L.A. last night!!!!!! PAP KILLER! Okay, okay, Wonks didn't exactly "partake" in this accident and she didn't try to brutally murder a paparazzo, but I really needed that headline this morning so give me that.

Wonk's boyfriend Cy Waits was trying to drive away from Boa in West Hollywood last night, but he had some trouble because of the mob of paps that surrounded the car. Cy gave the international noise for MOVETHEFUC*OUTTATHEWAY at those hos to scatter, but they didn't. He eventually hit the gas, which caused him to hit Chunk from Goonies a lady pap.

When one of my friends got her foot ran over by a taxi, she said that her biggest regret was that she didn't fall to the ground in a cloud of OW OW OW OWs and beg somebody to get her a priest to read her last rites. That would've looked better for her case. Well, the lady pap isn't going to have that regret, because she made it loud and clear that she got hurt. Cy and Wonks stayed in the car for a quick minute before driving away.

Radar says that the pap called the police shortly after the accident. Cy Waits came back to Boa so the police could give him a DUI test. Cy was given a citation and will have to show up to court next month.

On a positive note, this Wonky pap smear didn't result in a team of doctors and nurses running from the room in terror and the CDC having to quarantine an entire hospital. It was not a scene out of The Host, so that's good
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There are rumors Paris is pregnant

Even if she is pregnant, she won't be getting a People Magazine cover like Nicole Richie. People just don't buy into Paris that way - it would only make her relevant enough to be on a Life & Style cover.
oh god.... a child of paris hilton? what has this world come to!!:blink::lol:
but no, if that rumour is based purely off the picture, i probably won't believe it
if anyone, paris WOULD be the one to probably stuff her dress or something as a desperate attempt to become somewhat relevant again:blush:
Hmmmm, another fashion accessory to tote around.
That photo of Paris at her Tease fragrance launch is a couple of months old and I believe is just a case of having a bloated belly. Since I brought up her pregnancy is her 'style' thread I thought it might be fitting that I say a little something.

I've only noticed it the past week or so. Not just her belly, her chest/thighs/hips have all gotten a bit bigger. Paris relys too much on her image to just put on weight. I also noticed that she was wearing looser tops, but it wasn't too noticable because it still fitted in with what she normally wears. It's only the past fews days that it became really obvious when she was wearing a scrarf and hiding her stomach with a shopping bag, then hiding her stomach with her handbag/flowers and then wearing a high-waisted puffy skirt. She's also been wearing smaller heels. There was also a video of her getting mobbed at a shopping centre and you can see she still has a solid belly.

Paris has said before she wanted to have a family by the time she turned 30, and she's turning 30 in Febuary. She's also been in her current relationship for a decent amount of time and did an interview where she spoke about her boyfriend's daughter and she sounded really motherly. I also believe Paris is going to attempt to 'mature' her image with her upcoming reality show and documenting a pregnancy would be pretty good attempt. Whether you'd like to admit or not, Paris announcing she's pregnant would be worldwide news. Say what you like about Paris, but the woman knows how to promote and all these things are just fitting together rather nicely.
CPS would volunteer to drive Wonks to the hospital and immediately take custody of any child she drops.

I bet she has killed more than 10 chihuahuas -- Wonks is a dog serial killer.
^ You do realise Paris has a ranch where a lot of her animals live and are cared for, right?
lol I actually really like Paris. She's the embodiment of nonsense and useless fame. I wonder what her baby would look like.
She must be pregnant, that belly is not normal on her.
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^Can you show pics?

I can't imagine Paris as pregnant.. I doubt she's ready for it.
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