Sans Makeup, S'il Vous Plaît (NYT)

I really think little is more when it comes to makeup.
Do you use the oil free tinted moisturizer or her regular one?

I've used both, and I have to say I don't see much difference. At first, I used the regular version and then tried oil-free (which is what I have now). I will be going with the regular version for my next tube. Surprisingly enough, the oil-free made me slightly more shiny than the regular (go figure).
i love the sans makeup look, which funnily is acquired using makeup (mineral foundation to even out my skin AND reduce my acne, concealer, a bit of blush and definitely lipgloss/lipbalm as I hate dry lips).
^Careful.. my mum just sent me an article detailing how some lip balm products carry an ingredient that actually strips the top layer off of your lips, making it necessary to use more lip balm. I guess it's a good marketing tactic, but pretty shady, in my opinion. Lip balms with beeswax and other natural elements are better than those with chemicals.
I enjoy wearing/applying my own makeup, but I'm definitely not dependent on it like I was when I was a teenager. I remember I wouldn't even go to the grocery store without eyeliner. :rolleyes: But now that I'm older I barely wear any makeup, saving my makeup endeavors for nighttime fun and other occasions. Looking back at my 8th grade school photo makes me cringe -- too much foundation, too much eyeliner, too stenciled eyebrows.... very embarrassing.

On a typical day I may fill in my eyebrows with a light brown powder, add some concealer under my eyes (I have dark eyes because I'm always tired), and apply rosebud salve on my lips throughout the day.
I seem to be wearing more and more make up recently. It's because my skin seems to be getting terrible since I've been working more and more nights dj'ing. I don't see daylight often and I'm breaking out, getting oily and dry, and my eyes are very dark and puffy all the time. During the day I'll wear proper foundation, with a peach blush and mascara with a filled brow, maybe some highlighter. It's a shame, because in my early twenties I wore nothing on my face, and on a special night I'd wear tinted moisturiser and a budget mascara and feel good about myself.

Age is a git!
^ I hear ya. My last job had a gruelling 6 am wake-up call, and no matter how early I went to bed the night before, my face was a mess. I've also done bartending at a nightclub in the past - man, does that take a toll of your looks. I always tried to compensate by wearing more makeup. I hope you're taking care of yourself, Mindbear, it's not so much an age thing, as it is staying out all night inside a smoky club.
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Well, fortunately in london the clubs aren't smoky anymore, and I've not smoked myself since I was 21 (I'm 29 now), but they're acrid in atmosphere, and I'm always stressed, I sleep all over the place, four hours here, three there, never a proper nights sleep at night. Any tips on how to look and feel better would be much appreciated!
Smoking ban aside, those late hours, loud music, constant standing, and stuffy ventilation all add up. The "Beauty SOS" thread is good for tips that help you look better: (Please don't take offense, as I am not assuming that you stumble home drunk after every night of DJing, but the effects of staying out late are similar to a hangover.)

Goes without saying that makeup will only mask the problem, and what you really need is to relieve stress and get a decent amount of sleep. Only you know what you can do to ease your stress, but I strongly suggest that you allocate your next "free" day or night for some serious rest. Scientifically speaking, no matter how sleep-deprived you are, get one long, deep, and undisrupted session of sleep, and you're as good as new. God, it sounds like I'm writing about sex:D

As for your skin, you could take a look at the various anti-fatigue products that are out there. Guerlain Midnight Secret, Clarins Flash Balm, and SKII Facial Treatment Mask all have a cult following amongst hard-partying nightowls; I've never tried them, so I don't know if they live up to the hype. My one "miracle" product is Korres Wild Rose face mask - it helps me look glowy and rested when I'm exhausted.

Best wishes on getting some much-needed rest and relaxation:)
Well fortunately for me I don't drink either, so thats one thing in my favor! Thanks so much for your advice, I actually made the effort to go to bed really early last night and for the first time in months I'm awake in the morning without feeling really unwell. I think the thing is most people give up the clubbing lifestyle in their mid twenties, whereas I'm still living the life night in night out and it is taking its toll. I shall get myself covered in some of those lovely products and hope that I look better than I currently do....which is VERY tired!
I'm planning on investing in some laser treatments perhaps, because I really do believe that improving your skin is worth it when you have to wear less makeup. Some of the stuff I put concealer on can be improved (it's just expensive), so I'm planning on trying it out. I should also work on getting more sleep, but that's not as easy to plan!
^It's worth doing a lot of research beforehand, because laser treatments have been getting a bad rap lately. Because they are relatively new forms of skincare treatment, their longterm effects are only starting to reveal themselves now, and apparently not very well. I wish I could direct you to the articles where I've been reading this, but I haven't kept the links.
^I'd definitely like to read something on it. I usually do research on everything I have done, but most of what I've seen has said the laser stuff is pretty safe. I will look around for a thread on this here at tFS. Seems good in theory anyway.
I think NYC girls have the same "sans makeup" mentality for everyday.. mascara.. a touch of blush.. et voila!
Bump up^^^^

It would be so great to have video tutorials here for this look....

Please suggest, scan or link pleassssse.
Bump up^^^^

It would be so great to have video tutorials here for this look....

Please suggest, scan or link pleassssse.

I think many people mistake the "Sans makeup" look with "very natural look". As a previous poster said, almost all people look better with a least a little make up... unless they are children! Even models look better with under eye concealer and a little blush. That's totally ok for me...
Personally I recently started to play around with make up more and established the routine of using a thin black eyeliner + beige eyeshadow. My eyelashes are very dark so I simply curl them... Blush is a must for me! Sometimes I use foundation on spots or areas where my skin doesn't look so great... But yea, I prefer a very natural looking look.
I love this thread, I guess the most famous example right now of this ideal would be Tilda Swinton :heart:
^True. Interviewers also always seems to comment on the fact that Clemence Poesy shows up without makeup on.
Bump up^^^^

It would be so great to have video tutorials here for this look....

Please suggest, scan or link pleassssse.

here are two from Pixiwoo. they do lots of eye makeup and brow/cheek contouring, which I don't do, but their videos helped me learn how to apply foundation and tinted moisturizer. their product recommendations usually work for me too.

pixiwoo youtube channel

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