The last couple of weeks I was feeling kinda 'weird' toward my clothes. I make clothes myself, mostly women, but I wanted to make something for my own, and I just couldn't decide. I spent hours pondering
That's when I started thinking about the rest of my wardrobe and I felt something was 'off', but I couldn't describe it exactly what was wrong.
Until yesterday, when I finally realised that I have two styles!
One is more A.P.C - COS - Margiela kinda style, with browns, burgundy navy and bottlegreen etc, simple clothes.
The other is more Demeulemeester, Owens, ... lots of black and more edgier.
And now I'm trying to decide which one I should make my style, and my only style. (you just can't wear a fitted RO leather jacket with brown trousers
) In my heart I know that I prefer the edgier style, but being an engineering student, I'm afraid I'll constantly get weird looks from people (who aren't all that fashionable at my faculty
) I know I shouldn't let that bother me, but still... Maybe I should try and 'merge' the two styles, but I have no idea how