Spanish ‘Vogue’ Sets World ‘Vogue’ Record

hmm when I flipped it through I saw her name atleast..but I'm not sure..
I saw an article about her in Vogue when i was at a hairdresser and cant remember wich issues was it.I f anyone knows please let me know.I think it is in record issue but i"m not for sure!
Are they still selling it or did they already put the April issue out? I better go to Barnes and Noble today if I plan on looking through this.
In Spain the april issue is already out, but probably in the US not, I'm not sure
I went to Barnes and Nobel and they still had the January issue. How dissapointed i am.
Odette said:
Vogue España is by far one of the best editions of Vogue, no actress in the cover, spanish fashion, international fashion, big surprise! just few pages on actors&films, interesting articles usually about themes such as plastic surgery or anorexia. I always buy it every month in France, now I 'm in Spain I buy it cheaper and easier to find(just round the corner).

yes agree, I have see Vogue from other countries and they put always actreess in the cover...:sick: :sick: I like Vogue from Italy too.
dfl-001 said:

Vogue Spain is good, obviously very local because they care about fashion and varied topics. All the covers are gorgeous (even though I have one with an actress on the cover) and inspired. But if that's the cover - I mean, look at her face! I must said it doesn't worth its weight, the same outfit with another face would have been better.
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