Do You Wear Make Up Because >>>

i wear makeup almost every day. For work i usually just use a little concealer (for under eyes and the occasional pimple) and then follow with some tinted moisturiser to even out my skin tone. Then i just put a little mascara on, and sometimes some eyeliner.
Of course i wear a whole face of makeup when i go out.
To cover up my blemishes mainly .....

Every once in a while, I wear red, dark red, or plumish shades of lipsticks and experiment with the endless options of eye make-ups because it's just fun ^_^
if I had great skin I'd probably only wear mascara.... but since my skin is terrible it's like I have to compensate for it by more eye makeup and bluch and such. not that I really wear that much make-up...
To cover up freckles soemtimes, blemishes, even out skin tone, make my eyes lookg bigger, and make lips look bigger.
I had bad skin most of my life; moderate to severe acne, hyperpigmentation, etc and for years I wore foundation every single day. I decided to put more money into my health and the care of my skin (balancing hormones from within, skin treatments, etc) and now that my skin has cleared up. I wear mostly:

Tinted Mineral Veil - which is a transparent powder to get rid of shine
Black Mascara (sometimes with a liner)
Lipstick or gloss

When I'm going out, I may wear a little shadow, bronzer or highlighter to bring out my gold/brown skin color. I love a hint of gold on my skin - I wear it well.
Some days I wear a full face, sometimes nothing at all. I wear makeup to (in descending order):

1. Have fun! I just love applying it and experimenting.
2. Look a little more professional and "pulled together" when going out.
3. To enhance my features.
4. To cover my flaws.

#4 is pretty low on my priority list. Even if I had flawless skin and perfect features, I'd still wear makeup :)
i wear makeup because i like to play with it. i don't care what anyone else thinks of how i look.
I wear make-up because it makes me feel more confident. Before I didn't enjoy wearing it at I like wearing it, I like buying it, I like puting it on.
I don't like my i just put some mascara, some eye shadows and an eye liner just to make the eyes look different. I wear make-up to look different and to feel better. And it works. :rolleyes:
I don't wear make-up at all. I guess only when I go out or my skin looks really bad which fortunately doesn't happen a lot, but if I wear Make-up, I use it to cover up some flaws or bring out my features. Sometimes I like to experiment a bit as well.-
i feel naked if i dont wear makeup when i go out. i wear foundation, transulcent powder, eyebrown pencil and bronzing blush everday, if not i feel insecure which sucks :( i only have no makeup at home and saturday school since im with my best freind and some weird classmates :P
twilight fairy said:
I know I wouldn't wear any make up if I had no flaws in skin, and if my lashes were longer and more curled up. I don't even enjoy wearing it - I just do to feel a bit more confident.

Most of my friends wear make up just to bring out their features.
^^same...if only my lashes were really long/thick i would never wear mascara...and if my skin was completely flawless i would never wear foundation..maybe just a little blush

breathe0xygen said:
its fun, but i dont like it how easy i can become attatched to it, and get really insecure without it.
^^i get too attached to makeup too :unsure:
sometimes i honestly just don't feel like wearing make-up, so i don't. but when i do wear it, it's mostly because i have fun putting it on. i wear a lot of eyeliner, because it's fun to apply and i like the look it gives me. i wear powders, because it like the glimmering effect it gives me. occasionally i wear blush. and i wear chapstick. i used to wear mascara, but in reality, my eyelashes are already long, curled, and it was kind of unecessary.
I wear makeup because I want to. I don't care if it looks good or bad on me, if I like it I'll wear it.
hi! first time poster here from montréal!

i'd rather not wear makeup at all because i find it's a real pain to have to take it off before going to bed. it's just one extra thing i hafta do, but when i'm really tired by the end of the day i'd rather just hit the sack after brushing my teeth.

when i do think it's necessary to put on makeup, i mostly have on eyeliner with mascara and maybe add a lil bronzer if i feel adventurous hehe. i don't apply anything else because i'm far from being an expert when it comes to makeup and i'm more concerned with finding ways to improve the complexion of my face rather than with finding ways to cover up my blemishes.

oh yea, and since im a college student who struggles to pay for books and tuition, makeup is not in my budget. in fact my eyeliner's from n.y.c and mascara's from maybelline heh.
I wear makeup because it makes me feel much more confident with myself - and it's also so fun to play with! I can waste so much money in Sephora or at the MAC counter. :) The only thing I hate is feeling like I have to put it on to be presentable.
i cannot leave the house without at least wearing mascara and lipgloss, usually concealer too. i feel so naked without it on

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