Stella McCartney for Target Australia

i saw her runway fashion was her clothes...
can't wait to buy them....

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^^^yeah!!! why not in europe??????

42 pieces!!!! too much for just a collaboration, great for the ones who will enjoy it!!
The trousers in Pic3 look like they are cut fuller? or is that the impression from the pic?
I just came back from's crazy and a bit sad to see every person going nuts for's not going to look that nice and exclusive if every one is wearing the same stuff- mother, daughters, grandma, teenager, etc ...but i guess that's the point in having it for Target! some people had no idea what was going on and were just going nuts and buying stuff for the sake of it.. i heard a few people go 'who's stella mccartney?' while they were buying about five garments!! that made me cringe!! if you don't appreciate it, then leave it for the people who do :) but i am just fashion obsessed :)
I got a nice tunic..quite beautiful. the sizes are also really generous, the cuts are amazing, I have to does feel like a total bargain to be paying so little for something so beautiful..but i guess you also pay the price that everyone is going to have it!!!
i bet a lot of people also bought them to sell them on ebay...grr..
nicky25 said:
I just came back from's crazy and a bit sad to see every person going nuts for's not going to look that nice and exclusive if every one is wearing the same stuff- mother, daughters, grandma, teenager, etc ...but i guess that's the point in having it for Target! some people had no idea what was going on and were just going nuts and buying stuff for the sake of it.. i heard a few people go 'who's stella mccartney?' while they were buying about five garments!! that made me cringe!! if you don't appreciate it, then leave it for the people who do :) but i am just fashion obsessed :)
I got a nice tunic..quite beautiful. the sizes are also really generous, the cuts are amazing, I have to does feel like a total bargain to be paying so little for something so beautiful..but i guess you also pay the price that everyone is going to have it!!!
i bet a lot of people also bought them to sell them on ebay...grr..

This totally sums it up. I've just got back and to be honest I feel ashamed. It was exactly like you described, 1000's of people scrumming for stuff just because it was there. I saw quite a few fashion girlies (like myself :innocent: :ninja: :blush: ) but the majority were young girls and their mums (and nans!)

I'm very pleased though, I got the black loose wool/cashmere coat ($200) and I'm thrilled with it. Thats all I wanted - a good coat in a nice material. There were people there buying stuff for the hell of it. People were ripping the clothes off the manequins within 30 secs of getting into the store. I wanted to leave there and then and not be a part of this. :unsure:
They just covered the story on a news update! The stores look insane!
Girls were going mad. I was surprised to see such chaos, but very glad seven news had its cameras there to capture all the havoc!
I just saw it on the news too! Ah! I'm actually glad i didn't get up early to line up lol. It looked scary and why where there grandma's?
Yeah same! Ha I noticed the grandmas too.
Maybe they were super trendy Grandmas! Or they were conned into going by grandchildren who were in school!
miss_pepa said:
Yeah same! Ha I noticed the grandmas too.
Maybe they were super trendy Grandmas! Or they were conned into going by grandchildren who were in school!

I heard a lot of them on the phone telling someone what they've got and asking if they wanted them. Who sends their nan into a Target scrum??? :lol:
Hahaha! I know thats terrible, Im surprised they werent squashed to death by vicious teens!
lozz said:
I just saw it on the news too! Ah! I'm actually glad i didn't get up early to line up lol. It looked scary and why where there grandma's?

I wasn't too fussed and just wanted to look at the coats so I got to my local store at about 9.20am to discover utter mayhem. Manequins stripped, people sorting over what was left, empty racks. It was crazy stuff. People were wandering around with the whole range under their arm to buy. Crazy. I honestly don't believe they will want the whole lot but they were just hoarding stuff. There were defintely people buying for ebay I reckon.

I managed to grab one of the Oak swing coats in the wool/cashmere which is what I wanted to try on. It's big as a 14 but as it's a winter coat and I wear thick jumpers I took it. I'm happy with the buy but could not believe the madness.

This is a pic of the coat. It's actually belted which is cool.

Pic of coat

Edited to say i saw heaps of Grandmas but not as many teens as I thought. Obviously at school but there were heaps of middle aged women and 30ish Mums with kids in prams. Not sure if buying for themselves or teen daughters!
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LOL yeah i wondered about nans buying size 8 stuff, and one of them snatching something out of my hand which I said 'I had that!' this just made me a bit over the whole thing, thinking, if eveyrone is going to wear this I dont want it! I got in late so I couldn't get the coat I wanted, but I got a pretty tunic- by chance I found my size. A lot of people seemed to be grabbing stuff for the hell of it.
Fists fly in Stella frenz
Jane Holroyd
March 12, 2007 - 11:20AM

Shoppers ... resorted to stripping mannequins bare once racks were cleared.
Stella McCartney fashions.
Photo: Craig Sillitoe

A fight broke out between two women this morning as hundreds of fashion-conscious shoppers thronged budget department store Target, spending up to $1000 each as it unveiled its collection by British designer Stella McCartney.

More than 400 people queued outside Chadstone's Target store ahead of its 10am opening.

Women pushed their way into the store as the manager opened the security door, telling customers to wait until it was fully open before entering.
They paid no heed, sneaking under the door as soon as it began moving.
Shoppers grabbed armfuls of clothes amid the madness, like ants crawling all over a crumb.

A fight broke out as two women in their 20s got too close to one another in their frenzy. A security guard quickly stepped in to cool down the scene, reminiscent of a schoolyard brawl.

Trench coat a hit
The most popular items were McCartney's much-hyped trench coat in grey and navy - just 6000 are available Australia-wide - a woollen, knee-length pea coat and an olive green silk dress with beading around the neckline.
Some racks were cleared within 45 seconds, with a second batch of trench coats brought out within minutes. Shoppers then resorted to stripping mannequins bare once racks were cleared.

Mothers and daughters coordinated their shopping via mobile phones from different stores to better their chances of getting the garments they wanted.

A sales assistant said the first three orders she put through the checkout were for $379, $957 and $993.

Target apparel manager Larice Lewis said the reaction "has surpassed our wildest expectations".

"The customers hopefully are loving the product and that's what it's all about," Ms Lewis said.

One and only Stella moment
Despite the rapidly emptying racks, Ms Lewis said she was confident there was enough stock.

"It was a very limited range and that was the premise of our designer program," she said.

Customer Chris Roth, from East Bentleigh, who had an armful of clothes, said her cousin had been at the front of the line and had items for her.
While she had a trench coat, a green silk dress and many other items in her clutches, she planned to cull the pile to avoid the wrath of her husband.
"That would cost a grand and I don't think my husband would like that," she said.

Ms Roth said was happy with quality of the clothes, particularly the trench.
"It's just so versatile, you can dress it up or down."

Earlier, Melissa Grinter, 34, from Hampton, said she was interested in buying the trench coat, one of the most expensive items at $199.99 - but a steal compared to Country Road's $400 price tag for a similar garment.
"It's offputting being in a queue this big, especially if there's going to be 200 people walking around in the same trench coat as you."
Her friend Kim Forté, from Mt Waverley, said she was interested in a grey jumper dress, similar to one she had seen US actress Jennifer Aniston wearing.

While Ms Forté would not reveal her budget, it was more than she would normally spend at Target.

"Put it this way, it will be the most we'll ever spend at Target."
She said she usually avoided shopping centres, but thought McCartney was a great designer.

"I just wanted to see (the range) and see if it measures up to what I've seen in the magazines.

Sunday Age fashion editor Rachel Wells said the crash was unprecedented in Australian fashion.

"I've never seen anything like it before," she said.

"In terms of fashion it's the biggest thing we've ever seen. It's no wonder the shoppers reacted the way that they did."

Her verdict - the range, with its quality fabrics and designs, was worth the hype.

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