Stores / Websites with the Worst Customer Service

Interesting article in #378, I used to work in luxury retail and we would personally get in trouble if we didn't approach customers. The rule was to greet with a hello, then later offer help (after allowing them browse), but funnily enough a 'hello' was often returned with 'can I just look?!'/'just looking!'

I personally do like to shop in solitude however I like being greeted, it can be annoying to be followed etc but I would be more annoyed if no one approached me.
Interesting article. However, I work at Nordstrom and it's commission so if i don't talk to you someone else will. i would also like to say that sometimes I'm just making my presence known so that when the customer does have a question there is a recognizable face there to help. I wouldn't doubt that some of these people are the same people who when they do need help say, "no one greeted me, asked me if i needed help, etc".

I don't think recognizing the customer is so bad.

I'm a fellow Nordy:wink: however I am in the sales support division...and although I do not make my money from comission I'm still expected to make sure I acknowledge a customer while I'm working on the floor but then I make sure to find them a SA to help with their specific shopping needs.

Best believe you'll get a smile and a hello and the best damn directions to the bathroom from me! :D:innocent:
I like when a salesperson makes themselves known not by asking me if I need help but by hanging around, not in a stalkerish kinda way but enough so that I know I can ask without having to look all around for them. Otherwise my response is "No, thanks (I don´t need help) I´m just browsing"...
I got a hilariously bad SA at Nordstrom recently (I imagine she was hired for the holidays & won't last), but when she disappeared I was able to replace her with a good one. She was the type who trolls the floor grabbing things from people and stashing them in rooms so she can get the commission, but is never there when you need actual help. (Maybe she should wander down the hall to Barney's Co-op where she'd fit in :innocent:)

The funny part was that I had left my umbrella, and when I went back to that department looking for it, she got in my face with, 'Where did you go?!?! I was looking all over for you!!!" My real SA told her I'd come back for my umbrella, which stepped on my saying, "Really?!?! I was looking all over for you too, and you were nowhere to be found!!"
This is an interesting thread and interesting article. I have worked part-time retail for years and I am currently a manager at a Banana Republic. The article was eye opening, but...... I still disagree with most of it and I don't believe the article describes all customers' preferences. We don't work on commission at banana but we do try to give good customer service.

I don't think you need to stalk the people and try to talk to them about everything they touch, but every customer should be approached and greeted. I think it's rude to ignore people coming into the store. And if you greet some people, you should greet everyone or it's discriminating. Likewise, I think it's rude when I greet a customer and get ignored. Just use manners people! What would your mother think? If I am shopping and don't need help and I'm not looking for anything specific, I will still feel offended if no one even acknowledges me with a simple pleasant "hello".

And I think it's important to let customers know if there are any special promotions or sales they should know about. I mean for example, if something you are looking at is actually 40% less than the tag says most people are thankful you told them, and most customers don't read the in-store signage.

And if we are trying to start you a room, it's not for commission, but so you have a place set up when you are ready to try things on and so you don't have to lug it all around while you shop.

Also if when greeted, a customer gives the stay-away-from-me-don't-talk-to-me vibe, then I get it. They want to look by themselves. But you need to keep an eye on them incase later they look like they can't find something and actually need some help. (Not follow, just keep an eye out and be available).

I know I like to just look by myself most of the time when I am shopping too, but you have to offer to help everyone. Even if 49 customers in a row say "just looking" if you decide to just ignore that 50th customer, that is the one who was looking for help with a rehearsal dinner look or a vacation wardrobe or an interview outfit and no one talked to them and they just walk out and don't find anything because no one offered to help. :( "You never know" is what I'm saying, so you have to ask everyone b/c it's your job as a sales associate. And I like my job, it is fun to help people shop and put things together for them, so when 49 people won't let me go near them because they're "just browsing", I am dying for someone to finally say "yes, I'm actually looking for..." so I actually get to help!

And the part where the customer was annoyed by being offered/shown additional items in the fitting room — almost every e-commerce website does that too when you are viewing the product details page and/or your shopping cart so that is such a ridiculous complaint. Plus, sometimes the customer prefers the things you showed him/her to what she/he selected first because you know the product and what's in the store better than them and they can miss things.

Sorry such a long response but I feel defensive about it and passionate that everyone should be offered service even if they don't need it at the moment. It's our job! I mean not that you should bombard them with today's sales and stalk them, but acknowledge them and make your presence known.
Hmm... so after reading a bunch more of this thread (not the entire thing b/c who has time, but 10-13ish pages) I think a lot of these incidents are isolated to the SA or the situation or the store. Because I have had some experiences where I've felt bad or disrespected or whatever, but not many. And in a lot of the places mentioned as being nasty, I've had good experiences too. So i think it says more about specific individuals who give bad service but I don't think we can generalize across entire brands/stores. Usually.:wink:
pinksatin, thanks for chiming in!!

I am a frequent shopper at banana republic.

some shoppers are offended when reminded that the sale items are "take an additional X amount off" especially when there is already adequate signage in the store windows, outside the doors on a silver sign and on every clearance rack in the store.

i remember taking a friends teenage daughter shopping with me to BR last season. she worried she was "reminded" of the additional percentage off because she was african-American and the salesperson assumed she could not read the myriad of signs in the store. i told her that the salespeople were simply reading from a script. and also the reminder had nothing to do with the salesperson perceived ability to measure how much she was willing to spend either.

after all i am always asked specifically if someone has helped me out on the sales floor....what is this question for? and do the sales people "earn" anything for this?
^ they do! I read it in a magazine when I was a teenager and ever since I try to memorise their names when they say it after they've helped me out. I always get them wrong though, especially if they're over 3, which happens often (and no, I'm not an annoying customer, I swear!) :ninja:.

A bit on the article: I like customer service but as long as it's not too intrusive. I find it equally intimidating to be ignored than to be greeted with some "HELLO! HOW YA' DOING!" from across the store, not sure this happens everywhere but I get it in California all the time, and it doesn't stop there, they'll come from the other side of the store speaking loudly "DID YOU KNOW WE HAVE A VALENTINE'S DISCOUNT ON EVERY ITEM FROM THE LINE BLABLAH AND IF YOU BUY ONE BUT WANT TO GET THREE YOU CAN GET FOUR FOR THE PRICE OF FIVE!!! LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED MORE HELP!! WE ALSO HAVE A DISCOUNT IN ALL OF OUR MINI BOTTLES! ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ANYTHING SPECIAL?".:mellow:

I love the hello + smile combo, that does it in small stores. If we're talking department stores, just a smile suffices. Whenever I do need help, I can walk and look for the SA, and that's when I expect them to be polite and professional. Not necessarily nice, for their own sake. I am never rude to SAs but I see people being a PIA the moment they get offered help, I don't think a SA should be obliged to be more than polite and all smiles if someone's being rude, that's a bad policy and not just in stores but restaurants too with waitresses and vulgar customers. If there's one thing that leaves an awful impression as a customer, besides bad personal service, is experiencing bad treatment in a store, either from customers to employees or among the staff. I actually remember Banana Republic for this, someone that appeared to be their boss whispering at a SA in front of everyone "you are going to fold these pieces right now and you are going to get that right for once blahblah", the SA guy looked like he was holding his tears, I felt so bad, and then she looked at me like "HELLO DID YOU FIND EVERYTHING ALRIGHT! :wub:". Stupid b*tch :ninja:. I can probably count with one hand the times I've returned to their store ever since.
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Just wanted to note that when I was in college I worked retail in a clothing store on straight commission, so I am clear on what is good service and what is not from both sides. I want to be greeted and treated like a human being, but my mood varies. I may be feeling expansive and want to chat, or I may be feeling stressed and not really in the mood to talk to anyone. Of course a good SA can read this and deal appropriately.

I do resent SAs who want either credit or commission for my sale, and horn in to greet me and grab things from me to ensure they get it. Yes, once I have something in my hands, someone should promptly start a room for me. What I resent is getting stuck with an SA who will give me nothing in return--no assistance finding things, no bringing other sizes, no product knowledge, no knowledge of what the department and store carries.

In this case the SA literally disappeared, so in addition to the already difficult task of shopping, I have to figure out how to negotiate my way to a new SA when supposedly someone is already helping me (not!!).

I also don't know that I have ever had an SA who was able to read my taste and bring me things I'd actually like. I think there's one thing in my entire closet that I didn't pick out myself. Even personal shoppers will bring you what they like and what works for them--not for you. If I didn't know how to help myself I'd be up a creek.
some shoppers are offended when reminded that the sale items are "take an additional X amount off" especially when there is already adequate signage in the store windows, outside the doors on a silver sign and on every clearance rack in the store.
I have plastered over 50 signs up before. Still people are surprised that it is 25% off all clearance when they get to the registers.
I have plastered over 50 signs up before. Still people are surprised that it is 25% off all clearance when they get to the registers.

Yes! This is exactly why. You'd be surprised how many people don't read at all and they are surprised and thankful when you let them know about something that's plastered all over the store. And then when I get to a customer who says "Yeah, I know I saw it on the signs". I just say "oh great! it's nice that you noticed them. Most people don't read them."

And at BR, the name collecting about who helped you doesn't earn money for the associates. It used to but they've changed that and the store just sells as a team. They can track productivity though, so if someone has really low sales, they can get coaching or talk to them about why they aren't helping anyone or recognize people who are good sellers and engage with customers but there is not much purpose for it anymore. The only thing you earn money from individually (aside from wages) is how many banana cards you open. And I know that can be annoying for customers who don't want one but it is our job to talk to you about it so I just force myself to talk about it because it is my responsibility to do my job you know?
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I have had a few bad experiences in a row in the House of Fraser department store here in the UK.

First time it was the last day of those 2 day sale events where most brands have 20-30% off. I wanted a pair of Sam Edelman heels in a size 2.5 UK. It went like this:

Me: Hello, may i please try these in a size 2.5?
SA: Em, they don't go down smaller than a 3.
Me: I have another pair of these shoes in a size 2.5, could you please double check?
SA: Em, they might do them, but we never have them.
Me: Oh right, I actually bought them here, but OK, would you please be able to check if another store has them?
SA: Our stock checking system is actually down at the minute, maybe you could come back later?
Me: I wouldn't be able to come back later as I need to get back to work...
SA: Well you could leave your details and we could call you when the system comes back up, or you could phone in later and see if it is back up?
Me: Yes OK, I'll leave my details and if you could give me a call that would be great, thanks.
SA: Em, well, we might be really busy later so i can't guarantee that anyone would be able to call you.

Seriously, why offer then?! :ninja: The next time, a week later, went back in for the same shoes (now back up to full price, *sob* ). I pick up the one on display, which is a size 3:

Me: Would I be able to try these or order these in a 2.5?
SA: They don't go down smaller than a 4.
Me: Oh, em, these are a 3...
SA: Em, well, em (etc), the smallest size we have in the actual store is a size 4.
Me: (thinking she had misunderstood) Ah no, sorry, this actual shoe is a size 3, so they must go down a bit smaller than a 4?
SA: Em no, sorry.

My God. At that point I just gave up. These shoes are just not meant to be mine :cry:
^thats terrible. You should put in a complaint about both occasions. I honestly don't know how people like that can keep their jobs, so rude.
I have had bad experience in House of Fraser too Judleberry :(
Debenhams (British dept store too!) have been crap to me of recent!
With my case in Debenhams, I was aiming to buy YSL Touché Eclat in the beauty dept and there was no one around to help until i spotted a sales assistant from the Clarins beauty counter. Now im unsure if these people work on comission or not with each beauty brand (they prob do!) but the service i got was shocking.
I aksed her if she could help me, her reply was to not even look up at me from her desk which had paper-work on it and after about 2 minute silence she said; give me just a moment.
a further minute later she went round to the YSL counter and grabbed the shade i asked for and out it on her desk and i politley said, oh im going to pay by card. her reply to this was; well, put it in the machine then (the chip and pin machine)
^ I hate it when you really need something, and then you get that kind of 'help.' I would have told her, 'You know what, never mind--this is the kind of service I like to reward by taking my business elsewhere' and gotten it someplace else :wink: Nothing needs to be concealed or brightened more than she needed to be told off :wink:
i know, i should've told her exactly what you said!
Roger Vivier Hong Kong IFC Mall

The SAs are chatting all the times and they never sells! I've heard complaints from 4 different peoples, and more would be heard I suppose.:ninja:
I have a further update on my House of Fraser nightmare pursuit of these Sam Edelman heels!

It's now the end of season sale, in I go and they have a pair of size 3s left on the rack in the sale bit. I tried them on and decided I am going to have to get a 3 if I'm going to get them at all and just have to have them be a bit too big. I ask to try on the other one.

Few minutes later the lady comes up with the left shoe and I try them both on. Now, once they are on my feet you can blatantly tell one is really faded, stretched and dirty from being out on the shop floor all this time. One was really vibrant turquoise, the other was faded and around the edges what looked like fake tan had stained it. :sick: I said to the lady that one was really faded and a bit dirty and and she said "Hmmm, I can maybe take an extra 10% off", I didn't really want 10% off, I just wanted 2 matching shoes! So I asked her if she could check if any other store had them in a 3 or preferably a 2, she went to check and came back and said "this is the very last pair in the whole company, so it will need to be these ones, are you taking them?". So I just said no thanks.

Came home and set to work on finding them online. Found them on a little independent shoe shop, same price and in a size 2! Brand new and never tried on, lovely snug fit. Chuffed to bits :D

2 weeks later, I'm in HOFs again, mozying round the shoe bit, and what do I see? The shoes on the sale rack in a size 3, and on the rack below them, another pair in a size 2 :angry: I was so mad! They had them all this time!!!

I looked around for a manager to tell, just so they know how bad the staff are, but there wasn't anyone about that looked like they'd care.

I just wish there were some other decent shoe shops in Glasgow so I never had to set foot in there again.

Plus, there are too many Benefit make up stalls etc that want to plaster half your face in make-up and badger you to buy all their products.

I feel better now I've got that off my chest, thanks! xx :flower:
US retailers can usually print out at the register exactly what stores have each item. can UK retailers do that? i would ask for the actual paper next time.
US retailers can usually print out at the register exactly what stores have each item. can UK retailers do that? i would ask for the actual paper next time.

Most stores can, yes. But sometimes I wonder if HOF tell you they don't have them because they just can't be bothered checking. They often just tell you to check the website, but the website doesn't have any of the good brands.

Some other stores are happy to print out a list with phone numbers and even call and order it for you, it's all sales for the same company at the end of the day, so it's in their best interests.

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