Talking Movie Awards 2011

^ I getting tired of all these Oscars awarded for the "transformations" and/or biopics. These last years it was almost always about that. Jamie Foxx, Marion Cotillard, Nicole Kidman, Charlize Theron, Sean Penn, Forest Whitaker, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Colin Firth, Helen Mirren, etc...I'm not saying they were bad but this pattern is becoming boring and annoying.

I actually really did not think Marion Cotillard was that great.

This. She was good but not mind-blowing. And the movie was very, very forgettable.

This whole buzz and hype system to get throught the Award shows is such an interesting subject but also very nerve racking.

True. But why should The Artist be the only one stigmatized ? This year and in the past there were others films nominated which are not (far more than The Artist) Oscar-worthy, and many, many left behind.

That's why there are festival like Cannes, Berlin, Venice, reward more independent, less bankable movies. People need to loosen up about the Oscars noms. Yes it's prestigious but it doesn't mean much about the quality, everybody knows that, or at least should. It's mostly about who campaigns the most, like an election.

The movies you're talking about, Polisse and A Prophet, got awards at festivals. And the latter got plenty at the Césars, Polisse will probably do the same since it got 13 nominations. Anyway I don't know if Polisse would translate well outside of France, and no matter how good it is, it just isn't an Oscar bait movie.

Also François Cluzet in Intouchables schools Jean Dujardin!!

No way. :lol:
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The other day I was thinking about all the talk that Rooney doesn´t deserve an Oscar only based on her transformation but I remember when Nicole Kidman won for The Hours... I didn´t think her performance was that good, by far not better than Julianne Moore´s (for Far From Heaven) and yet I remember all the talk about the nose... I´m not saying that Rooney deserves it just that sometimes the "transformation" is far more important than the performance imo.

Nicole should of won for Moulin Rouge and that's the reason she won for The Hours. Not that she wasn't good in that but lets be real here it was a makeup Oscar like Dame Judi Dench's.

I'm miffed about Rooney because it's a popcorn movie. It's like when Renee was nominated for Bridget Jones.
Renee being nominated was the most ridiculous thing. I like Bridget Jones as much as the next person but the accent was all over the place.

I agree with Ciel's assessment of the Oscars. They are more a popularity contest at times and this explains why people like Gary Oldman have not got one as they've upset the big bosses. However funnily enough there are far less politics involved now compared to the Golden Era of Hollywood.
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I'm miffed about Rooney because it's a popcorn movie. It's like when Renee was nominated for Bridget Jones.

Nothing's wrong with a popcorn movie being nominated. She deserves her nomination a whole lot more than Glenn Close does for that mess Albert Nobbs.
The other day I was thinking about all the talk that Rooney doesn´t deserve an Oscar only based on her transformation but I remember when Nicole Kidman won for The Hours... I didn´t think her performance was that good, by far not better than Julianne Moore´s (for Far From Heaven) and yet I remember all the talk about the nose... I´m not saying that Rooney deserves it just that sometimes the "transformation" is far more important than the performance imo.

Just to clarify, I meant to say that for voters is more important.

I find Kidman terribly overrated, I don´t think she deserved an Oscar for MR either.
Nicole should of won for Moulin Rouge and that's the reason she won for The Hours. Not that she wasn't good in that but lets be real here it was a makeup Oscar like Dame Judi Dench's.

I'm miffed about Rooney because it's a popcorn movie. It's like when Renee was nominated for Bridget Jones.
More than a decade later and I still cannot fathom how the Academy chose Halle over her. 2001 was Nicole's year, Moulin Rouge and The Others (:heart:) are stellar.
I think Tilda should've won that year for The Deep End! But she wasn't nominated, so Renée for sure should've won out of the nominees. Sissy and Judi were also great. Then Nicole (best thing about her movie). Then Halle. Seriously, anyone but Halle.

And pixiedust, I just read your comment about Renee's accent being all over the place. No way! Londoner here, born and bred. Her accent was pitch perfect! Seriously, nobody I know has ever complained about her accent. In fact, they forget that she's American!
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Londoner here too. I just rewatched Bridget Jones 2 today and figured it was more the tone rather than the accent that annoyed me. I think I'm just taking my annoyance at Bridget in the second film out on her accent overall. :lol:
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@Lola: Aah if only comedic performance were more appreciated back then. And Judi Dench on Iris :heart:

Renee will always have a special place in my heart :heart::lol:
I looove her in Down With Love. She's so cute! I miss her in movies & print publication.
I agree, I love her. Though she really didn't deserve to win for Cold Mountain and she's had too much botox lately. Maybe that's why her career stalled.
It's the Academy Nominees' Lunch happening right now. Last year they had a livestream of the whole thing - the press conference with all the acting nominees and the big class photo of everyone nominated. They don't seem to be doing it this time for some reason.

I remember last year Michelle Williams' press conference being really uncomfortable because no-one seemed to want to ask her anything.



Nothing's wrong with a popcorn movie being nominated. [Rooney] deserves her nomination a whole lot more than Glenn Close does for that mess Albert Nobbs.

You said it! I'm always drawn to more comedy and action over drama, and I fully believe that the very best acting performance should always be nominated, regardless of genre -- not whether the acting performance seemed to take place in a sappy drama :shock::shock::shock: (Lol... haven't seen Albert Nobbs though)

I don't really understand how Melissa McCarthy is Oscar-worthy for Bridesmaids, like, at all, even though it was one of my favourite movies of the year, but at least the Oscars have widened their scope of what 'counts' as a great performance.

Good for Rooney and Renee back then for being nominated. They deserve it. I wanted Jim Carrey to be nominated for Eternal Sunshine, for example, but I felt strongly that the Academy didn't respect who he was because of past film/acting choices:huh:
2012 BAFTA winners
Best Film: The Artist

Outstanding British Film: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Outstanding Debut By A British Writer, Director or Producer: TYRANNOSAUR - Paddy Considine (Director), Diarmid Scrimshaw (Producer)

Adapted Screenplay: TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY - Bridget O'Connor, Peter Straughan

Animated Film: RANGO - Gore Verbinski

Cinematography: THE ARTIST - Guillaume Schiffman

Costume Design: THE ARTIST - Mark Bridges

Director: THE ARTIST - Michel Hazanavicius

Documentary: SENNA - Asif Kapadia, James Gay-Rees, Eric Fellner, Tim Bevan, Manish Pandey

Editing: SENNA - Gregers Sall, Chris King

Film Not in the English Language: THE SKIN I LIVE IN - Pedro Almodóvar, Agustin Almodóvar

Make Up & Hair: THE IRON LADY - Mark Coulier, J. Roy Helland, Marese Langan

Original Music: THE ARTIST - Ludovic Bource

Original Screenplay: THE ARTIST - Michel Hazanavicius

Production Design: HUGO - Dante Ferretti, Francesca Lo Schiavo

Short Animation: A MORNING STROLL - Grant Orchard, Sue Goffe

Short Film: PITCH BLACK HEIST - John Maclean, Gerardine O'Flynn

Sound: HUGO - Philip Stockton, Eugene Gearty, Tom Fleischman, John Midgley

Special Visual Effects: HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS – PART 2 - Tim Burke, John Richardson, Greg Butler, David Vickery

Leading Actor: JEAN DUJARDIN - The Artist

Supporting Actor: CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER - Beginners

Leading Actress: MERYL STREEP - The Iron Lady

Supporting Actress: OCTAVIA SPENCER - The Help

Orange Wednesdays Rising Star Award: ADAM DEACON
BOO at Gary Oldman not winning. I'm gutted.

I really didn't think Meryl would win.
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Ugh, The Artist The Artist The Artist.
I almost don't want to watch it any more... -.-
I'm happy for Tyrannosaur and Senna's awards.

I thought Gary Oldman might just edge it in Best Actor. But The Artist really is the darling of the awards season and I think we can see how the Oscars are going to go.

Biggest surprise for me was The Skin I Live In winning over the critically-lauded A Separation. I've not seen A Separation yet so I can't compare the two but going into this it seemed to be a lock. The Brits love Almodovar is all I can say to explain it. I did really like The Skin I Live In.

Was holding out hope Tilda might win over Meryl but alas. At least we got the nice moment of Colin Firth retrieving Meryl's lost shoe and putting it back Prince Charming-style.

Great to see Russell Crowe and Hugh Jackman's double act near the end too. And of course Scorcese getting a very well-deserved Fellowship.
Well, The Artist it is. For everything. Weinstein really does know how to sell his movies. The Artist is really nothing special, aside from, oh aren't we so nostalgic and clever all silent and black and white? Will be one of my least favorite films to win in a very long time. Probably early 00s with Gladiator? Or maybe Chicago? Oh well.

The only somewhat interesting major category left at this point is Actress - Meryl and Viola. I'd say Viola still has the edge, but I wouldn't be surprised by either winning. Nor would I be surprised by a total shock here, like Michelle Williams, lol. Of the two, I'm rooting for Meryl. 1. Viola's performance didn't do anything for me. 2. I hope we can then stop nominating Meryl for EVERY PERFORMANCE and put to rest the whole 'overdue' (even though she has TWO freaking Oscars already) status for another 10-20 years.
I guess I need to watch The Artist before I get upset that it's winning so much.
Well, The Artist it is. For everything. Weinstein really does know how to sell his movies. The Artist is really nothing special, aside from, oh aren't we so nostalgic and clever all silent and black and white? Will be one of my least favorite films to win in a very long time. Probably early 00s with Gladiator? Or maybe Chicago? Oh well.

Really? I mean I saw The Artist and found it quite charming, although I didn't feel like it was the best film I'd seen all year. However, in no way does it come close to being like some of the travesties that have walked away with Oscar recently.

Chicago would be my top pick for worst of the last ten years. I couldn't stand that film and just didn't understand people's love for it.

I'm not going to get upset if (when) The Artist wins. After all, Melancholia, Drive and Senna failed to get nommed so my favourites aren't even in contention any more.

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