Terry Richardson’s Work is Degrading to Women

I am under no delusion that I have any sort of power to do anything, but I do have an idea. You may recall that President Obama was photographed by Richardson back in 2007. Well, maybe we could make a petition over on Whitehouse.gov asking for President Obama to apologize for participating in the photoshoot. Jezebel seems to be keeping up with stories about Richardson rather closely, so we could send them a link to the petition, (Or post it there. I have no idea how to use Kinja sites.) and if they mentioned it, maybe it would get more media attention and get enough votes to require a response. Media coverage of his actions and a denouncement from the White House might be enough to put him out of business. It is a major long shot, but it might be worth a try.
I still don't understand how Obama and Oprah were allowed by their people to photograph with Terry - Obama especially. I don't understand how no one said, "You know, this guy has some problems, he produces very graphic work, it's best we get another photographer." Just baffling.
I am under no delusion that I have any sort of power to do anything, but I do have an idea. You may recall that President Obama was photographed by Richardson back in 2007. Well, maybe we could make a petition over on Whitehouse.gov asking for President Obama to apologize for participating in the photoshoot. Jezebel seems to be keeping up with stories about Richardson rather closely, so we could send them a link to the petition, (Or post it there. I have no idea how to use Kinja sites.) and if they mentioned it, maybe it would get more media attention and get enough votes to require a response. Media coverage of his actions and a denouncement from the White House might be enough to put him out of business. It is a major long shot, but it might be worth a try.

There is a petition to put him out of business:


But, you are right, it might hold some weight doing a petition through the White house page too.
Okay this clearly makes me sick ... I hate when people are like "he is innocent until proven guilty". The words he uses to talk about his job are degrading. I think I am going to send my issue of Vogue Paris back if I see Richardson has worked on it.
And it's totally crazy to see his assistants are actually taking part in it o_O !
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I think the biggest problem here is that the girls never filed police charges, did they? even if it wasn´t technically r*pe and they went along with everything, there has to be some law about coercing sexual acts, right? but to tell their stories after years, I can´t help but feel they´re somewhat "useless"... specially cause none of the big media outlets is picking up the story, eg never heard of E! doing an article about him. At least I hope that the next girl who goes into his studio will be brave enough (thanks to these stories) to say something right away if he tries anything.

I believe that all the celebs that take their photo with him are simply not aware of his antics, because Terry´s smart enough to act like this with unknown models that never make it in the business.
I think that one way of spreading the word is to link the articles to those celebs´ twitters, I wonder what Jared Leto would say about all this for example...
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Earlier this week, another model came forward with a horror story about Terry Richardson. Posting anonymously to Reddit (since removed), the model detailed an encounter with the photographer that escalated into sexual territory and ended with him ejaculating into her eye.

Her account was so terrible, one can hardly blame her for wanting to stay anonymous. But now, she’s coming forward — Charlotte Waters, now 24, has taken her story fully public with Vocativ.

Waters made the decision to come forward after seeing a number of articles about Richardson’s alleged bad behavior.

“I was like: ‘I know exactly what these people are talking about!’” Waters says. “But the articles were all very vague and about rumors, so I wanted to say, ‘Hey, I’ve experienced this first hand. These aren’t just rumors.’”

Waters’s first-hand experience sounds pretty disgusting. She had posed nude before for other photographers and artists, and says that her experience with Richardson was vastly different — mainly because, unlike the others, Richardson touched her, licked her and had her pull on his balls before ejaculating on her.

Perhaps most disturbing about Waters’s account is that Richardson’s assistant — a woman — was present for the entire thing. And afterwards, when Waters says she was in shock, they handled it with familiarity. “It seemed like they had done this a million times,” she says.

Still, typical of victims of sexual assault, Waters felt embarrassed about what had happened to her and was unsure that she wanted it to be public. So she shared her story anonymously on Reddit, because as she says, these assaults “will likely continue to happen until [Richardson's] dick falls off.”

In addition to coming out publicly, Waters is reporting the incident to the police — difficult, she says, because she never explicitly told Richardson to stop. “I was always very hesitant about [reporting Richardson] because I know nothing can really be done,” she tells Vocativ. “So Richardson’s off the hook. It kind of sucks.”

One has to wonder why, in the face of these kinds of accusations, anyone still works Richardson — let alone the high-profile celebrities he’s photographed, like Beyonce, Lea Michele and Kate Moss. But Waters says she understands. “I don’t put any blame on the celebrities that have been photographed by him because they have no way of knowing the truth,” she says. “Until people expose what’s he’s really like, how are his clients going to know?”

Waters’s full account is available at Vocativ.


Somehow I get the feeling that even if more models went to the police, it'd still be a ''he said she said'' situation. These things rarely turn out right. What is even more disgusting, are his assistans. why participate in this?:sick:
And also so many articles have already been written, so many people have spoken up, I don't see any reason why celebrities wouldn't be aware of it. I think it's just one of those things that someone made it ''cool'', now everybody is doing it to be cool, even if it is the stupidest thing ever.
^but if at the time were reports, couldn´t the police subpoena his photos? I mean there is photographic proof of the things the girls said he did.
I hope people stop hiring him but I guess since celebs are still hanging out with him that will never happen.

And also so many articles have already been written, so many people have spoken up, I don't see any reason why celebrities wouldn't be aware of it. I think it's just one of those things that someone made it ''cool'', now everybody is doing it to be cool, even if it is the stupidest thing ever.

Yes, finally someone says it! I agree completely. I'm tired of hearing how all these celebs don't know anything about his antics, are clueless, whatever the case... No way. I can understand a new model not knowing, but in the case of established celebrities, with their mega teams of people doing research for them and agreeing to terms beforehand... they know. They just don't care because in Richardson they have found a legitimate way to show off their body or themselves in degrading poses that they would not be able to do otherwise.
at first i thought it was people over reacting but after reading these recent claims I think he needs to be stopped, he has crossed the line
On the one hand, his underground and early work is degrading to women. This is not a rumour. It's a fact. The pictures are out there as proof. It's not even just the p*rn*gr*phy, because even that can be done respectfully. But he shoots nude girls in trash cans, girls with "sl*t" written on them, etc? Degrading, full stop.

His mainstream work, on the other hand, is simply repetitive and boring to my eye. I don't get why so many people like it.

It's amazing, though, that no one, not one model, has bothered to bring any sort of charge against him. You would think that someone would at least try. Surely there might be others who'd come out of the woodwork to have their say as well? So many have spoken to the media, but why wouldn't they go to police or to a lawyer? I'll bet they could find a lawyer who'd take such a case at pro-bono for the exposure. I should think a sexual harassment charge would hold based on the accounts I've read here and elsewhere.

But if they choose to speak only to the media and not the courts, I doubt anything will come of it.

He'll carry on doing what he does.

I kind of assumed that the sorts of things he used to do would have stopped by now, given the flack he's received. But who knows?

Is this new account about a recent event? Or something from the past just coming to light now?
I hope people stop hiring him but I guess since celebs are still hanging out with him that will never happen.

It might. That's why it's important to keep this conversation out there and to ask celebrities about it.
It's amazing, though, that no one, not one model, has bothered to bring any sort of charge against him. You would think that someone would at least try. Surely there might be others who'd come out of the woodwork to have their say as well? So many have spoken to the media, but why wouldn't they go to police or to a lawyer? I'll bet they could find a lawyer who'd take such a case at pro-bono for the exposure. I should think a sexual harassment charge would hold based on the accounts I've read here and elsewhere.

But if they choose to speak only to the media and not the courts, I doubt anything will come of it.

He'll carry on doing what he does.

I kind of assumed that the sorts of things he used to do would have stopped by now, given the flack he's received. But who knows?

Is this new account about a recent event? Or something from the past just coming to light now?

It makes sense - you have big, famous male photographer Terry Richardson on one side, and you have a young unknown woman claiming abuse on the other. Who are people going to believe in? It'd be much like the Woody Allen case - people are going to believe him because he's a big famous person and she's gonna get flack because she's trying to get his money and has no shame. A young model might not know how to deal with that. It's just like Rie said, "[the models] are too afraid to say no because their agency booked them on the job and are too young to stand up for themselves".

The article says that this ocurred when she was 19, which makes it about 5 years ago.
i think its because these girls are usually new models who don't want to get attention for being the girl to press charges against a worldwide famous photographer. It sounds silly but it seems as though the only ones who come forward are models who are already established or have careers that never really kicked off.
I guess...

It seems to me it would be less intimidating to go to a lawyer or police officer, though, as opposed to telling stories like these to the press, where notoriety comes into it.

And here is a case, too, where there are photographs - if the girls are underaged, then that's illegal right there. I mean there is photographic proof. The problem is in the contract they've signed, sigh.

In fact a couple of the models who have come forward are not that well known, like in the most recent case.

Anyhow, I just think it's too bad that no one tries to go through the justice system and instead goes to the media, because so far that isn't making any difference whatsoever, or at least that's how it appears.
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Terry Richardson Dismisses Sexual Assault Allegations as a ‘Witch Hunt’

On Tuesday, just days after anonymously posting her story to a message board on Reddit, model Charlotte Waters publicly came forward to digital magazine Vocativ with a harrowing story about her previous experience working with photographer Terry Richardson. In a very explicit account, she outlines how Richardson sexually assaulted her during a shoot five years ago, causing her both physical and emotional distress. While Richardson couldn’t be reached for comment when Waters’s story was originally posted, he’s not taking the allegations lying down, and has penned a letter to defend himself.

According to Page Six, Richardson asserts that Waters’s claims are ”vicious and distorted” rumors, and “nothing more than an emotionally-charged witch hunt.” He continues:

“I collaborated with consenting adult women who were fully aware of the nature of the work, and as is typical with any project, everyone signed releases… I have never used an offer of work or a threat of rebuke to coerce someone into something that they did not want to do. I give everyone that I work with enough respect to view them as having ownership of their free will and making their decisions accordingly.”

But, the chips are stacked against Richardson, as this isn’t the first (or second, or third) time that a model has come forward with disturbing tales about their time with Uncle Terry on set. (Remember the “period tea” incident?) Now, even brands are standing up against him: H&M, who has hired Richardson to shoot ad campaigns in the past, assured its fans on Twitter that it was not taking these accusations lightly.

Equinox publicly dropped Richardson too. But others, including magazines like GQ and Harper’s Bazaar, continue to employ him. So, despite this particularly harsh accusation, it doesn’t look like Richardson is going anywhere, for now at least.

There's an interesting part in Steve-O's autobiography where him and the jackass guys were Terry's studio for some "photoshoot" Steve-o recalls Johnny Knoxville immediately wanting to stop participating in it because of a sexual act and the the use of a gun and Steve-o, even hough he participated in it, felt very uncomfortable for the model and for the situation overall. It was very telling.

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