Terry Richardson’s Work is Degrading to Women

Both Terry's and his assistant's (a woman no less) comments about women being responsible for their actions (kind of like those saying it is a woman's fault for getting raped) were disgusting. I know this interview was done for damage control (which is why instead of shooting himself for the cover, they had Cass Bird photograph him) but all it did was give us insight about where his many psychological issues come from.
The more I read about Terry, the more I dislike him.
Before, when I didn't know about his ways in the studio, I kind of liked his work, but the more people come forward to testify what he's done, the more I'm disgusted by him.
Not sure if we're allowed to reveal personal stories, but I do have a friend who was photographed by him and she did mention him trying to pursue her. I don't want to share her full story (it didn't involve anything as extreme as some accusations) but since she has mentioned this story a couple of years ago I just find him to be extremely creepy. The new story from that writer describes the exact personality of his assistant. I believe she is just as guilty as he is
Thanks for posting highlights, NPJ.

Charged is different from sued, I guess ... really there could be a class action at this point, he's pulled this sh!t so many times.

And I agree, TrevoFashionisto, I'm not sure exactly where his assistant falls on the scale of guilt, but she sounds pretty despicable. When the female producer of a shoot 'gets freaked out and has to leave' ... well that's bad, right? In his mind, she's not up for the party it seems, but in her mind, I'm sure she thought everyone else had lost theirs.
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WOW. Did you guys read the comments on the NY mag's website, and instagram ? Some of the comments are tough.

I haven't liked Terry Richardson's work for a long time, but should we judge somebody's work on his/her behavior/political thoughts ? Should we stop reading Celine or Heidegger, since one knows they were pretty anti-semitic ? Should I pray everything Mandela, I mean the guy went to jail ? Was Michael Jackson a less good singer/on-stage-performer since he was a pedophile ?

And what about being a model ? You, guys, know it works when you are a young model. Promoters apartments ? Does that ring a bell ?

But indeed that piece of article comes weird .............
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YES! So glad she responded. That whole article just had me going, "huh, what is the point of this?" Catchy headline to get computer clicks, but really doesn't address anything of substance.

They are out of their damn minds if they think his sob childhood story is going to make me sympathize with him. TONS of people have completely wacked out childhoods, but they don't grow up to be psychopathic predators.

Jamie Peck mentions speaking to him for over an hour, yet we got one measly quote. It seems to me NY Mag knew what kind of story they were going to write before it was even written. ...I wonder though, if they hired a woman to write it, would it have been so slanted in favor of Richardson? I think not.
TONS of people have completely wacked out childhoods, but they don't grow up to be psychopathic predators.

So true HeatherAnne.

Did you think the NY Mag article was slanted strongly in his favour? I think they might've tried to do that, but whether that was the case/their intention or not, I still came away from reading it with a decidedly negative view of him, regardless of his sad childhood or his "assistant" who says she had "fun" writing sl*t on her forehead and giving Terry blow jobs. :rolleyes: As the quotes I highlighted suggest, the guy is oblivious to his faults. When someone has a tough past but works through it, becoming more self-aware in the process, then I have a tendency to be forgiving - or at least understanding. But Richardson is in constant denial.

Good for Jamie Peck for responding and thanks Mulletproof for posting that! :flower:

BerlinRocks...should we judge somebody's work on his/her behavior/political thoughts ?

This is a unique question in Richardson's case, though, because his work - the work on which this thread is mainly centred - has been created through and by committing explicit harm to other human beings: i.e., it's the work itself that is exploitative, and in a physically harmful way. In his case, then, I'd say that, yes, we should judge it accordingly. It's not even within his personal life that he's allegedly assaulting or abusing young women; it's specifically under the auspices of working with them that he is. It's different, I guess, with Celine or Pound or Wagner, etc, since their personal anti-Semitic views, whether expressed in their work or in their personal lives, didn't lead to - or certainly wasn't created while - harming other humans. That is not to say it's okay - not at all. Let me be clear. It's just that it's slightly different. I hope you take my point. Separating art from artist is complicated, and probably something to look at in a case-by-case scenario. It's also very individual/subjective. Personally, I still like/listen to some of Michael Jackson's music but I abhorred the things I read/viewed about his private life.

With Richardson, for me anyhow, it's not complicated. I actually don't think any of his work is aesthetically good! - not the mainstream stuff he does with pop stars and major models, which I deem to be predictable, bland, sexist, and really quite boring, nor the underground work, which is, in my opinion, essentially p*rn*gr*phy, of the worst order.
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Glad that Jamie has responded in such a way- it is good to see that she won't back down from her experiences and talking about them even though I am sure she's received a bit of flack for it. It is really disappointing to read that Jamie spoke to the writer for over an hour and then he chose to only quote her once and only in regards to her images, when I am sure she had other valuable insights that he could have used instead. I read the article and found it to be in favor of Richardson, it seems like the magazine already had a certain lens they wanted to take with the story and chose to frame it that way regardless to the actual facts. Journalists are meant to dig up the truth but from this article it doesn't seem like any truths were dug up, it just reinforced a particular narrative about Richardson. The journalist and magazine ought to be ashamed of themselves, it was poor journalism and to me it feels like they are accepting of his behavior. Also, is anyone else a bit disappointed in Cass Bird for agreeing to photograph Richardson, I like her work and I'm annoyed she agreed to it.

I have to agree with NPJ about what she said regarding judging people on their behavior/political thoughts. It was very astutely put. Also, I hope you don't mind me pointing out BerlinRocks, but Mandela isn't really a fair person to have listed, it's important to keep in mind why he was in prison, since his arrest was used as a way to try and keep social-mores in SA in place. Though I do think you have fair points with the others mentioned, it is important to consider people's personal beliefs/actions in regards to their work. Like NPJ, I often think it is a case by case basis, but sometimes it is hard to figure out where certain people fit. But in Richardson's case, I don't think it's much of a question, his work and his behavior is perverse and appalling.
don't worry about me or my feelings, people. i was just raising general questions.

but I know that, for instance, in France Celine is regarding as an anti-semitic by certain person and that he doesn't deserve the title of (let's be sincere) one of the BEST french 20th century male writer.
Same for Mandela, some south-african people don't think he deserves all the media attention in regards of his "humanitarian" side that he has/had. some even hate him.

but.... well, For instance, I don't understand how DSK had that much troubles in NY (and let me tell you that DSK and his wife have way much power than Mr. Richardson), and Terry Richardson, even if people press charges against him, has no problem ....
I don't get it !
don't worry about me or my feelings, people. i was just raising general questions.

but I know that, for instance, in France Celine is regarding as an anti-semitic by certain person and that he doesn't deserve the title of (let's be sincere) one of the BEST french 20th century male writer.
Same for Mandela, some south-african people don't think he deserves all the media attention in regards of his "humanitarian" side that he has/had. some even hate him.

but.... well, For instance, I don't understand how DSK had that much troubles in NY (and let me tell you that DSK and his wife have way much power than Mr. Richardson), and Terry Richardson, even if people press charges against him, has no problem ....
I don't get it !

There are always naysayers, but my understanding is the vast majority of South Africans consider Mandela the father of their country--as of course he is. He was in prison for trying to overthrow the apartheid government. Sure, that is a little thing called treason if you're losing and get caught--but it's no more nor less than George Washington and all the founders of my country did. Not to mention the former South African regime made King George look like a choir boy. It's hard to think of a more justified revolution.

It's interesting that multiple models abused by Richardson had already been abused by others. To me that's the true sign of a predator ... the ability to recognize this. Makes me sick to think about it.

It's time for Terry to go.
I haven't liked Terry Richardson's work for a long time, but should we judge somebody's work on his/her behavior/political thoughts ? Should we stop reading Celine or Heidegger, since one knows they were pretty anti-semitic ? Should I pray everything Mandela, I mean the guy went to jail ? Was Michael Jackson a less good singer/on-stage-performer since he was a pedophile ?

You could also ask if people are allowed to still look back and enjoy Galliano's work.
Getting a civil lawsuit is not the same as being charged with a crime.
You could also ask if people are allowed to still look back and enjoy Galliano's work.

I am assuming the answer is yes, obviously?...

Anyhow, the Terry-situation is very different from Galliano's. Galliano has to my knowledge not actually taken advantage of Jews or abused them as a part of his art. In contrast, sex and photography are closely connected in Terrys work.

The only reason Terry gets away with it all, is because he calls it "art", and that somehow makes it acceptable for the powerful to prey on the weak. Galliano had no way of linking his comments to his art...
Galliano has to my knowledge not actually taken advantage of Jews or abused them as a part of his art.

Yes, I said something similar on the previous page eizhowa. Richardson actually abuses his power in the work place in order to physically assault others, allegedly. Galliano made abhorrent comments to someone at a cafe, but as far as I know, he didn't physically assault anyone at work and I think (?) it was an isolated incident.


In other news, apparently the Gaga/Richardson/R.Kelly video has been canceled. Accordingly to NYPost:

“Gaga had a video directed by an alleged sexual predator, starring another sexual predator. With the theme, ‘I’m going to do whatever I want with your body’? It was literally an ad for r*pe.” Reps for Gaga and Richardson didn’t comment. Kelly’s rep didn’t get back to us.

You can see a clip of said video here, and it's vomit-and-eye-roll-inducing. LOL!

I can´t believe how women like Gaga, Beyonce and Madonna (to name a few) who are all about "woman power" choose to work with him...
I can´t believe how women like Gaga, Beyonce and Madonna (to name a few) who are all about "woman power" choose to work with him...

I think it is part ignorance, but I also think Gaga, Beyonce and Madonna are hard working businesswomen who do not wish to cause controversy (at least not of this kind). So I think the "woman power" is hitting the nail on the head, like NPJ said;) Image is important...

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