The 100 Movie Challenge (2012)

041. Warriors (2011)
042. Red (2010)
043. The Big Year (2011)
044. The Vow (2012) - :heart: very sweet & I found Channing Tatum attractive for the first time
045. This Means War (2012) - surprisingly good
046. Chronicle (2012) - it was funny & just all around a totally badass movie:mowhawk:.
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047. Fast Five (2011) - complete waste of time:rolleyes:. It was beyond stupid & I sincerely hope there isn't gonna be another one:sick:
048. Joan Rivers: A Piece Of Work (2010) - documentary
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^There will be a Fast Six. lol. I think they're going to bring Michelle Rodriguez back...the scene after the credits seems to hint at that. But I actually didn't think Fast Five was that bad. The 3rd and 4th are way worse.

01. Letters to Juliet
02. Scary Movie 2
03. The Heartbreak Kid
04. Yes Man
05. Meet the Fockers
06. The Woman in Black
07. A Few Good Men
08. Meet the Parents
09. Mr. and Mrs. Smith
10. My Cousin Vinny
11. E.T.
12. Memoirs of a Geisha
13. Good Will Hunting
14. It's Complicated
15. The Big Lebowski
16. The Lion King
17. The Bodyguard (It's a classic! Love this movie.)
18. Hellboy 2
19. Pan's Labyrinth
20. Die Hard 3
21. Star Trek (JJ Abrams version)
22. Red
23. Avatar
24. Little Shop of was my first time seeing it and it was hilarious! I think it's a new a favorite.
25. Midnight was kind of depressing.
26. Their Eyes Were Watching God
27. X-Men: First Class
28. The Red Violin
29. Knowing
30. Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant...terrible movie.
31. Austraila
32. Hot Fuzz (God, I love this movie!)
33. The Last Mimzy...not at all what I was expecting.
34. Eraser
I'm in! This year I've seen:

1. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo | The best movie released in the last years in my opinion, I admit I wasn't a big fan of Rooney before, but she really nailed it, plus the soundtrack is great as well, Trent did a great job [even including Enya :rofl:]
2. Into the Wild | I had always heard tons about it, so I finally decided to see it. I certainly don't regret it, it's one of the best movies I've seen the last years, really worth-wacthing it.
3. Trainspotting | Same with above, I mean how could I not love Ewan :heart:
4. Scarface | Finally decided to watch it, it's a bit long, but I'd recommend it.
5. Un Cuento Chino | Beautiful Argentinian movie, Ricardo is great again!
6. Donnie Darko | Probably my favorite movie with Jake Gyllenhaal.
7. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows | Quite amusing!
8. Annie Hall | Loved it!
9. Control | It's a good one for Joy Division fans, I think it might not interest those who don't like the band, it's nice to know where all his dark, depressive inspiration to his lyrics come from.
10. A Clockwork Orange | Re-watched it since it had been a long time since I last saw it, I think it's not necessary to talk about it.
11. Vicky Cristina Barcelona
| Saw it twice this year, Penélope Cruz is amazing in it, probably my favorite 'light' movie of the year.

12. The Shawshank Redemption (as mentioned before)
13. Sleeper | Totally crazy but quite original and funny, it's interesting how people back in 1973 imagined the future...Not my favorite Woody Allen movie though.
14. The Virgin Suicides | Nice, but it didn't amaze me...I liked it a lot though, the movie is somehow very sunny and bright, despite its sad and melancholic story. I wish it could have gone deeper into the girls' life, but I guess that's how Sophia Coppola's movie works?
15. Manhattam | Honestly I didn't like it...I found it, dare I say, dull. I even fell asleep for a bit, it's not even the fact it's a black and white movie, but the story isn't captivating. I usually like Woody Allen's views on relationships, but this one didn't add anything interesting. It didn't surprise me to read Woody himself didn't like it.
16. Midnight in Paris | I think this is probably the last Woody Allen film I watch this year, after all this marathon :lol:, I really enjoyed this one though! I usually don't like Owen Wilson, everytime I look at his face, I think of someone naïve and silly, but he somehow fitted very well in his character (the opposite happened to Rachel McAdam, she is just icky in this), and the rest of the cast is impressive. His insight into the past is quite interesting, I'd recommend this one!
Guys, who watched the tree life, did you like it? I've begun to watch it and fall asleep after 20 mins.
I think one of the reasons I could enjoy The Tree of Life to its fullest is because I saw it on the movies, since it is very visual...The images are mind-blowing, but you have to be in the mood to watch it.

Now I have to see The Artist, I may sound completely silly, but the whole hype is making me a bit sick of it already..The same reason why I didn't watch The King's Speech, but this time I will try to act more maturely :lol:
9. THX 1138 (George Lucas, 1971)
10. Guilty of Romance (Shion Sono, 2011)
11. Tras el cristal, a.k.a In a Glass Cage (Agustí Villaronga, 1987)
12. The Secret Society of Fine Arts (Anders Rønnow Klarlund, 2011)

Oh, brother. Fell waaay behind last week. Fortunately I'll have more time now that I have a few days off work :clap: I'll be dedicating this week to discovering Tarkovsky's films; I'm ashamed to admit it, but I've never had the patience to watch his movies. It's the same with a lot of movies by Bergman, Herzog, Eisenstein, blahblahblah.


13. A Dangerous Method (David Cronenberg, 2011)
14. Freaks (Tod Browning, 1932)
15. 50/50 (Jonathan Levine, 2011)
16. La visita del vicio aka The Coming of Sin (José Ramón Larraz, 1978)
17. Divine Trash (Steve Yeager, 1998)

Recommends in bold :flower:
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Now that I´m done with the Oscar challenge, new one is Animation/Fantasy

40-Tangled (US 2010). I thought it was gonna be more like Shrek... that´s not the case.
41-Despicable Me (US 2010). Not bad, not that good. Meh...
30. Breakfast at Tiffany's(1961)
31. Vicky Cristina Barcelon(2008) loved Penélope and her yelling:lol:
32. Marnie(1964)
33. Hannah and her Sisters(1986)

34. The Enforcer(1951)
35. The Illusionist(2006)
36. The Notebook(2004)
37. My Week with Marylin (2011)
01. Letters to Juliet
02. Scary Movie 2
03. The Heartbreak Kid
04. Yes Man
05. Meet the Fockers
06. The Woman in Black
07. A Few Good Men
08. Meet the Parents
09. Mr. and Mrs. Smith
10. My Cousin Vinny
11. E.T.
12. Memoirs of a Geisha
13. Good Will Hunting
14. It's Complicated
15. The Big Lebowski
16. The Lion King
17. The Bodyguard (It's a classic! Love this movie.)
18. Hellboy 2
19. Pan's Labyrinth
20. Die Hard 3
21. Star Trek (JJ Abrams version)
22. Red
23. Avatar
24. Little Shop of was my first time seeing it and it was hilarious! I think it's a new a favorite.
25. Midnight was kind of depressing.
26. Their Eyes Were Watching God
27. X-Men: First Class
28. The Red Violin
29. Knowing
30. Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant...terrible movie.
31. Austraila
32. Hot Fuzz (God, I love this movie!)
33. The Last Mimzy...not at all what I was expecting.
34. Eraser

35. Immortal...:sick:
36. Brazil
37. Fame (new sucked)
001. A Dangerous Method (David Cronenberg)
002. Submarine (Richard Ayoade)
003. Rosemary's Baby (Roman Polanski)
004. Lolita (Adrian Lyne)
005. Stay (Marc Forster)
006. Take Shelter (Jeff Nichols)
007. J.Edgar (Clint Eastwood)
008. The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo (David Fincher)
009. Crazy, Stupid, Love (John Requa / Glenn Ficarra)
010. Brighton Rock (Rowan Joffe)
011. Another Happy Day (Sam Levinson)
012. The Iron Lady (Phyllida Lloyd)
013. Albert Nobbs (Rodrigo Garcia)
047. Fast Five (2011) - complete waste of time:rolleyes:. It was beyond stupid & I sincerely hope there isn't gonna be another one:sick:
048. Joan Rivers: A Piece Of Work (2010) - documentary
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049. 4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days (2007) - foreign/romanian
050. Bliss (2007) - foreign/turkish
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What did you think of Bliss, modelista? i saw it about a year ago, and remember liking it. :heart:
What did you think of Bliss, modelista? i saw it about a year ago, and remember liking it. :heart:
Ohhhh, I loved it:crush:.

I was kinda scared how it might end cuz I recently saw "The Stoning of Soraya" & the theme was relatively the same & wasn't interested in seeing a movie like that again, at least for a while:unsure:..

But this was beautiful:heart:. Loved the way it ended & I highly recommend it to everybody:D
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1: The Help (2011)
2: Shutter Island (2010)
3: Bill Cunningham New York (2010)
4: The Artist (2011)
5: Moneyball (2011)
6: We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011)
7: Crazy, Stupid, Love (2011)
8: The Men Who Stare at Goats (2009)
9: Precious: Based on the Novel by Sapphire (2009)
10: Super 8 (2011)
11: Midnight in Paris (2011)
12: Bad Teacher (2011)
13: Sleeping With the Enemy (1991) -
starring Julia Roberts and a couple creepy guys... the abusive husband who she fakes her death to escape from, and the new boyfriend who somehow is also creepy. The clothes from the 90s were pretty terrible. I only watched this because I was suffering from a little bout of insomnia last night.
14: Hud (1963) -
Paul Newman is super dreamy but this wasn't really my type of movie. It was good but I was a bit bored.
01. Letters to Juliet
02. Scary Movie 2
03. The Heartbreak Kid
04. Yes Man
05. Meet the Fockers
06. The Woman in Black
07. A Few Good Men
08. Meet the Parents
09. Mr. and Mrs. Smith
10. My Cousin Vinny

11. E.T.
12. Memoirs of a Geisha
13. Good Will Hunting
14. It's Complicated
15. The Big Lebowski
16. The Lion King
17. The Bodyguard
(It's a classic! Love this movie.)
18. Hellboy 2
19. Pan's Labyrinth
20. Die Hard 3
21. Star Trek (JJ Abrams version)
22. Red
23. Avatar
24. Little Shop of Horrors was my first time seeing it and it was hilarious! I think it's a new a favorite.
25. Midnight was kind of depressing.
26. Their Eyes Were Watching God
27. X-Men: First Class
28. The Red Violin

29. Knowing
30. Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant...terrible movie.
31. Austraila
32. Hot Fuzz (God, I love this movie!)
33. The Last Mimzy...not at all what I was expecting.
34. Eraser
35. Immortal (directed by Enki Bilal)...such a weird movie.
36. Brazil
37. Fame (new sucked)
38. Role Models
39. Jane Eyre
001. A Dangerous Method (David Cronenberg)
002. Submarine (Richard Ayoade)
003. Rosemary's Baby (Roman Polanski)
004. Lolita (Adrian Lyne)
005. Stay (Marc Forster)
006. Take Shelter (Jeff Nichols)
007. J.Edgar (Clint Eastwood)
008. The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo (David Fincher)
009. Crazy, Stupid, Love (John Requa / Glenn Ficarra)
010. Brighton Rock (Rowan Joffe)
011. Another Happy Day (Sam Levinson)
012. The Iron Lady (Phyllida Lloyd)
013. Albert Nobbs (Rodrigo Garcia)
014. Oslo, 31st August (Joaquim Trier)

Beautiful, haunting film. Wow.
1)The Help (2011)
2)Wuthering Heights (2011)
3)Bridesmaids (2011)
4)In Time (2011)
5)Sixteen Candles (1984)
6)Crazy Stupid Love (2011)
7)The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
8)Mona Lisa Smile (2003)
9)Chocolat (2000)
10)50/50 (2011)
11)Roman Holiday (1953)
12)The Clique (2009)
13)The Hangover Part II (2011)
I could do this if it doesn't have to be movies I haven't already seen, even though if this had started sooner, October was a good month for that.
So far
First time viewing-
The Black Cat (1934?)
Repeat viewings-
Swing Time
The Gay Divorcee

Finally saw enough to bother updating this-
4- Meet Me In Las Vegas (not one of my favorite musicals but it has an amusing scene w/ Cyd Charisse
5- Let's Make Love (1960?)
6-The Red Shoes (1948)
7- Pandora's Box ( I think there's more than one so I'll mention it's the one with Louise Brooks)
8- The Phantom Carriage (1921)- I only heard of this because of the Criterion for it but I'm glad I watched it
9- My Girl Friday
I can't get over the fact that some of you approaching 50 films already! Wow! I'm impressed. Bows to you all movie geeks.

I probably would have more films viewed except I'm distracted by: tumblr, several forums, lots of TV shows. And I like to watch films at night. So that limits me. Still, I'm up to 24 already. (Waiting until I reach 30 to update my list.)

I'm discovering that hulu is basically setting up my film viewing schedule for me. Even though I have a smallish film library and have stuff DLed on my laptop, I basically end up on hulu. (Largely due to their stinking time limits on certain films. They do extend them, but still.) At any rate, I've been viewing lots of Miramax and Criterion films over there.
I'm curious besides Hulu and Netflix how else do you guys watch movies? I don't have a very large collection of dvd's and I've found that Netflix has a really crummy selection of instant movies (from what I understand they are trying to focus on tv shows rather then movies) so I need to find other places where I can watch movies all the time. Thanks.^_^
^I download most of my movies using torrent then burn them and watch on TV. Quality is as good as any DVD.
For the rest I either go to the cinema (only visually striking movies) or watch them on HBO.

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