The 100 Movie Challenge (2012)

1. Bee Movie (2007)
2. Clash of the Titans (2010)
3. I'm Still Here (2010)
4. Frost/Nixon (2008)
5. Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (2008)
6. Mary and Max (2009)
7. 50 First Dates (2004)
8. Revolutionary Road (2008)

Revolutionary Road
A story that takes place in the 1950s about a married couple (Leonardo DiCaprio & Kate Winslet) that was once dreamers.
Now they are stuck in an unsatisfied life in the suburbs of Connecticut.

The movie keeps it's focus on Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet's characters, with few but well cast supporting characters
such as Kathy Bates and especially Michael Shannon.

It's a good movie, no doubt about that; I just feel it was missing something before it was a great movie. But I am unable to
put my finger on it. I am considering that it's because I'm not at the right point in my life to fully connect with the story and
the emotions of the characters.

I feel it's a movie that will be good to rewatch after a couple of months.

I do recommend you watch this movie, you should just know that it is a slow paced movie.
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Ooo I'm definitely in for this challenge. I'm going to make a list of like 50 or so films I wanna watch and then start from there.
GinandTonic thanks for the Take Shelter mention....i hadn't even heard about this film but it looks very interesting....i will make a point of trying to find it and watch it..:flower:
GinandTonic thanks for the Take Shelter mention....i hadn't even heard about this film but it looks very interesting....i will make a point of trying to find it and watch it..:flower:

Yeah, you should watch it. Don't expect a catastrophe film though, it's really about the main character and what's going on in his head, his apocalyptic visions. The rhythm of the film is very calm. but that's the strength of the movie.

Mistique, I thought that Revolutionary Road was perfect. But maybe that's because I can relate to their story somehow. But even apart from that, I thought the distress of the characters was really well shown, you can feel how much they suffer from this life, not being able to do anything but accept it. Dicaprio and Winslet make a great screen couple. Dicaprio literally (well, not literally) broke my heart. One of his best performance as an actor, IMO.

You should watch this deleted scene from the movie :
It gets me everytime.
^thanks for the link :)

1. Bee Movie (2007)
2. Clash of the Titans (2010)
3. I'm Still Here (2010)
4. Frost/Nixon (2008)
5. Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (2008)
6. Mary and Max (2009)
7. 50 First Dates (2004)
8. Revolutionary Road (2008)
9. And Now for Something Completly Different (1971)

^I love 50 First Dates, at the beginning of the film with the Seal (or was it a Walrus ?) always kills me, the first time i ever watched it i was laughing so badly i cried :lol:.
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^It's a walrus ;) It was the second time I've seen the movie and I still enjoyed it.
^I youtube'd it after i wrote the comment, still gets me everytime, the 'russian' assistant makes me roll the floor laughing everytime.
1. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (2011)
2. Lars and The Real Girl (2007)
3. The Lovely Bones (2009)
4. Melancholia (2011)
5. Rear Window (1954)
6. Man On Wire (2008)
7. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)
8. Brick (2005)
9. Enemy of The State (1998)
10. The Skin I Live In (2011)

11. The Help (2011)
12. Drive (2011)
13. Our Idiot Brother (2011)
14. The Artist (2011)
15. Contagion (2011)

Chanelcouture09 said:
I saw Drive the other day with Ryan Gosling, honestly one of the best films I've seen in a while, although it was terribly graphic i still thought he played the character absolutely wonderfully and he really deserved an Oscar Nomination for his role in Drive.

watched this one yesterday as well and found it incredibly cathartic; nothing like a graphic LA heist movie with minimal dialogue and a brooding swashbuckler to purge the rage away :lol: :ninja:

my only trouble with awards movies like these is that by the time i get to watch the film itself i find that it always comes short of the excessive hype it garnered, despite how great it actually is :unsure: even The Artist managed to come off short, and out of all the movies i watched i enjoyed Our Idiot Brother the most, possibly due to my low expectations :lol: perhaps i should just shut myself off the internet altogether by the time awards season comes along, to stop spoiling myself :wacko:
001. A Dangerous Method (David Cronenberg)
002. Submarine (Richard Ayoade)
003. Rosemary's Baby (Roman Polanski)
004. Lolita (Adrian Lyne)
005. Stay (Marc Forster)
006. Take Shelter (Jeff Nichols)
007. J.Edgar (Clint Eastwood)
008. The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo (David Fincher)
01.The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)
02.Girl, Interrupted (1999)
09. code unknown [an older michael haneke film. even when his movies completely disturb me, i can't stop watching them. even when I have the feeling i'm not understanding all of the nuance, or maybe because of that, i find his point of view fascinating..:heart:]

10. urbanized [the latest documentary by gary hustwit. i really enjoyed it! :heart:]
1. Avatar (2009)
2. Green Lantern (2011)
3. Abduction (2011)
4. Panic Room (2002)
5. Beastly (2011)
6. Winter's Bone(2010)
7. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
8. Super 8 (2011)
9. Gracie's Choice (TV 2004)
10. Bridesmaids (2011)
11. Mini's First Time (2006)
12. Charlie St. Cloud (2010)
13. Blindness (2008)
14. The Hangover(2009)
15. The Hangover Part II (2011)
16. Restless (2011)
17. Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
18. One Day (2011)
19. Ratatouille (2007)
20. Playing House (TV 2006)
21. I Do, They Don't (TV 2005)
22. Love and Other Drugs (2010)
23. The Resident (2010)
24. The Smurfs (2011)
10. urbanized [the latest documentary by gary hustwit. i really enjoyed it! :heart:]
I keep quoting you but we seem to have the same films of queue! :woot::lol:.. I tried to watch this the other day.. and was admittedly put off by having to rent it but I guess I'll end up supporting them.. is it censored or something? cause I found it on the "Dictator's Cut" section of the Ambulante film festival.. which is the section where everything that's censored or just inexplicably 'not distributed' goes. I found it weird cause I have this idea that it's mainly about infrastructure and not too political. But then infrastructure can be SO political. :innocent:
^Hmm..interesting...i'm really not sure to be honest. :ermm: I don't think it's beyond the realm of politics....actually in some ways it is quite a political film....but not in a shocking or controversial way, i don't think. I'm not sure what's going on with distribution - i know we tried to book it for a local film group and we're having trouble. i saw it at a theater where it was screening for one night only as part of a documentary festival. Actually Gary was live on skype with the audience after the screening, but sadly i had to get home.

anyway....I think it's worth paying for..:heart: it's lovely and well makes you think, but it doesn't push you in any direction or insist on its own agenda or can really enjoy it on a few different levels, i think, and i appreciated that....that it's not interested in shock and awe tactics....rather it allows you to digest all of the information and see where it sits within you. if you just want to watch it for the architecture and urban planning element, you can....if you want to think about it in terms of globalization and poverty, you can....and if you want it to be about politics and activism it can be... it's very flexible and careful storytelling, i think. :heart:
You make it sound as interesting as I imagined it to be.. I saw a clip of the documentary and it also reminded me of the Frontline features (which I haven't seen in so long!). I'll definitely watch it this weekend. :heart:
i'm jumping in!

this will be a great way to keep track of what i watch and will be a motivation to tackle movies on my netflix list rather than watching tv series (which i enjoy but i want to refocus on films)

I'll try to remember what I've seen so far this year...

1: The Help
2: Shutter Island
3: Bill Cunningham New York
4: The Artist
5: Moneyball
6: We Need to Talk About Kevin
7: Crazy, Stupid, Love

I've actually seen more than I originally thought!
Four of those I saw flying back and forth from Paris... which was lucky all around ^_^
^What was The Artist like ? i keep seeing it advertised on TV and it looks abit... overly hyped about and generally Sh!t... :lol:.

1. Shanghai Express
2. Contagion
3. Into the Wild
4. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
5. Judgment at Nuremberg
6. A Separation
7. Notorious
8. The Breakfast's Club
9. Pulp Fiction
10. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
11. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
12. The Artist
13. The Descendants
14. Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
15. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
17. The Legend of Zorro (2005)
18. Gladiator(2000)
19. War Horse(2011)

20. Black Swan(2010)
21. Paris When It Sizzles(1964)
22. Goodbye, Again(1961)
23. Amores Perros(2000)

I saw The Artist and I loved it. I loved everything about it! The music, the perfomances, the set, the editing, the directing, well, everything! But I'm an old hollywood fan and perhaps I loved it so much because I had the oportunity to see things that I can't see in nowadays movies in The Artist.

I think it would be a dull movie if you don't pay much attention to it or if you are looking for groundbreaking effects and shots. Also, for the more basic audience that are used to see big explotions, sound effects and great visuals it will most likely be boring.

001. A Dangerous Method (David Cronenberg)
002. Submarine (Richard Ayoade)
003. Rosemary's Baby (Roman Polanski)
004. Lolita (Adrian Lyne)
005. Stay (Marc Forster)
006. Take Shelter (Jeff Nichols)
007. J.Edgar (Clint Eastwood)
008. The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo (David Fincher)
009. Crazy, Stupid, Love (John Requa / Glenn Ficarra)

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